Show rim re ii PERUNA PE RU NA CURES CATARRH 0 F arta L V E R V timea id q 4 V r C X r 1 ab 0 4 anjoul q 0 V A e SEANS CURED I 1 pe ru na nat lonal sensation in the cure t jmj 6 of ailments of the 31 3 1 major T II 11 mars of the vie first wiscon biscon bin sin cavalry regiment from 1495 dunning street chicago III the fol lowing letter for years I 1 suffered with wi th ca catarrh of th kidneys contracted cd in fis army Afe dichio d d not lie help ap me any until a comrade who had ben helped by pe runa advised lii ift to jr try y it I 1 I 1 bought V saw at once and soon fi und blessed relief I 1 apt k pt taking it four borths and find am now well and aril ard feel better tian I 1 have dons done for the past twenty years thanks ta to densia T H A fears ars mr vance of hartford city in says my kidney trouble is much better I 1 I 1 ave improved so much that everybody wants to kno v what medi cine I 1 am using I 1 recommend peruna to everybody and some have commenced comme need to nse tile it ahe folks all say that if dr hartman artman II a medicine cures me it must be great jot joi n vance mr J brate bra te 0 of perilea Per olea ontario canada writes four years ago I 1 had a severe attack of bright s disease which brought me so ion joi the doctor said nothing more could be dane for me nie I 1 began to take and Alan magaun alln end nd in three conlis I 1 was a well man and nave have continued so ever since J brake at the appearance of the first symptom of kidney trouble I 1 eruna sl be taken i 1 his re nedy strikes at once the r very root of S r all thi thu dismue it aton at once ce re I 1 eaf eves s ta tte e ca tarreal k d of t 0 stagnant b pr arl yen v e n ting tin thee capelot 4 serum from the t h e blood alruna stimulates the I 1 to excrete fron fro n the blood the aiumu lating po son and tit tl i prevents the coninis ons wh ch are sure to fol ow if the po sons are a lo 10 ed to rema n it gives great vi cigol oi to the heart u b action and d cestive system both of which aie ai e apt to fail rapidly in thu disease dise ise I 1 eruna cures catarrh of 0 the k simply because it buies cui es catarrh where ever located if you vou do not riot der ve I 1 and sat is factory results hoin tl e ue tide of pe nna ri na wr te at once to dr hartman giving a full statement of your case and I 1 e will be pleased to give vou you it a valuable advice gratis address dr hartman president of the hartman san an tanum columbus 0 I 1 tain P 0 in wont trouble ti drible yo a 1 only keep loop dot bottle of i MEXICAN MUSTANG aua i ANG LINIMENT i 0 o 11 IN THE THC HOUSE 1 I 1 I 1 or SIXTY YEARS it has proved the besa LINIMENT for MAN or BEAST evonow favorite confections t MOLASSES DAINTIES CARNATION chocolates 3 aak A afi r our dealer for them i salt locc candy co sole makers A 0 A PAY ifa 0 U rb E dm if tou von suf r f rom any SSAN SS AN of lle be wea or 4 d 3 c sea ca es red by arnor mck mc K vv v v 1 exas or ir on yo ara the very person we wa t to to ve ta la e proved r DIL G 0 W SHORES ek I 1 c a I 1 ch on a d pub ahng eh ng thousands of ro gitary tes ln nl a 3 cf home peo 0 e g r an n p 0 es a d udd dd e O see B W we O 0 can t nu pub b bh b h our cures in p va e d seasel cause t won d be ray 0 n 11 denee bence he we bare a r rove our ski I 1 in to th a c ass of t es a way ih 11 a ie Is our plan ilan we eure you fl 0 et at and then ask a reason abe ab e fee foe when youn you a cured tou you can do V c rend nd nr nann nn conr word any k in U ah ahw w endo endri se it hou thousands sands of pat on a s i have bays endo sed us now we want to enre i you yen renwith with the as d q net understand ng that we I 1 w U 11 nob not demand a fee sn DIL A 3 SHORES not rat we wo e re ro yo we curelas manhood sem va c coce ce e P b erma or noe hoes gono rono hoea 8 ph a and and a I 1 weaknesses weakness ee of men a on and adv ce oe free froe by etter or in person ca ce I 1 or ie e WE CURE and 1 a I 1 d serges seafie fl of the T bugs 11 heart e a r t t L ve K deneys B adder ne VPS ves frk sk n n and chron 0 d ceases of men women and children I 1 9 pa m 0 4 d p m baoe honrad ayen v e n n a s 1 7 0 S I 1 sunday unda a and ho daye days 10 to 12 DRS SHORES Q SHORES EXPERT specialists LYON BLOCK 56 W second so st SALT LAKE LAME CITY RELIABLE ASSAYS gold lead 60 d 8 ver 7 c 0 boa o 1 I S vr 15 1 