Show curse said to rest on pos possessor elsor of Di diamond annond the large d amend amond n all h ch eh mr kr i ger too toa with him gnei i he left south africa has a very curious history it originally belonged to Mech hesh a thief from whom it was es ex ported by T chaka the zulu kli mi g T balsa a brother killed him and eu su ie le it the brother came to griet grief and anci the gem passed into the possession ol 01 a zulu chief w 0 soon afterwards was assassinated the natives say that no less than sixteen of the sue costive possessors of the diamond either were killed or driven out of the country the diamond was then seen by white men who set out to get it A party of whites attacked the natives who had tedi stone and a fierce fight ensued in which lives mostly na tire tive were ere lost memela gemela a native chief took the gem and concealed it in a wound which he be had received in battle at af ter forwards wards hemela was caught by the boers and set to work as a slave kru ger hearing hig his story released him hina and in gratitude jemela memela gave the stone to his liberator some years passed passe dand and then kruger shared the fate wh ch eh had overtaken all th the toini I 1 poses posies ors of the diamond who hid had not been ul d he be was driven from power and forced to I lave aver his native country where the fatal diamond Is now is not certain though it Is known that the ex president of the Trane Tra LL Ls parted v ith it some say th thit it it is in the coffers of the N alican at I 1 some that it was sold to the emperor of austria and Is among the biow I 1 jewels wels at vienna alt it is sa d to be carats barats in sat jit la is net perfect its history is one which aich would not recommend it as a disman lisman to anyone of a superstition supers titio ii rn of mind it Is almost as grun cruft ame me a possession as that hidemi lit fa indian I 1 ol 01 the destruction of 0 which mme ame carnot ordered in her aill this tilis idol was given to prest ant t C carcot by a friend who laughing ly ty told him a legend attached to it which was to the effect that its posses sion eton would attain supreme power and then die by the knife rhe idol ha hal I 1 belonged to the rajahs rajahn of 6 0 whom five certainly perhaps moro more at led by the knife of tha the assassin |