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Show 1 ' ' . -' '"r - c ' WESTERN BEES INA SOUTHERN HIVE BY A rARNSWOIlTII DREW. ipg iLiwi.BMBangmw- ... ..iMranrrqaaaigKaBnaaaan.'Cft cum TFrt it ' Rea' a whole da Misa Astor must I think we nnu fron riirido ns s o kers Irslend of ttimr still and 'ohm nothing but look out i f the win tow lor three das If i, o ild get o and liett lookerl dlscoi solttelv 1 1 the riln wc-hlmt down the big nngnoila l-atoa just outalrto of her winrtcw Lets unpack our tiurks nmwaj soil rionnlo Irving to he rlccful for An I I tan see all the pietty rings Kly h 1 slipped in with M's Astoi a m-sspiiger and ift i n uili I caging had been left bchln I tin Afraid theie aren t nn prrttj things dm ling ' Wa theie are Interposed Ditty some luilj things In Bonnie a trunk 1111 wult Katy watched anxious!) as tho warm winter dresses and the simple coata an I hala were hung ti riie were decided-Iy decided-Iy net Interesting to bah) a ees rjc.cn llctt a acntlet coat an 1 hat coul 1 not attract Her, hut away down In the but-torn but-torn of Bonnie a tiimk wuo treasutes dazllng and mjsteiious Katj threw uwuj the doll she wiih hugging hat Is dej Mure dl 1 jou get em Docs ou ear em she evclalined In excitement No lHty, 1 Just loe them rtonnle hid longed to bung her whole mlnernl colle tlou of whl h she wis jutl) I iiiti I rruden.i .o ild not quite oier conio this ilesli io she In 1 selected! hr favorites ird It was these thit ha I excli9d Katy a ulmliatlon and curloslt) lut Is e she Insisted Ilettj II t jou deal Thia ind Betty pl.ked up i geode rough and un-a un-a emly on Ihe utaldr but with Its hoi low autfnee pearly line! this came from fahylonl and waa a fuliya bedroom bed-room ' Tan t ere a fah) Hut you .nn t see them Fcety night while you ait mleop the dollies and all the Dowers go to fair) land an I then sometimes ih.v tell Mettv about it Ucttc tmdeist ,nda fairy talk lleall) trul or make bclicces" ItialK irulc mike-helees Ihla definition seemed hard of comprehension com-prehension hut Kat) pnssed on What s dls I II bet a ooky mt can t guess r eiT'nelU I" a. whisper It Is fairy gold Wf must whisper for If th.c tint out we know they coino and ink It bedAonfV"s,,;,s"L,", ''-" la bailie?''. ,h?W..tll9 "!n, p"lrld ' la llglitel with these Bonnie has a fair) furua e too Show her riotinle I Bonnie cnteiel Into the game an I I arranging ,f, , 0 ,,,,,. nK0 ' " stead) at.. , f fire and siippoi t0 augh ni tl in ones im, r i ', I hor ' I Io mt dit , li, him li d i i , ,ioll an I h II It ii, t "'" ' UK dc.111, 1 I , , ',',;' ,','" - " '" -ho. i , , l t Igui , ,y t""' 'I klitfulU N , "II " ' I I IM (,s II. '"T 1 hn Nip .' t' """aawrmarras n in J-u jiLanuarJ Betty Viultcd 0cr 'he Esll npppned (o lenr her nw t) for -t nap i n I to bring it 1 ttei lo the girls It was a leitci full of dlMii pnlntnicnt from tlelr ftthpr telling of business .ompll-itl .ompll-itl iih tl u wuull ptobnhl) detain him r einl wteka In New Virk The 11a hid tountel mm h nn thdr Hiturdiy irlps ti Dihlonec,! and It aeemc 1 il-most il-most too hard to bear The afternoon drigged heatlly and Hetty pronounced resting the most tlristme occuputlon In the world Not mini) da) a later she aided an emphntlc amendment ti this ussertlon. It was cxiept lessons Jelthet Monnle a cenlngl nl learning nor Hetty a ahlllt) In faiiy stories was of an) Import heie in, thev were