cromp 1 romp ea es OGDEN ASSAY AAY ca 1725 A apah e st addal UJ DEWER DEVER COLO our SALESMEN MAKE DAILY A A u m E th 1 K 11 M r pw r ta iman and d fi f e dp df m wh blk ft n 11 J th CU r 1 cepl B NEW DIS DISCOVERY COVElY gives IM O 0 if ebani cures worst raws rages book of tes nonfa end sand 10 BAYS DAYS treatment twe FREZ fir dr H H GREEN 8 SUNS box lox R atlanta aa 0 YOUR IAM a I 1 addre address win wilt brenir m user I 1 article martin marti n supply co box 16 salt litke 11 JUNK 1 goh p ae y h g abee bes pr ce tor for UJ hafle s P e n benwax rub ber bar copper b aad e a bi ba I 1 liuk lak L f y U an W N U bait alt lake no 45 1092 3 0 4 1 4 I 1 it ok 04 ma W 1 TS Is 1 am MARK is T 0 NONE UTTER 6 NONE YOU MADE WA dear NT da 10 FULLY BACKED CUARAN TIt ASK YOUR PEALER R pree C CA A 0 ea C 6 4 5 AND 31 A J T tower anwa W rn n berec e r fe c f r wm MAR MARK TRAP WD that ii Is what chev all av that bave used I 1 ahree crowl i baang aa I 1 0 rd r it Is perfect in act ct on po in pr e A 4 cents pe pound HEWLETT BROS CO mra v 8 soothing F for ch d en tee h ng botens softens tie he gi n u b re cea ces in CaLon lat on a ayera n en cu es wind co c Scab to cure a cold in one daiy diy take labat ve bromo quinine tab eti AH all druggists re and money it if it f kajs to cure 33 xo do T your our feet ache and burn shaie shae into your thoe alien allen a foot rate u a pov der for the feet it makes t or new shoes feel easy cures corns but ons swollen IR aft t add dd I 1 beet at all drugg abts and shoe stores 2 c bamble sent address alien S olmsted leeoy leroy N I 1 PUTNAM FADELESS BYES produce the brightest and fastest colors STO JACOBS oil 9 positively CURES rheumatism neuralgia backache BacSi acha headache Fee tache all bodily aches AND PAIN 1 a S li SAVED A Gritl tuce promotes pio motes publicity and its no bonder aonder poi pon p on t testify ahen ft hen life is saed gamed every reader gift a bad back Is in I 1 danger for bad bac a are but kidney ills and may p ove fatal neglected Neglect ea backache is quickly fol lowed by too frequent tre quent urinary dis die charges retention of the tile urine pa n tul ful urination diabetes bright s dis ease read how all uch troubles can be curel case no 34 mr wal er lie ile laughlin of jacob street wheel leg trig W na a a machine hand working A at J A holida holiday son sons s mill aasi I 1 firmly bel ee ene bad had I 1 not used doan s kidny y pilla tilh when 1 did I 1 would rot be alive now I 1 vas in a terrible condit on and al hough I 1 too took quarts of and is s attended by doctors I 1 got no better but worse friends spoke of mv my bad appearance and thousands knew about it I 1 could hardly get around and felt and looked like a ead man mar rather ratler than a living one doans doan a gidrey P Us ils procured at the logan drug co a store x ere a blessing to me halt half a box bo relieved me three boxes entirely er cured me A tree free trial of this great kidney ine dicino cin which cum u I 1 mr mclaughlin ln wil be balled on application to ant am part of the unite addless foster alil hIllburn burn co B fralo N Y lor I 1 or tale sale by all druggist price 50 cents per box how e 9 tl TI Is ha we orter one aundre I 1 do lars reward for or any cs case e of 0 ca catar ta r it that cannot be cured by 1111 catarrh cure care F J cal ENEY co props toledo a we the un ie le ened hive have known F 3 chency cheney for the last 1 lo 10 years and bel eve hira him perfectly fe c aly honorable ia in all busin business esq e tiona and d 1 linanel lly ily ab a to carry out any 0 bliga t ons made by their firm west wet truex whale wholesale gate druggists toledo tido 0 1 radios it ding h k nn in n a wholes a toledo ohio ha 1 a catarrh cure Is taken Intern internally alIr act not ined erectly upon the blood a ol 01 the 1 esti moala s u u free irice 1 rica be per bottle sol I 1 by u I 1 dr r g sm zall il a I 1 ablis V b Is are the blat b st iziver a are r e a terrible torment to the I 1 atle folls an I 1 to torno older ones on E cured doan s ointment never falls fails in tant taut relief permanent cure ure at any drat store 60 cents no matter how long you have had bad the cough if at ha n t a ready developed into consumption dr wood s norway pine syrup wil cure it mother gray s sweet powder powders for children successfully need used by