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Show Odd Caiiflles. , IVVord deHnltlons unl otherwise slated arr according ti VV . i sf rs Inter rational ni.tlonarv lin tls O.'t '" .or Phillips s III l r, ir ill lions will he w l im 1 i m hi n . for this .leimrim. nt n I, .idn.s.d to 1. H C. h idb ui n 1 . w Is! M 1J..I -PlL 1 1 HI D 1 Ol Kt i fW f " Mint thr. volume l n.rer fsm us uuth. rs d.. v ii ew 1 I 'I nt I -" MCll'l I VTION I think I IV f was ONi: hi wild slorl.i Of Inula TWO In lropl.nl s.us i vVhere imtlire dlsplsss suv ige glories I Vnd people do lusl as thoe p, n.P Of coast where no THII I" over . .asle.1 I ,,"herr V n c BIN never bor. I " h"p bniels and bills are not posted TWO RI)Kr8 with serpents g ilore ( Bo Kpl'tl to the.se lalnnds I Ivslan ' lie tind.il and quite lost hi head On meeting a heatlllfill v Is in ni . Pk few fcnfllsh she aid lie stammered some notes on the wea 8he listened with smile hrliht a lacquer Then changing the theme altogtther falel Gimme a chaw o tcrbarker ' M C 8 im-Pl INDROMU i,-i!" ih dfwn ,,f hlslors and nobodv knovv hove long Iwfor. men hive ex isieei who have commuted the mom hni rlble nirncities Keen now when we think of the worll n humi ilr-d w? can recill evenis of recent jrtari that Ind us lo exclaim that 'I'll if'T'tl 'IT L'l" T J O She a a doir llltle OM1, full of frolic anl fun, ' Anl good 1 must h lest she PHIMAI me An. I .lo vvhat Is not jiwt right lor A 1.1. Is her forte, and Tier Inno, cut spori . Illls the heart of her friends wllh dr light Her voice Is heard like the TWO of n blid An t her small feet go feehle nnd flow I.Ike lier grandslreV falleilng trend I watch her the while, though I date not Lest vnln thoughts fill her head PSLr ."'J' n'".M' ' ""' """ "r"d That her gift ma) prove a sun re Hut we II do our best to train her-the rest 1 . Well leave tn our nthfTS e'sre ... l: ' ? tW-BQITARli 1 A square frame to which Is laced an oxhld. used ns a hoist, id In iron leal African cnunlrle j An Intrrl ir pinoriimlc view ef a temple or hull II ig is seen from within 3 King of Mn.edon died I o a Colnrl.ee Mn com inunds fonil ns normal ronsiliuenls of lelirolntorv iui , a section of bird hiving i slernum without n keel and iiborlr.l wings 6 The quantlc formed by operatlifg nns number of time In sue cession upon a given Biianllc whose Pi. clents nre x, ), z etc 7 I ngllsh Ju Ue. "' ... AM MIAN Til 1HI NAUIIAM iT.iiV. MI: ov (.'Mr " ou lhln't thnt it Will turn out fur )our l tie lit On problems I )our skill ilef) l.i en though sour bel sou tn On tho coviplkti: I seano do meet tomiietllor I fill t.i.Tieiit Iliit brag uslde let us ublde i Dt1'l"!""S,!r".0,lr ,w" tried. Lmplrc slrall n from blai free, n t '"il '""'hemailelau or high degree Ihe time then name mid to the saino I will agree ind tr) the gime . , , Aspino. i:k.-titli:s OP HOOKS 72!? ,"V"S ?f. ho.ok" """ Indlcaled hs fhirncterlatl- Initials the author bs Initial In pnrenthesla i ' I met An Old-rime Ilrllll int Tulkcr (O ?v H,i)Vim"r,,K''1 ',1 " "'"'tlful Harli t H j riling thioii(,li sum. of our north w.'"t Horiltr Hcglona (It C) 1 tru ,e,I alone thlrplnif (Her the ll.nthei (CD), or llnildls cimnii- indistinctly (J H A) He told rue he hid onio m lde u Tearful Mesiilll ince (( M It) and had in Aw full) T Irjliiir lime (C rt ) lie had looked conlldentl) for il (Sriltiii Kn.low-inent Kn.low-inent (( D) from a rich old liulv hut hud never iccelvrd It hud then but , ,V .,ric.'i",i "i"'1 l"."1 ') "'Sr m some Iminc-not Iminc-not Inl Mourning ( T ). mid had fallen nto oil! wavs Hut one ils v lillo lour. Ing With r.tiirlsts (J I' ) In the West mil I njujlnir True (,'ountrv .Vmusenieiit (1 i; i aiong tnc mouutuln strcums better thoiiUits had ionic tn him and he had cried out o hi, spirit t pivard Ki.rw.rrt, Hcrf (It 'I W ) thiow hit Ihvso evil feU ifrrhl,rmi,,,i."v,"n''.1 take the. Paradise I'uthwi) (J in and spend my .lass In Innocent Holy Bervlco ii.' M B)" ' ' DOI.OrilCA. M33-ClfARAIi: 'Bwect maid v.Hl )ou become my own OM. sir" she cried ' )ou st irtle me Ihe fates decree In their el irk book of TWO' How I hole the hard word, fate-riiut fate-riiut what sou wish can nevci be.1' "Vnd where Is that dread oricle so black. That seems to Haunt on ebon wing Ilctweeu uur Uvea'' O, pray at onco go back. Question again and tell mo then Whether Jo)-hella or knells shall ring" A Wlioii: bho plucked a dun lellon. crowned With downs plume In magic schooled Ouei twiie three times, sho blew, anl all around I lew bravo plumes Her cheeks grew That hard decree wn overruled ' AHCVNL'S 1331 -THASHI OPTION. Over the wuvns we Rli le. 11.11 h In us 11 guide. Whatotci 111 liellle, Nn shall ecr dlvlle These so nua und Irlod W o are '' ' I ' u C Trlzo Book Hunt. Ihe reader sen ling In the best list of books anl author answering No ua2 will receive one of the linoks named Tho solution are to 1 forwarded within one week .and li cu of doubt tho winner will ti d tid.d b) any feature adding meilt to one of the nouns! complete lists ANSWERS. H17 nsay on a fisherman 131s Lqulnoctlal slorm IJI'J-I Adveisll) allllctlnn An llpothv niitiigonlam 1 111 fated III-atarrxl III-atarrxl .1 Please fnscln He o acil-lam acil-lam a mislead) 11S1 -Hannah Anna Ann 1W1 -Retinue, miller 1122-1 Osge 2 Wnrien ! I ee I Osle J Jnsier Miles 7 Si.tnn. son R (Irani 9 Hooker 10. OH II Wheeler l1 Porter 1JM-1 Haw haw 2 A)e a)e J fur-fur fur-fur IIBI-A perquisite 13J6 Telegraphers tournament |