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Show GRAIN PITjIjj Early Trading in Wheats at Weak Prices, GENERAL SELLING CAU There Wa a Oood Demand , December nnd May L,, . Session and a Slight luii70' -Corn Opened Weak but lu Good Buying There Wat " Tone-Oats Was In SyBp,th,t Other Gralna-Strong n, ' Provlslono. whea'tTa.0;, n,,Tr' "? '., principal to quite gen"Bl "!,c" duced b) the more f?vo?lb:""" eondlUius The advantoTc', In Ihe session cause! a rail, Improved demin I rrom th. v ,M was also a strengthening factor""!' wan u good demand from loi,i. , T December and May and Vh. . ,0" Hon closed about un, hangln' fe' oiame I e lo c lower i rwj.Ptn" to ii.,ijse and rained "SSL Tin c'loe'e.";!,.''.;?" r""'l'T itn'ie, iTfn ,t to general selliuR J r" JI ;u. weather hut liter on Jnil k,m locals, there was , I0VTL bjJ' Ing however, cans I , rn ,",' J' her iloscd Sc lower lV.X"" Onts opened easv i ,;";;, other grains OfferiR n'niL sorbed however, and Hie can. k" more thjn regains I ,, emblr ri' shade lower at I. c r clw In spite of the lower lrlee. I. the provision market wi, iJ! " heavy demand from brel er, , ,11 slon houses Smn ler n I ,ts m kT stronger prices nt the )ar1. ',"" strengthening features Jin,?.','11 closer? 20o higher Inrd 1 a. SPy ' and ribs, 10c higher 3Mit hfl HANOI! OK THK LrVDINO FlTlTl Articles Oicn lllch. Ijiw r Wheat No 3 J"n-box C October fiKl, cvu , Deeemlier ri'J -nt .oj "K no - S! October . . rji, 61S a December . 491' K M0t. No z- " " UiJ October . . . IS 32S 111 Dec (new) . . 1.1, 3r, ri! .Mil) 131, u jj' Mess pork, per Inrrel October M 97S 17 Co !p,n Jinunry V 70 111.. iiV, luy II U hit) mi , Lard per loo lie. October . 10 2, 112H11-V 1 linunry s"o 9 m pi . Mn) 2.'S I2S lt,i I Short rll s, per Krt Ihs January .. S -IS 3 IS t Oclober . . 11 CASH CJt OTVTIOSg Cash quotations were ns rollout ft slend) No 2 spring wheat Tlf S71i(c, No 2 red iJ.Sfli.9V No It C0i,c .So 2 )ellow, IlV No 2 cut. No 3 while, 3JSc No 3 rye 41V to choice malting I arle) 5"$Rc flaxseed 11 2i No 1 N.irlhur.t.ra, I Jless pork per barnl I16801. i' ribs si lea (loose) ill ym 1140, tlrr ahouldera (boxedl l2r35o ihorl sides (boxed) Ill50fliirs Vhiskrt of high wines, 1132. Clover, cm' grode, 310 00 RFCinPTS AND BHirVEVTl Articles Recpti. 8) Hour birrels 2n) Wheat bushels 15S7T Corn, bushels 1V4 r Oals. bushels 21" oe 1 lire bushels TSni Uarle), bushels 105.71D PRODl'CK KXCIIANOE. On Hie produce exchange today the t ter market was firm creameries Ki dalrbs 1520c 1 ggs steady, 5-j. Cheese steady, lCS'ilUHc |