Show EX BANDIT ENDS WASTED UFE LIFE J in lounger i aunger quantrell raider em ber her of jesse james gang atho ho with his brothers cole and bob younger w was as sentenced to life imprisonment in 1877 for the northfield mian minn bank raid and the murder of cashier hay ward committed suicide last week in a room in the reardon hotel at st paul minn the dead man was found with a revolver clinched in his hight hand he had used hie his left hand to steady the revolver when he held it to hia his temple his clothes were neatly fold ed and everthia ever thin in the room showed showe d no he had made careful preparations to ind hii bla life younger was recently paro ed aate N I 1 f 5 11 aim arn younger serving twenty five years of a life ilfe sea sen tence in the st allwater penitentiary the parole did not lestore his full clatl zenshin and stipulated ha he should not leave the state when younger wished to marry recently miss alice miller who had nursed him when he wag vas down with the wounds received in the northfield gun fight he found he could not because he was 1 gally dead the police found a package of let that had passed between young er and the woman with whom he was in love the woman reciprocated his affection and it was reported at one time that they were to be married her relt relatives ivea raised objections and a further obstacle was the tact fact that it was pointed out that a paroled pris oner could not legally contract a mar ariage the couple determined dat to disregard the objections of relatives and an et ef fort was made to overcome the other obstacle to their marriage by securing from the state board of pardons a full baidon and restoration to citizenship this effort failed and this it Is thought had much to do with young er or a determination to end his life on july 10 1901 jim and cole younger were released fiant the state prison at stillwater on parole bob did many years ago after jim a re lease from the penitentiary he waa was employed by a firm ot of tombstone cut of this city and with cole who N BBS as in the employ of the same birr alice miller went through the state soliciting 0 ders on one of these trips jim was thrown from his wagon and hurt big 1 head badly aggravating an old wound tee he had received in the civil war he ile eft left tl e firm in a few months and was clerk 1 of a cigar stand in one of the largest grocery s ores of st paul tt is said that relations between jim im and cole lounger were much str trained in fact that lie brothers iad had not been on speaking term tor for the last six months cole younger is unfilled to his bed with sickness the quarrel barrel was over money matters |