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Show STATE CATTLE INSPECTION. jfti H Case of Stato of Colorado vs. E. II. lij'Jil 1 Deld to Do Heard hy II. S. Su. i'lji'T ! prcmo Court Tomorrow. lalirj aWaal (Bundis's Hnlly) SlKlIf A rase of Inlcreat nnd Importance lo rfilj :V 1 neirly all Wraleru stoikmen la to In llnl'ilv awaal henrd nt Wnshliigton tomorrow hy tho SjSjSt HB ITolled ftntea hunrcme court Tho P.lsiilif BaHaal Klnte of I'oleirado la plaintiff and II. Ijr' 1 11. Held nt Dr nver, defendant. Tho HW b . question Involved Is the right nf n I'M 1 i rttato to requlii, Htnckinen tn submit jtlf i their stnrk lo Kioto Inspection nnd piy tiki 1 HH fees In r!iite Inspecteira when Hhipplurf .jj i frnm ono Hlnto to unnlher, ami nfler MM. I a clean bill of health has been granted (tlljH HH by l'.ili'inl aliick llisnertors it la ,1111 i HH claimed tint under oxlatlnr enndlllnna M ;l HH sin, linen are Hoiiiillinea required to 1 Tl ' IH HH pis seven! stm.. r. ea on each held nt 't i HH sloe k shipped although n clean health. ' n l HH bill Iwui.l by a 1'e.le i ul Inspceteii in J H loinpiulca t'n ciiagiiineiil i , i Held la being bin Iced In his light by I H Ihe Nation il I.ive-Htnck aaaoclatlon, . 1 H and In tho nisi whhli comes up to- H v H inntrow William M Hprluger a Wash- , i"'; 1 H liigtnn nttoriiis nnd Junes M llcik, j A j H Assistant Atlnrni'y-lleiieial of the I (Jf H I nlliel rltntc arc of eountcl Offleeia j '' j H of the association mo confident that 1 lj ItellH appeal will be siislulned, mid 1 , rfj N aaaasl Unit the deelalnii will lesult In the nhnl. 1 W ' HH Ishmetit nf hi He stock Inspection liu- j il , HH iciiua so rar us they concern Intersil, to ' '!.l 'd HI stock shipments The suit was llrst 'i, & HH In otiHlit 111 Hie Ainpahno counts enurta, i, if J iU H was litti uinieiileel to the Unlieil State 1 Am WMM Circuit remit of the cllstrlet of Colo. H HB i ado and waa appealed from there to I 'Ul BH the I'nlled Htnton Huprcmo couit J 'i i HH 'Hi. i suit iiltiacted much attention I lit. I'll HH when It was originally liiatltuted and j , 'l -a HH has been watched Willi Interest by ) ljjU;n HH stockmen Hell's arrest was practical. s nVylt'ji HH ly foiid nn tlie Ice nl niileers, na they j Hja V B deslreel to in nl. 1 u test ease lie tva. HBHt'l 11 HH iiriested by Hubert II Jones, then j IM HH Hlierlff of Arapahoe count), In June, ''?. HH 1M1 for shli pin,,' Into the Htntn SS2 iivSii' HH lie.ee or c.i II lei n mil I.ubboelc nnd l.'nch- rit II J HH tan eountleR, Texas without having 'lljli HH held Hm ulnck below thet quaruntluo HI j HH line cicated by the Male Vctnlnary ,'iy, ' Haiiitars bMiid of Colorado und with i:!!ll HH out having seeured n leillficatc or bill : iJ.li, 91 of lienlth from mi ukent or ofllier of ' .IK) tSA that bojid It, 1 Tho ireueial contention la that IV 1- ,, 'I HH einl authorlts Is supieine nnd that tho i 1 1 HH luteiatate lominercu piovlalons of tho ' . . H Ciiiistmill.nl mako liiterfennin by lo. i ut Hi ceil authoilllcs tinlenublr The, rlicht .( II HH of Slates to legtsl ite In aanilmy mil l'f , HH tera In inniiecllon with Intcistato tint- J lift ' HH lie, Is iieknowleilged only when there J-iJis HH has been no 1 ecleral leslslatlon cover aM c, HH Ins: that imlut jjlJl 1 HH |