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Show HORN TAKES THE STAND; Describes His Movements Day of the Murder. STATEMENTS TO LA FORS Accused Says He Made Them to tho Officer Simply ns Binf-s, to Sec If Ho Could Not Outlle Him He Will Bo Cross-Exnmlned Today Otto PlcRer Swears That He Sw Hoin Twcnty.Flve Miles Fiom Scene of Murder Within One Hour of Its Occurrence. rilKVKNNn Oct IK -Two seni tlons were sprung In the Horn trial ses lerdas Otln PleRer swore that he raw Horn twents-flve miles from the scene "f the murder wllhln in hour of lhe time that It occurred nnd the Recused went on the stnnd In his own behalf The morning was taken up by the testlmons of evpeits on wounds nnd projectiles, nnd Dr U tlivls of Den vei, who swore that it the time Horn made the damaging statements tint he was unable to talk for the reason tint he had a bioken Jan and coull not ulter a woid In the afternoon samples of the ground In the vlcinitv of the scene of the- muider werp Introduced to show that It would be !niisslhte for a man to run ans dlstanti In his hate feet It was also proven that the gale- at which the murder occurred cnuld not be seen fiom the draw In which th" assassin was sin posed to hive hid len Then Otto 1-leger a close friend of Horn s testine-el that on the morning of the muiilet he met Horn near the ritsninrrla rnnch twents-llve miles from the gate- where VA lllle Nlckell was killed ulxiul ii n hour after thu murder oc cuned Horn went on the stand nnd dc rrlbed his movements on the das of the minder min-der mid nfteiwaid said that his statements state-ments to Joe I.i 1'ors weie simply brHgs In nn attempt to outlle li Pots Hoins croes-cxamlnatlnu will betjn tomorrow. |