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Show 11EC0RD OAT YIELD. Enormous Crop Raised Upon Twenty-live Twenty-live Actes. Colfax M. ash , Oct IS C H Prrlber, cashier of the Second National bank of CoHax, reports the largest )leld of oats of the eearon nnd one of the largest larg-est eter l sported in the Pilpttse coun-tr) coun-tr) The crop was grown on land owned h) N. I, Strange nnd i: J Do-neen Do-neen of Oikesdnle between Oikesdale and Farmington ht T. IL L'llls. Tho hind was mensured and the oats welshed There were Just twcnt)-llto uctes of land In the flel I nnd the crop uteraged 127i4 bushels per acre This Is without doubt, the record yield for the season ind It Is doubtful If It hia ever been surpassed In this country. |