Show u cat m VI ill co to arol house ahe folio mag bt st dement of there suits of bentres centres cen tres ot or al at elect ons through out the country has been made by cl airman babcock of the I 1 erub in to congress onal committee to limit tee lie it e next house will con la tit a n at least 04 I 1 cans that is a major ly ty of 10 0 for the cans tl TI at s my in a num est mate I 1 do not see I 1 ow our ina ma jonty can con poss alv fall below that figure we may hare have a d majority of at eist least ten more I 1 I 1 ive dve 10 00 in cash to wager that the pk cans will control the neit I 1 ouse at laporte lex an eng ne me spark started a small pra r e fit e A freight freir lit tra n following follo winF fanned the blaze and tl e cotton on a flat cir car was ignited it 11 e entire tra n with ll 11 e exception of one car of cotton was bu ned tied lieutenant colonel jasper ewing brad formerly for merIj second in command of tl e tr tl 0 rd regiment and one of the I 1 1 l enow novin n in I 1 tary oil cers in tew lork ork is no v on I 1 a way to al at forn a i in III t e I 1 ope of lecover ng rig 11 e S I 1 balth 11 s ait u busly alie cled 1 |