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Show OA 1 The Sail Lake Tribune, Friday, Janua ry 17, 1986 TRENDNOTES FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY More than 20 percent of Americans own stock in U S firms Only 10 yoars ago the figure was less than .12 percent The profile of a stockholder is no longer typically male. Of the 47 million people in this country who invest in company stocks, at least half are women Stockholders are getting younger, too. The average age is 44, compared with 52 5 in 1975 Over the past few years, stock mutual funds have been particularly attractive to new investors. Professionals, business people, craftsmen, service people, laborers and farmers alike are investing in America's new companies. It's all part of the entrepreneurial trend toward ownership of companies. Even children own 4 5 percent of our country's stocks. The Naisom Group. Washington, DC 't John Naisbitt Clearance Pre-Invento- iy Take an Extra all markdowns & Great savings in all these departments, some as much as 80! Megatrends. 1985 Foreign Briefs Moscow Ponders Vodka Ban & Agence France-Press- e :: MOSCOW Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev and his colleagues would favor a total prohibition of vodka, but dare not take this step for fear of serious social unrest, according to a survey' on alcoholism in the Soviet - tfnioq. Boris Iskakhov, who holds a senior administrative position with the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee, saia the committee was fecejving an "avalanche of letters from citizens over the May 1985 law letting out a series of anti-alcoh- (peasgres. Jpan A majority supports these measures, and others which are planned, but there are also letters threatening sabotage and strikes if the sale of vodka and wine is banned," he noted. TiMUxmas i But there was not an overwhelming majority who wanted to eradicate drunkeness, and even less for immediate prohibition, he said. Iskakhov, who belongs to Moscow's Plekhancv Institute of Economy and who drew up the survey, is a fervent IJM&? Smpossmp IMfUSno vomm 7 teetotaller and wants the return of the prohibition era in the Soviet Union from IFiBIWmm 1914-192- Announces a Record Trade Surplus ' TOKYO (UPI) Japan announced Thursday its trade surplus with the United States hit a record $39.5 billion last year, spurred by a jump in auto exports. The figures could ignite iew trade threats from Washington. The Finance Ministry said Japan's iVerbll trade surplus in 1985 reached a record $46.14 billion, compared Kit$38 61 billion the previous year. !. The ' ministry also said Japan e high trade surffiarty?d an plus of 96.6 billion in December alone, all-tim- Li'f (&sm the largest ever for a single month. Japan's largest surplus was with the United States at $39.5 billion, compared to $33.08 billion in 1984, while Western Europe was second at a $12.8 billion. m However, the numbers used by the Japanese have historically produced a lower total than those used by the U.S. Commerce Department which has estimated the 1985 deficit with Japan at $50 billion. i Human Remains Found in Crocs Stomach Deutsche Presse-Agent- The killer BRISBANE, Australia crocodile thought to have eaten a woman at a barbecue on the shore of the Daintree River in northern Queensland, was finally hunted down and killed, police said here Thursday. According to a police spokesman, the stomach of a crocodile captured near the spot where the woman, Beryll Corinne Wruck, vanished in December, contained bones, - sjsjjzs 1 fingernails and other fragments of a human body. The contents were sent to a laboratory for identification. Tl aSKion Authorities had been trying for weeks to hunt down the killer crocodile in the Daintree river, and even d used a and sonar equipment in the search. mnmAMftnfie glass-bottome- ly WhpQM kwm On Wednesday, the crocodile finalate some bait put in the water on a string and was captured. iJ&Mnn (ClttWham Canada Airports Get Threats, Go on Alert OTTAWA (UPI) The government placed major airports across Canada on a medium-leve- l security alert Thursday, ordering tighter checks on passengers and airport access after threats were received from unnamed sources. National Transport Minister Donald Mazankowski told reporters in Ottawa that a warning had been received in the last couple of days." Mazankowski refused to say who hid received the threats or who had ntjade them. m The Transport Ministry issued a se8 a m. EST to airports across the country, including two major airports near Montreal, Quebec, and airports in Toronto and Ottawa. curity alert at ej ruiiru ijtmmm uttsmusm I Airlines were ordered to impose more stringent passenger and baggage checks, to tighten access to airports both on the ground and in the air and to match passengers and luggage with tickets issued for each flight. Airlines were also told to handle cargo from known shippers only, according to government officials. atmftll ruufrttm (Gtiinih titjatomi UMim IkasUioR mm tSMBWA Aquino Claims Marcos Had Godson Killed VCAPAS, Philippines (UPI) Opposition presidential candidate Corazon Aquino said Thursday she holds President Ferdinand Marcos personally responsible for the bloody roadside ambush that killed her godson and his driver. Campaign aides quoted two witnesses who survived the attack in Aquino's home province of Tarlac as identifying the gunman as a "goo" loyal to Tarlac politicians supporting Marcos bid for relection in Feb. 7 polls. They said he was dressed in a paramilitary uniform. Jeremias de Jesus, 57, Aquinos campaign coordinator in Capas, 60 miles north of Manila, and driver Albert Briones, 37, were killed Wednesday while returning from a village where they had held a series of meetings, police Capt. Reuben Timbol said. wmmmmm Easliion AIDS Cases Rise Globally, Agency Reports - GENEVA (AP) Officially reporttases of AIDS increased by 637 in tbe past month to more than 20,000 worldwide, according to figures released Thursday by the World Health Organization. The United States headed the list with 17,051 cases reported by last Friday, accounting for about 85 percent of the 20,088 total reported In 51 countries. Of 75 countries reporting to the ed Aiiti-Semil- ic Hermann Fellncr, whose party is part of West Germany's governing coalition, said he had not meant to He apologized six sound days after two West Germans filed complaints with prosecutors alleging anti-Semiti- Parliament member had slandered Jews. t The United States had more than of the 637 new cases reported since the agency conducted a survey Dec. 13. The new list was presented at a news conference by Dr. Jonathan Mann, an American public health specialist. three-fourth- M mm. Limited to stock on hand in all stores s Comment Yields an Apology A BONN, West Germany (AP) corfservative West German politician aprtogized in Parliament Thursday forcriticizing recent Jewish calls for reparations related to the Nazi era. that the United Nations agency, 24 said they had no cases of the disease. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. immsB tmnmsm In an Interview with the Cologne-base- d daily Express newspaper on Jan. 5, Fellner said Jewish calls for reparations for Nazi crimes 40 years after World War II "gives rise to the impression that Jews will always answer when money is Jingling In German cashboxes." At issue was the recent revival of Jewish demands for reparations from West Germany's Flick conglomerate, which used Jews as slave laborers In its factories during the Nazi regime. t. This Friday and Saturday, January 1 7 and 18, you can save an extra 25 off the markdown prices in women 's, juniors ' and children 's and accessory departments. Just look for our clearance signs! Attitude not (Young at Valley Fair, University or Cache Valley; Designer Sportswear not at Valley Fair.) Extras make Excellence: If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase at ZCMI, well take it back, no questions asked. K U |