placed In classes with little girls nf nn average nge of 10 It j wis ceiy trvlng to Iheli active minds to be hell down to the class pace tor had lhe hepn gltcn the opportunity the) coul I soon liae cuusht up with the oIiIpi girl- In their tnusl they we p hopple s Neither one Ind tho slightest Idc i of the haimony of soun I They Walked Up tho 1'ith Together l&lnexo tlielre They go through Iheli whole lesoi, netting lh. sharp.",, n'iLTptg But the lis weie nut without .ier t '"irtSn '.",!.' aT m. p"nI-Ilonnle p"nI-Ilonnle la a".:?'" y':" M " le-sm!". 'andu'euyTe'l. love'lV" r"!"1 .he. !... lrl-,BrtS.Tg.i5l,,J1.ll '. .r?n,:LrxeprSn,t?o'm,(hPn7i5';.; l.nes Hnllle a big sister i ur? J ' ' WT1 '"--", those rough girl. kWp awa froi" Bailie turns 1 her bock and .. .,. f"' r t ol Aslor stood ' ,'" , ''r I in mil," I nn, t? pi0,,!'1'011' wn-leryHaturdav wn-leryHaturdav intakeK c h"'d ram, "iid io he i .hu 'it '!! nrtmoth.r lhUa,nc1,hIle,,;putrf-nr -' 'he ,n!,oV,the-ri,'SSc?",,,n0Tffi ropl?arfnV ,""-' Mv dear u uih . ,,,', " "' "lr ..nVVn S,a' W-M. Ka' yTidl " 'W;erlH'r,!!sH m ' ,! r!" ' i orr I , " ' rel hul i j New lork propose I taking- them home with hlm to irpend Suuda) Dpi ent on It he Slid 'although these little girls may not nt well Into the sihool mill, they arc made of good material They will neter make ladles Jiiss Astnr said despilrlngly The) will mike women and I shoul 1 not 1 e surprised If they turned out ladles as well At in) rntc wo will take thim home ind see what the wife little mother bird has to aa) about It cmrTi-rt iil It wis bird to tell which was most dellghtel-Kr.ty Ilonnle or Dett) but the) were thiee Jojous little girls that Col stor took home with him Jehosaphat Itn t It goo 1 to be out agiln ' stll Honnle na the) rode through the wools, nnd lant It beiu-tlfiil' beiu-tlfiil' ' Not eien Color ido could have pro-luced pro-luced siener) inoipwlll hut MUlle dlf feient fiom the dear cutting ilr nf the West was this soft ntmos here, glorified now b the rich iiitumn colors lea good 'possum weither, ' hinted Jo the driver Well Jo I think )ou ma) tike the dogs out tonight and rerhaps we em treat our guests to possum tomorrow I don t reckon the) eer tasted any Itlght there continued the Colonel turning to rtonnle and pointing to a long emhinkment are Intrenchmcnts thrown up b) a posse of Shermans men The) give ua a had time of It here These old mountains rang with rifle musk nnd the shouts of the N'orth nnl the south DH ou ever hear the tebel jell' Thev had not so the Colonel sent out n fleue jolel that biotmht back from the mountains nn answering cr I're.ently they met i tyi leil nil lleoigla rncker cl id In n Annuel shirt nnl tomespjn troiifeis that were tuckel Into tall boots lie was riding n donkey eiarcelv blgrer thin himself Ilnwd) Thoinpsm Bill the Colonel Colo-nel gnilill) did vru heir ni) little Yankee r.'rls giving Ihe rebel ell" Into the sleep) e)es under the slouch hit came i gleam of humor n as ' he driwled and It wis my donk.) here us answered 'em ' Dat vvas a make believe?' Inquired Knt) as the) nil laughed Then nothing noth-ing )oul I do hut Hett) must learn the I tebel )ell so thit their appmuli wis j well heralded and they found Mrs Aslor As-lor on the porch awaiting them Well mother bird eihl the Colonel as he nllghlel 'I have brought jou two wood llelgellngs that were heating tneir wings against the cage It