Show BAD STABBING jim peterson received a knife thrust at railroad camp wednesday aa As a ree lit of a fight at barrin a ra 1 road construction to the west of eureka wednes lay i james I 1 betel etea son ROD IB 10 now dow at the hospital in ogden with a dana dan oue one fe to wound in h be a bi kr while ahm th ita its lan tan who la is responsibly for tie tl e man si i j ry s et 11 fit largo there were tl ree italia a e at tl ti e camp and last wednesday n gl gi t trouble arose bet between een the tharo mando and beof e of theother the tho other laborers it was dark at he t me and one of the ital lani d ew a knife thena fierce berea figl figi t took place in the melee james peterson Pe tereon who was taking no part in the fight was blabbed in the back by one of the italians ia after the knifing of peterson tb the three italians secured a couple of KOSS gun and then lift the camp word was sent to eureka for a doctor and officers dr hensel went down to the ci op up to attai d the injured m in 1 I 0 I 1 is r oce be n sei t to the b bj is spital p ital blie riff cronin drove to the camp but had to abandon the butil the following day the officers ficere of arrest arrested e d one of italians near the summit T thursday evening he was well arm d but offered no regis ance when hen called ron ion to sur render tl TI e other two a e 0 still at larg but the are conn lent of being able to locate tl cm em |