Show SPIENDIO EQUIPMENT The department of domestic science and arts of the Agrlculturil college finds the new looms that have been allotted al-lotted to Its use well filled with the large number of student already at work In the various classes The room now used for lecture room In household sclenie la pleasant and commodious far better suited to the needs of th classes than the room for-merl for-merl used while the museum and lab-orntoiy lab-orntoiy Just adjoining add much to the Interest of the work The domestic art department I very proud of a suite of three large sunny airy moms that are admirably a tat te 1 to the need of the sewing classes That th rooms and furnishings as well aa the Instruction given la nppre elated by the pupil It clearly demonstrate demon-strate I by the fact that classes In till department are larger than ever before In the history of the Institution nnd young women are arriving every day anxious to acquire the knowlelge anl skill that are so essentially n 1 art of a iouiiK woman s elucatlou |