Show watch topped bee paras watches rebuilt by paik A large ons bument of infants wear ear apparel just a rived at heffernan Heff eruan tho the aon son cu s parks tl a e jeweler is back at the old stand prepared to do all 11 kinds of watal r repairing ep airing etc call callup up phone phoneta tor for anyta ing in the drug line and we will bund you M vl I 1 at you want LEAVER UG co cc fifty years the fhe standard s L na P awarded highest honor honors worlds fair Us boya ChIN those re nines ere are cold and hot sod soda IK io will warm you up LEAVES dace drug co cc children underwear hose etc to of the th bet best quality at heffernan Thomp hompson aou A co for a bad taste in the mouth take chain a stomach and liver tablets lab lets corsale for sale by M D rowlett parl the jeweler jumped oa on a ten ton penny nail the little daughter of mr J N powell jumped on an inverted rake made of ten penny nails and thrust one nail entirely through her toot foot and a second one halt way through chamberlain a e pain balm was wa promptly applied and five minutes later the pain had disappeared and no more suffering fenne suf was experienced in three days the child was wearing her shoo as usual and with absolutely no dis comfort mr powell is a well known merchant of forkland va pain balm is an antiseptic and heals such injuries without maturation and in one third the time requited by the usual treatment for sale by M D hewlett howlett I 1 I 1 I 1 the creat hair tonic stops hair hait from falling out and removes dandruff lorsh lor leonly 1 only by G R ROCK SPRINGS I 1 COAL COA L i BOTH LUMP AND NUT 3 FO R SALE BY mm f i 3 burrows M my COAL BINS BIN 8 are re located oc ate d 0 on a lower main vain street rigl gi t I 1 in n the 1 ly bu business js district and this enables able me to make mike prompt p delivery arv try at all times I 1 A concert and dance will be given t the new L S church next tuesday eve ning the concert will be under the dl di of prof owen oa en row rowe the ad mission to the dance will be one dollar per couple while ticket tickets to the th concert will be bold sold at 35 and 25 cents see those fine shirts for tall fall wear it t heffernan thompson o 0 A co cc Ys i etor store I 1 ae 7 V vacation C tio I 1 I 1 days ya altere vacation ame is here an and it the le child children are r e fairly wing ing out ot of doore doors ather Ther Lr could be place for them J you ou need only 0 o guard against t the he accede accidents ants inci dental to most open air sporty no remedy equals dewilt a 8 witch hazel salve for or quickly stopping pain painter or removing danger of serious consequences for cuts scalea scales and worn da ds loused dewitt u h wit I 1 hazel salve for bores cute cuts end and bruises brumes isabel gays L B ionson stift satt it is the I 1 lest est reme remely ly on the m market ket suf a shuo tor p lea a 1 id A u kin di sasa basei e warb wart of co count erfe ts U G III b the cintio druggist M 0 1 h 4 almaa 1 keep it franzl I 1 othar suffered a long time fro 4 distress iress 1 ng pain pains and an general ill health primarily prina pr manly rily to indigestion I 1 ays says L W spalding bp aldine alding verona mo 40 M two wo years ago I 1 rot got her to try kodol sl SI e grew better at once and BOW mow at the ago of seventy six eats anything she wants re marking that she fears po 0 bad effects as she has her bottle of jadol handy don t waste tune tittle doctoring symptoms go after the cadee it I 1 st stomach omah ie a roand your health will be good kodol and body by d digesti I 1 gesti g your food it IB iacia tures ture s tome tonie E G hanson Hanso nth 01 antie druggist jf f I 1 carls the joviale je belei r I 1 f acts amm immediately abely ids are comet sometimes r e MP ampre 1 t troublesome r 0 esome m I 1 bummer miner than i la daiter winter tite t 1 0 so hard bard to veep form to them he in whilo while cooling of after exercise minute coughs cough oure cure curea cures at once absolutely ly safe as facts 0 ati to immediately medial sure sure cure for con cough colds ids croup throat and lung troubles trouble E 11 hanson 0 the tintic gintic druggist t 6 nod n 0 tames dority and nd mias miss platt both of mammoth obtained permit to wd wed count clerk andrew last week A mother goose market will be giren given by the ladien of the holy cross guild of the episcopal ep church at odd follows hall on december IN EFFECT bunh 2 1899 going arrives from bait balt lake STATIONS salt lake p nf a m silver city 11 30 2 42 mammoth 1100 11 00 3 00 11 1 lo 10 11 on mercur 3 00 4 50 lehi junca 9 05 6 00 salt lake 7 55 8 35 leave 6 40 K gintic trains ran through to salt bake and connects at lehi junction for N zephi split and points south tr traine ans leave salt lake