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Show , - , :: I Mark Twain's hM I Cotssin, r I q. C. Clemen, or Topeka, f'jiH I l tikcnforthc """W I l Xj nriRinilMark, C.C.Clemen.. ( IIbJB i 1 man of elcrp intellect nnd I ' fjB H wide experience. He U con- ''till Sill I siclercil one of the foremost jlfH I hvvcrs in thu country. Innro jjj H cent letter to the Dr. Miles ) ft 1 1 H MccltcnlCo.,.Mr. Clemens sayss ('Iff I Perionftl experience and obter- ' fli'iw .H vationliavethotoiiclilysatlefiedmeUiat l!L'2 LB Pr Mllev Nervine r nlalnt tnie merit, 'itla 1 snl I- excellent lor what It Is recom- '1 ISim sB mended " i'7 Mr NotmanWallrlp. Sup Trei. Hank- .1 W BJ era' 1 latcmal bocletr. Lhtcaco, ia)tt . HJ Mi5,:,. Pain Pills , I are lnvaluatle (or hradache and all j5 BJ lain 1 ha.llren acreat pulferer from . M heidnche until I learned ol Ihe efficacy IM M ol l)r Milei Pain I illi. Nowl always IJM BJ carry them and prevent recurrloe at- HI H lirkily tikiiifn plllvvhcn the tynip- h H HJ toml firt appear." 15 BJ Sold by all Drusslals. i , il H Pries, SSo. par IUi, i M BJ Dr. Miles Medleal Co, Elkhart, Ind. f ClH HI I JK Vnar eyesight Is precious BJ M&t PVB .vnciniiT k'n ca" ot ' mV BBl UllsMUlllI P"perly fltt.d liiVl',, BBJ pSCllRAMAI, 0. D. m''P, H IK Fxpert rtefractlonlst and B ivi BBJ nai Manufacturing Optician. H ,1, MjmB H aw 2i Atlaa Block. Bait HJ jiV HBJ |