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Show THE SEPTEMBER EXPORTS It is encouraging to note that the ex-ports ex-ports of the country are picking up The) fell off greatl) last )ear beginning begin-ning nbout this time of the Pall and kept decieaslng month b) month till the close of the )eir Ihe cause was the falluteof the corn ciop and the Ion price of cotton Put that cause has now exhausted Itself un 1 the rcvero I rocees has begun the exports have heRiin to expand nn I nccordlng to 1 liellmlnnr) ieort Issued b) the Trens in) department the exports for the month of September this )ear me the heaviest In the hMor) of the countr). with one exception those of September 1W0 ard the) crowd very cloe upon those the figures for this )enrs 'Sep teniber showing exports to the value of U5S:i9SI while for September PK)) they amounte I to JllSioi -j; 1 he effect of the new mm crop Is not )Ct apparent ln th exports hut cotton shows up strong During the past "ep temher the) amounte I to 3t"0O0O00 lounls valued nt JIOOOOOOO compared with S0O0OO00O pounds valued at JIH -OflflOOO In September of last )enr Ilrea 1 stuffs also release! parti) because of the certalnt) of the greit corn crop in reserve showed n dcel led tipwnrl ten dene) the total value of exporta tinier this hei 1 for September 1102 having been 15. 000 000 igalnat lilt JlSOOOOfO In June nnl J1 00)000 In September of last jear The following statement shows the September exporta In eich evt for fifteen fif-teen ears past Beptemlier Kxnoris l JsifcaiMl iw M m OSJ ino ass is7 ltsl t v,t ox inns a: 90s i lis! -s ten - lM ji ir:n urn . m ui net ism s m WW is! mUK.tiii ISM 10 mv sr IMS) ll VM " inoo lis oi -2a !ll If, en 121, KM! HSr.Jl'.M |