Show loath ath of blanchard BIan ehard j MI cathri no 9 B anchart wife of C li 14 blanchard BIan ehard well known in mining circles died at salt lake city wednesday dayer pr cerebral hemorrhage after aa an ilium 4 of a few weeks duration bhe she lea no children and is survived by her and by her n other mrs caff ilie B houghton mr nir and mrs 71 bla ierard rd formerly I 1 ved in silver r city ut an and d went wend to salt lake four yea s ah ag ago they have many friends through on out le e state and ani in th ehst gintic tintic strict rill deeply grieved grieve to hear of W k I 1 rs bla aarde death mikeral ty averi held today at 2 0 clock P in at fattey residence east street 0 |