Show V DOG WITH DIAMOND TOOTH taken for treatment to a ary hop tal A dog with a di arrond set in on ona ol 01 its front teeth was in li recently it u was as I 1 ere for medica treatment and durin its s ty in it tle dog ward 0 a veterinary hospital up town it astonished everybody wl h it cley cleverness erness A french poodle it hid chic tha the nurses said was tria paris all it had also Irna merable tricks would for instance say to it shet your diamond tooth and it would cari back its up lip in such a manner that the diamond N glitter the do dog belongs to a wealthy wo man of trenton N J she had tho lh brilliant set in its tooth two heart ear ago what gave her the idea ot of this says the philadelphia record wa edly the ss se rational story painted long ago of the blaze of dia monds that illumines the mortn ol 01 ape pi ll d |