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Show Barnes Services Held Sunday !At Smithfield i SMITHFIELD Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Scond ward tabernacle for William Wil-liam James Barnes, under the direction di-rection of Bishop Willard Hansen with the ward choir under the direction di-rection of F. L. Allen and Miss Ilia Richardson at the organ, furnishing fur-nishing the singing. Opening song, "Oh My Father"; prayer, Jos. W. Peterson; singing, "What Voice Salutes the Startled Ear", with Mrs. R. H. Richardson as soloist. Those who spoke of the sterling qualities of the deceased were Albert Al-bert McCann, Dr. R. V. Larsen, J. W. Kirkbride, John H. Peterson, and Bishop Hansen. Special musical numbers were: Vocal solo, "Lay My Head Beneath Be-neath a Rose" by Mrs. Eugenia Lundquist and vocal solo, "Dear Old Daddy" by Lamont Pilking-ton; Pilking-ton; closing prayer, Noble Chambers. Cham-bers. William James Barnes was born at Shord, Summerset, England, May 4, 1878 a son of Henry J. and Emily Baker Barnes. Surviving Surviv-ing are bis widow, Mrs. Gertrude Emily Barnes, the following children, child-ren, Mrs. Ivy Beatrice McBride and William Barnes Jr., of Smith-field Smith-field and Reginald A. Barnes of Wellsville; one grandchild and one sister, Mrs. Beatrice L. Read of 1 Smithfield. |