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Show BOSTON BANKERS ATTACHED. Flist National Bank, Great Tails, Montana, Brings the Suit. Boston Oct IS An attachment ngilnst William A Paine nnd Charlea II Paine cnpnitneis In the banking unl biokcuige business of Pilnc Wo-ber Wo-ber i Co . to the utnount of J100 000 has been filed at the olllce of the register of deed" In this city 111 behalf of the I'iist Nullonal bank of Great Palls, Mont, In an 'ucllon of contiact ' .,,,., Tho attachment was placed W A p.ilno states as the outcome of trans-actions trans-actions which they nncu hud with H II Matleson, who formerly was cuah-Icr cuah-Icr of the First National bank In (Ireat Falls, und who last year was Indicted by the grand Jury theic on charges of embezzlement pf the b ink's funds to the amount of J165 000 Io these charges Mr Matteron pleaded gullp and ho Is now serving sentence passed upon him ut that time In his tianauctlon with Paine Weber d Co, Mi, Paine suys, Matte-non Matte-non led them to believe that he wan acting solely In behalf of some of the luiiks clients. After the confeswon of Mr. Matteson the bank deteinilned to bring suit for the recovery of funds which Us cashier had used ...... An attachment In the sum of Ji.000 against Frederick It "Unbolts of Man-ihester, Man-ihester, Mass, In an 'action of contiact." con-tiact." was filed in Salem Ml Tib. betts Is a broker In Boston |