for ogden daily at 7 and 9 45 a m and at 5 20 and 6 40 10 p two fast trains to the east daily 1 lea leaving gnp salt lake at 7 00 a m and ia pm pail rail and steamship tickets coall point poin tein in the world at lowest rates rate tickets sent by tole telegraph 9 raph without ex el pense I 1 or further particulars apply to too D E BUBLEY BURLEY J D STACK general agent agent SALT LAKE EUREKA WANTED WANTED in y mabel M harper for fur particulars ena ireat ire at union dairy co go WANTED persons to room and hoard board at the union dairy by P M harper aa ti 4 tk 1 I I 1 01 kimii V NO 61 I 1 irli va EUREKA UTAH I 1 VIP el FOR FOP SALE A bed room suite a side board a ai d two rockers these ar artif clee cles are almost new call at the me mete odist church f to tho public i allow me to say a few words in ra ei so of aham I 1 erlain a cough ke re nedy fl I 1 I 1 ad a ply severe cough and cold ao an feared would got t pneumonia neu monia but aate al tak ng dg the second d doar doso of this i I 1 felt better three ree bottles of it c caroi ire n y col cold d and the pains it in my ray chest d ap appeared peare d entirely I 1 an moat most respects fi ly y yours u for I 1 balth i ralph S T meyers 6 tb thirty arty seventh treet street wheeling heeling W V va a F for or sale by M I 1 D hewlett howlett the eureka reka tin and Plum bilig shop Is prepared ed tu to do all kinds of in and PIT boik ork also St stove oveRE airing all done without delay a Y i r X ht Pol the fhe system 1 13 I t through abl knowels that tl e body is cleaned of impi im x constipation keeps these po bodi in the system adus lug trig d u it pas 0 melancholia tit first then U unsightly eg aly erupt bupt rupt ODB coo and finally cerious elness unless remedy ie Is applied dewitt e s little earle sers sera prevents pre vente this trouble by oy stimulating stimulatingly lating I 1 e promotes easy healas aati action of the bow bowel aji these those little pilli pilla do noi not al act violently bif t y ii g the bowels enable thein tem to pei form their own rork vork N ne neye or gr 1 p 3 or distress E G hanson abi a gintic druggist COAL ALL KINDS KIND rock cpr n qa da mond a avi td castle gate lump and nut good clean coal ful weight o ADAMS SONS CO undertaker JAMES TAXES undertaker anu and Em embalmer balor lover lowar main street streety eureka phone 45 15 Z F 1 A N WALLACE undertaker Under taka and Em bahner A full line of undertakers supplies UPPER MAI 1 S ST eurea phone 35 w CUT YOUR va COAL BILLS I 1 IN HALF V 1 and make your homes corni comi fi fordable for table by buying the latest I 1 1 i tm proved 4 0 A rag h STEWART i 01 M bot ot blast HIM toot r I 1 ajl q T H DAY AND NIGHT a che flierl A of CW I 1 AND I 1 isow FW WIN NAND MAY I 1 1 I 1 01 kinf QUALITY 3 AND bl I 1 BUT several year years ir ire required lequir ed to jiva giva the then n their cht rieter the merit of J age ago is but one of the good taing about our wines aal an whiskeys keys the others yon you 11 learn by one trial S J SCHNEITER proprietor 1 boue ouse gaft A 1 CHARLE CHARLIE KEDD KIDD proprietor the best of Table IS Service ervi m polite attendants EUR EUREKA EKA UTAH W will 11 make affidavit new NOW lease L of life for an aln leva postmaster IH randall duah duelp ik uyi says I 1 suffered from indirection n M lulling suiting SITUS til for year years finlly finally I 1 tried kodol I 1 noon know I 1 bud had found what I 1 kad leonjr looked for I 1 km better dodty thin in yi years kodol ma m ft 6 nw lease of life lif anyone on can my sf cuttit to the tb truth of this statement kodol digests your food 1 th system to supplies strengthen ing in ovary and restoring reitor log kodol makoe you strong 1 C thell 1 34 ad i E G the mr BANKERS t transacts a V general clr draw Exclia exchange ngo on all cities of europe MAIN ST EUREKA j asi w water curo toi 07 chronic constipation take two cupa of hot water wader balf an hour bedfor each meal and juat just before going to bed also drink ot water list or coll col 1 about two hours after each meal take tal lots of outdoor exer elge walk ride drive mke make a habit ot of thu this and in many cases chronic constipation inky be cured withe ut the use on any mid med cine when a P putative puga tive is 38 required take something mild and gentle like chamberlain chamberlains stomach and liver tab lets for saje by M D hewlett howlett LOCATION NOTICES when you re quire I 1 nation tation notices call at the report er off offee ce aid ard mali mak tour sour want 1 we carry a complete completo line ot of tl ti ese hiring oldest snifter sn ilTER imn 11 ot of all the shiners that struck old tin ibn tic tie rown town the i only aly one to be 10 fauna is I 1 SAM LOCKE of the oxford resort beitt ne t to poet office t |