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Show INTER-MOUNTAIN . MARKET REPORT. Offl.ee Cleav eland rommlson Co 15 West Hefond Houlh Ht Halt 1 ake Clti. Grain continues to move slnwlv nnl prices advame graduuil The demand de-mand for nil cerenla N good while fnnnera nie reluctant to let loose their holding l'arlj ndvlies seem to have ben unreliable and imps overestimated overesti-mated Wheat l,a advancad until the present pres-ent market price for the beat inllllnsj wheit la 77 cents pel bushel evlllng rendlls nt Ihat with the demand not satls'led. and Ihe price will prolubly reach S cents by N'nvemlier 1st Oits are not coming In aufilclent qinntttlea to supply the demanl. and the reult Is a stiffening of prices and a sharp advance ma be looted for soon Darlev la praetienllv nut of the market mar-ket Whit little nrrlvea ln this market nils roadll) at il vr per cwt ( Greelev potatoes ore offered for J5 to 60 cents per cwt., which renders It Impossible to move, exceit a small amount In local terrltorj Ihe I'tnh product at anv price Haj has advanced r-otnewhat In price Owing lo short nona In some locall ties the prospects nro that a mirket will he found outside our State which will move the a.iriliiB at present and poaslblj better prlcen Airilfa seed la scarce here and in nd Joining RlKlea while the lemand fn, it Is gool Rome was bought earlv at as low as 6i, cents per iound but Ihe prevailing price todij Is R cents and as high as .'(, cenla Ins been offeied for choice lota Hogs are niov Ing freelj nt $R 25 "Will, filr cropa nnd good price the farmers are feeling Jubilant nnd are liylng nuny n Utile nest egg against a rainy da The griln-.lealers. also exiept those who were sold abort have no reaaon to compliln They should certainly nnke a little money on a rising ris-ing market There la some talk of Diatom nnd Oregon ftoui coming Into our market, nwliijj lo the high price of wheat here but our mlllei a yne no muse for nlarm Their mills arc running full time and nil complain of being unable to till theli orders The Utah hutimwlfc In not going to dltcontlnue using her favor I to brand of Utih Hour for some foreign brand, tho meilts of which are unknown, even should the famll grocer gro-cer urge her to do so. h doing this possibly for the reason that he could nuke a nlikel more p 1 cwt on It Taking It nil In all the I'tah farmem and dcnleis In farm pioduie should be well satisfied iind contented cm;avi:laxd commission to |