mother gray nurse in the children 8 9 home in new ork curee cones feverishness bad stomach teething di dix orders move ai ax d regulate the bowels and destroy worms over 30 testimonials at all druggists sample FREE ad dress alien allen 9 olmsted lei lel oy N Y W E I 1 A 0 ii P A 0 9 na 9 A ta backache 19 n I 1 t forerunner and one of the lhost common symptoms of kidney trouble and monib displacement HEAD MISS BOLLS borne time ago I 1 was in a very weak concicion conci tion KIT my work made ma me nervous and my b cu cic ached frightfully all the time and I 1 had terrible head aces my mother rot a bottle of dydiw IC E pi im s Vele vegetable table com pound for me and it seemed to strengthen my iny back and help rno ruo at once an I 1 d d sot not pet get so tired as wore I 1 cont aued to take talce it and it brought brox ight health and strength to me and I X want to thanh thank you for thor the good it has bone rone m mp hiss and st wales are ave new york city f m inalou above bove lett brov ng a gon a a ess ass can ot tn is p winced r ydia drie E ablo compound cures mccaue c it la the known for lidney and womb troubles lvery woman who la Is puzzled about her condition should wito to mrs at lynn maas 9 and tell her all energy all gone headache cli out ol 01 order IS n ly 1 a case of torpid liver burdock blood bittera bitters will make a new now man or woman of you 11 of 0 lives saved every year by having dr thomas electric evora 1 oil ia in the ho i 1 e jagt jast when it ii Is needs I 1 cures cro p heal barns burns cuts wounds ot of every bort CARBOLIC SALVE will prevent blood 00 oo poisoning in cuts M C wounds sores bruises andreal and heal them too 25 cents would you have TOOTHACHE for z 15 cents our jep rm anece tooth ache all drops will nd rid you 1 TV A I of both decostas LIVER Z health 1 insurance for sa s1 25 cents a policy X I 1 what is your our health A x worth all lung diseases start with a cough Z if you will cough up a quarter for a bot tie tle of cou cough h balsam you 11 stop coughing japanese corn curs cure will nd rid you of a 1 IN I 1 dozen CORNS for a Z quarter which do you love the best corns or quarter 1 9 ALL DRUGGISTS OR SI OR 0 D FROM I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 Z amax me I 1 LAKS CITY SALT 7 0 investment the preferred stock of the wo 11 L I 1 dough 1 ab co capital 00 preferred stock 1 common stock shares ab sa I 1 col 00 0 uch sold at par only on Pre felTed stock offered for s le 19 til L douglas retails ail all common stock why conr money at CX sy or 41 wl en tl ti e W 1 L do gize glis prefer ed h 0 ic P pave T and in adeo te eafe 1 IT v yd ydo 0 abot a no k ko 0 e it e erub ab adib cluie beb nd rd tha than a a d do ar s wo h of a ki V I 1 I 1 dolglas COTI con aes ues t 9 awro e hi ht f of 01 a e b t a aas a s to re ain tl it e active 12 hf of a e con ern r i bun bur ess Is not an am udo 11 jc wig Velo it qa a d on i n a e ra ed adiv v bend payer I 1 i I 1 t e eli 1 gest bus ness in th or d p oda nr ng me snood y d sewed el al oes jes an a 1 4 has always Ys been i e me y p oat P ahrn I 1 is lay ba a efm aga st fl A e commet 0 i or pai N n anak ne t A bel tei er u in vestment than any ant other la LU castr al ab e is j riot been a year in the past part a twelve when the bus W has not w earned e in in a t 1 u cash mach more thin t e amount we ap for to liay y ann 1 31 I d T den I 1 on t a e ft 0 k of f 1 ft I the theann ann ai 1 ness now a s BOO t M 1 n em a ng very rap mp d y and ani w 11 en eq al at sa oto air for the they year pariso 1901 A he tia fa a tory is now turning 0 t pa re rs of ei A ora I 1 i er day and an in add t on to the p ant Is ta dp e ajr b lit tit wb u h w 11 increase the capar ty to 10 ps a s p r day rho reason I 1 am offer ns ng the tha preferred S 5 ock for aa 84 a e Is t to per gerpe e aste t 0 ta 8 nesa nem I 1 if you wish to invent invert in the best ahoe oboe ans ness in me wo d wh h Is permanent and rece ve if 1 on yo r money you can p r hase one share or mo rno a in tl 0 a 8 great bu Binesa and money by ch er a cl el e k ce erf fled check press or P 0 money orde sa ade rde payal e to W V liet I 1 DOUR ae as ce t fl ft a e of s oric ock v be m sent ni fy you g by return mail paro P t a g v nit fu n orma 0 av W TL id LAS brockton Br alums I 1 11 sore eyes with eye water |