Show THE NEED OF EDUCATION russian peasants by of knowledge the economic decay of the russian peasantry Is not primarily due to ignorance for in the first few years after emancipation when the peasants cerp totally illiterate they were corn com ively prosperous nevertheless education invariably has good eco results for tre tle need for anten intec sivo sive farming grows and ignorance and intensive farming are I 1 ible the moscow in twenty years reduced the illiteracy figures from 70 per cent to less than 30 per cent in certain districts and it was found that in the educated districts the peasants were much better boffl oft than in the districts where illiteracy was more common I 1 basant aduca i tion however Is hampered by climati cl conditions by the distance between betwee nt the villages and by the poverty of tho thoi A russian village teacher Is paid from ten to fifteen dol y lard a month tte te teachers in the parish schools sometimes receive AS little as 2 50 a month and social position Is extremely bad ro to bad indeed that when tte me t f tion of the state drink monopoly Mono created a new class of government officials many schoolmasters left the villages and obtained positions as as si stants in the government publio houses R E U C long in the PIP grim |