Show LOCAL BRIEFS 1 L jon i returned 11 i a week f ona om mackay idaho theodore lan Lu iberg alberg aid J in 1 n coati keating ng left thursday Tha raday for park city th the opening ball of the season the eike elks bh ball next fuday evening a A mas luerady bill v 11 ba be g ven van at odd fellows I 1 all next monday n gi 4 t edam edwin amroe expects to leave tie early part ot of the week for park ity mrs 13 will remain in eureka I 1 ha he lad es of 0 the will give a dance danle at he be odd fellows follows hall on ti 11 a evening of ti anks giving day Nove noveme inter er airs mrs mike left last friday tor for park city tu to jo n her husband who is in cl arge of th the a work at the new now vork york lame mine at that place the ladies of lintie tintie lodge no B P 0 E will entertain the elks at their ball on tuesday evening a A fine pr hai has been boon prepared fer for the occa sion and the th reception trill will doubtless doubt leis tie be hartely attended by the members of no lait last monday afternoon newton at trusted a heie hose to several of the fir fire plugs in different parts of the city for the th purpose of testing the pressure of the new now system there wag was sufficient pres pros ure care to throw a tream stream of water about fifty or nty sixty tet feet some of the boys who make th their ir home at th the centennial bureda mine inin enter tamed at lunch last monday night in the party were ere miss bertie henr od mus miss sadi sadie adaris mra miss winnie bonney M so blacket mn mis rowe and miss qua gus aie hickmaa hickman kenyon ve e tres tress barnard loomis adams and roe organizer harrington will install the new lodge of foresters For estera of america next wednesday night with about fifty member members the new lodge will be known as court no 6 meetings ga will be held hold at the hall wd wed desda evening evenings mr harrington states tl ti at he will also put in a branch of this order at mammoth mr and mra mrs R S robertson berteon Ko were in town the other day from their hiorth tin tic tie property mr robertson berteon fio stated that the report of hie his daughter a marriage in the salt lake papers wai was misleading the young lady wa was married at kee kes wisconsin a short time ago to mr anderson Au derson and the papers stated that the couple hai had eloped to be joined in wed lock look this was a mistake as mr and mrs Robrt on had been informed pre arious to the marriage tony west and nd john i ilar lor returned 1 wednesday ednes day from a dunlin tup they failed to run acer se any b g game down mobile which was a presented at t odd fellow follow a hall last inday I 1 biday t was greeted by a crowded house the ladle ladies aid society w 11 give a seven day carnival thursday dec des lith full particular particulars will be given later mr mrs charles walker and mrs M rs win W moyle both of ely neveda were the guests beeta of friends this week I 1 am oh to the oxford to g t a pate i leather shine 10 lo to preserve pre erve my shoe shoos from I 1 sara locke tb the a 0 ly P aneer shiner inthe town J W merrill wae was out from bait salt lake last saturday and sunday mr merrill is now traveling for a salt lake drug company halloween en passed off qu quietly betly in lul briaka oka this year the file yon you g people were out in large number nui ubera but very I 1 atle dan are aye we wao done by thua 1 bointy areas boat n returned to nephi yes iday after I 1 laving abing spent eer eral oral days ia in the di aalt for the purpose of collection in taxes mr and mrs S E 11 na ot of S iver 1 yer city took possession of the hotel oa oja the let lot instant john J pope the tor for mer mar proprietor will devoto his time to mining next rv R v helmick of the M E church will commence a series of sern a one on the great sinners 0 of the bible ever everybody y abdy invited mrs hector frazer and nd miss grace milla mills went to nephi lait last friday after noon mill miss mills attended the teachers institute which wai was held at that place saturday A B adler of fait balt lake addressed addre red a good sized audience at odd fellow hall 1111 monday afternoon on the principles of t socialism Social nin the same evening air mr adler poke spoke at hassell Ha esell a hall mammoth mra mrs pat shea was in salt lak lake wei sl SI a e returned the same day bringing with her ner der youngest on son eddie who has been at the holy gross cross hospital ho pital for the past three weeks taking a course of treatment for hie his eyes ahe members ot of eureka miners union will give a dance at the new now L D S church wednesday night november 12 the music tor for the occasion will be furnished bythe by the darton a s orchestra of provo the relief society will serve supper at the church the ance gian at the kail ball tuesday night by the ladies bryan club was exceptionally well patronized A large number of peaple people were deroue ot of stay inguito up to learn if possible the tb result of the election and naturally they attended the dance darton a e orchestra furnished the music ray jamee james stoddard of provo held services er vices at the episcopal church lait last sunday mr stoddard paid the lepor ter a pleasant call monday before hr his do d for hr his home in the garden city he stated that judge prentiss Prea of provo would occupy the pulpit at the episcopal church sunday NOT nov 16 rev stoddard will hold services again on the of 0 november A main of ogden is 13 in erieka aad ga with a bankrupt tock stock ot goole the regular of the c anty commiss boners will be held at nepi i moi day november ath |