Show W HUMOR ROTOR OP OF THE DAY JOKES AND JESTS BY THE LI CENSED why he tl TI ought the M nite would win laurels 2 as a pug I 1 st anere the chicken carre from A flee fice ha id in wr t ng W V th a free hand nihat TV hat are you hammering out on your ter now nowa asked the sal sat aried contributor I 1 am writing an account of a it erce combat between an english sparrow and a rattle rake implied spacer which v I 1 am going to male mal e the spar sparrow roi whip the arake and not only w wi ip lp him but kill h in don t ou think it v be more exal lag ing that way waya 9 then you ou t really see the fight certainly rot I 1 don t suppose any body ever saw s ich a fight that 9 why I 1 in writing the story there are 0 facts to hampel me sure farrer hey where dj hat chicken come froma toby jol from an egg mister from an egg bugl t to be sat sf ed I 1 never have any doubt about henry s affection for me the young bride aid to her father on the occa sion of th first visit after her mar but I 1 ome sometimes times wish he were a little more demonstrative does he ever make any objection asked the old gentleman to your keeping this sore eyed poodle in the house all the timea no what other demonstration do you vanta A youthful financier here are five br quarters said the old man to his young grandson one tor for each of your birthdays what more could a it 11 tie tle shaver like you only that I 1 was as old as you grandpa then I 1 should have a good many more replied the young finan cier ahe OW shit alto had suffered harry she has jilted me and I 1 know I 1 hall die the disappoint ment will kill me aunt hannah I 1 know how disappointments affect one harry but you 11 get over it I 1 felt just as you do now noa when I 1 set that hen on thirteen eggs and only got just one poor chick out of the lot H t s proposal they had been discussing palmistry and she sought to test him can you tell me the story of my life from that 9 he asked as aha she gave him her hand I 1 can he replied it if iou oil will permit me to make it a continued story power of imagination young husband I 1 in just about dead putting down this carpet wife the carpet is not heavy young husband no but I 1 I 1 ave to work in such such a cramped position wife nonsense just imagine your are on your bicycle praet cal papa practical father has that young man that wants to marry you any money moneys romantic miss money he ile gave me a cluster diamond ring studded with pearls practical father yes I 1 know but has he ani money lefta pug lists business ss he our new minister would maka make a splendid pugilist she why he ile he put eight men to sleep last sunday peaceful sleep our minister is a really charitable man he always huts his eyes to the shortcomings ahoi of his par shio ners and I 1 notice many of the brn era even thin things thins s up by shutting their eves to the kocg comings of his ser mono I 1 |