Show maccabee farewell social over eighty S r knights of 0 cintio tent no 13 0 T M assembled at wood mons men e hall list last Satur saturday dav night to pay their respects to edwin bimrose ex record keeper of tent who goes to park city next week mr bimrose has ser ved the lent faithfully as scribe for over three years and ig is held in high esteem by all the sir knights daring the evening the following pro gram WM was rendered address robt adamson solo james eustice speech orris jarman comic bong A W D myers song edwin bimrose address add rest dave mills song john ivey 1 recitation wells welle robertson bertion Ro song W I 1 auzine speech joe phillips song john ivey speech henry matsch trie trio eustice ivy ivey and robertson Ro berteon farewell address edwin B america lodge at the close of 0 the program the corn com cittee on entertainment served a fine luncheon |