a I nnnlp nn 1 Ilettv mimer bird ' Katj tumbled Into her grin lmother a inns nnd glvliig hei gran lfither nn further opportunlt) for Introduction added ' Deya the nicest dlrls ind tan do henps nf lings 'M dears 'sill the gentle oil lad) I am dellghtel tn see ou It Is so kin I of )ou to tome and help h ity lo brighten us up ' pem snl 1 nonnle I mein' Mill Mrs VstorsmllPl un ierstnndlngl) Take them Into the 1, ill Knt) nml we will have n cur of tea at once for ihe rile ls right chilly these fall da)s ' rtett) and ICal) w e soon curie 1 up on theiriini mnhngnnj sofu Will )ou four the lei Miss r)on. nle' Mrs stor was msylng herself with thin slices of bre 1 1 nnl Hitler es m I m n little nfral I of breiklng things I lo som. times She handled tenlerl) the dilnt) cups Now I leniember I used to break things ni)self liughing Koftl) ut the recollection Ihev used tn call me butter but-ter flngerB I eciiiM things slipped through them The mother hh 1 as her famll) rillel her was whllehairel but her heart wis full nf )outh s Ihey gilhered before the open tire her leady sympathy toon won their innfldence nnl hefnre long ihe lis hid loll her ill nbout themsehes even uninnsrlousl) ni their Inn lines, ant dislike nf school he In turn told them rhirmlnc tales nf her )ounpei dn)s until the nil hall set-ved peopled again with enchanting women nnl gallant men I ong ago hefoie the war the Colon.) hid owned n vast cotton rlnnlntlon In I ihe southern rirl or Ihe state, nnd at this mountain home the luge stor ramll) now scattered nnd lediued hid I gathered in the summer HU b) lilt i Ihe Southern lm 1 hn 1 been sold n meet ex eiu.es nnl now the only In me wis fiom the tlmler heie Ho liar w vs It fiom rnllroid an 1 market I that i lirgo part or lh, profits wns eaten up In the linnsnonntlon Miss Asior b school furnlshel imny n rnm fori th,t wniilt nth nvlse hive bceii missed DoniHe sail Hett) na they climbed Into the greit rancplod I. 1 it nR,i I., jou suppose ir nne hould stop sajlng tnmni) ml an I het nnd other things and did not climb fences or ride One might, but ,,,. erow lo he like Ml ,' .",? '" "f I against nny ,. ?5 '& H turned over an'J J, ' , Jo dll ou get th V ' Ihe Colon-! at n . hlmsuh""' butn""a,, 01, maS we' thev CV 'X i 'hen Mopped'gUnl'-; Vtlie'm'otVTnHl' jMd'tha-SF like goits Hover ih.s, lBl1 raced and tor. ...?? ty St, E. "pect of the rock." ot,,Mr: dent In Honnle and she V,'"'1 dug to carry bit, tack' fe add to her collection i J 'aaW orn by a stream thatVV'M cade to a pool bel?w p'l, '.", '! tieasuro trove nnd E. ' carefully some long piS ' thit had formed about ? SM roots at the base VufiW o,nc flit gteen crj slali 5fMjTM and Interesting Wh-n ,k. the horn which was i",tt, signal for the hour nf d,MT from the house rtonnle, m TB-vqrtedlntoasa.k,v?S,hei': TB-vqrtedlntoasa.k,v?S,hei': w p5. f - Bonnie Hammered and DuA tho Hocks It waa hard to leave the-e friends and go birk to the r thellc school liaid to leave t1' beautiful freedom of the mora the s)slemille restraint at Oat t but the) could look fornard -. Sundn) bo happily thry baiel tor good b)e , The negroes were quite aimu cemed ns an) one else n the ; x. guests gathered at Ihe tale Mai) who had nursed haiyi li Id to be sine that she mi wrapped enus the cook In 1 lunch and Jo added a basketof HiH so long ns they wereil'b the) mill at the gatewavlnclb ind their apron- , t To be cor i |