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Show r mrnjjrTpifnjiii. j LEADER WEEKLY REFLEX For sole maternity clothes ti,( 9, ptoyfex and Gerber'bottle 3?wq 4 Cor traitor, ib coo, 14 ft " ,0f' 3SOO uX'hZ&.W9 12 X 2 64 1972 Gentry moon home bedrooms, livlnoroom m tried - swornu cooier Ex cona Coil 362994 or 825626 R 4 Irish setter popofes tor Purebred Call 37985 R4 sale Must sell Bissel sweepmoster tip-o- vacuum toostmaster 25 00 broiler oven SliOOoiso have 1968 Otds Cutlass, runs good. Irons WOrlt' lia00 coll 3705472. nRd One new Eico Heat Exchange Fireplace Free standing, outside olr, thermostat, variable speed. 130 000 BT U per hour. Glass ooors. Manufacturer moving out of state, will sell cheap Call i R4 CAMPER sleeper unit with bed A pads, closet tained A table 43" good condition self seat con- (weekdays otter 61 R 4 Beoutitul new Tama Guitar A hard shell, velvet cose paid S38Q Best otter 76603IU R4 1971 2 bedroom. United Mobile Home Stove A air cond Included SjOPU Call Layton R4 1973 Kirkwood mobile home 12x50 2 bedrooms. $4500 00 or best otter. 3769209 Layton R4 Basement sole furniture, hair dryers, pictures, etc Also goats for sole liaoOeoch 376 435a 487 West Weaver Lone, Loyton. R4 DESKS Wolnut hardwood desks 4 ft 65.00 Hotel Soles, W 100 , Bountiful R4 BEDROOM SET $5100 5 N ft 562 DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, MARCH 2, 1978 .3) DISPOSALS 71 lor the well mode Woste King Disposal. Just coll and pick one up. Perkins Appliance, 39 95 Sae9S All reconditioned A Extra low prices toguaranteed sell fost. Perkins Appliance, Centerville. 296 6229 R69 Cor trailer, 3500 Ib cop, 14 ft, nearly new, cost $950, sell tor $695 3764534 R3 Two Johnson snowmobiles good condition with covers, one has reverse, must sell $300 00 each will deal. Call otter 6 P m R14 Troctor. 74 International row crop Under 300 hrs. Sprayer 200 gal. 3 point Ht. See at 29 Church 5 , 354 R64 1975 Toyota Cellca GT Green S Speed air, low miles like new. g9 2956229 USED WASHERS A DRYERS St Chev. pickup, Vi ton, V 1504 3764536 Loyton, Ut R4 For Sale new Amcna Radar Ranoe oven, cart, dishes optional. Kenmoe floor water, rug shompooer, like scrubber, new. Very nice ladies and man s balls and bags. Long bowling handled grass clippers. Man's and ladies good clothing. 3769747 R4 100 292 4433. GT owners. Attention Opel Would you like mv englnedr Asp. transmission. Both are In excellent condition and have low, low, mileage. I will sell to best otter. Coll Kelly at 3769134 R4 1977 Dodge Sportsmon Wagon, copper, I passenger automatic, air, low miles. Excellent transportation $5995 WILLEY FORD 100 So. Main, Bountiful 292 4433. 72 Toyota Sio. Wag. 75 engine on new So. Mam, Bountiful 292 4431 197 Chevllle Super Sport 3760136 283 radial tires, tinted glass, radio, rear window, washer-wlDer- , mouldings Super economy stock R3-- raw 1973 Codllac, mileage No. 427 $1897 WILLEY FORD 1800 So. Main, Bountiful Ponther, Lynx 4wheel, 4 Trailer, Bill 376 1449 R4 1 Place 1975 hat only 1500 650 Yamaha miles, excellent condition. Mutt custom seat. Also tell In school $904 04 Call 62 5255 after 6 pm. 24 Ml HI' Wedding service business for sale. All you need to start o fan- enjoyable business. Dishes, tables, centerpieces, or 292 4431 loaded Call Bill 3761449 or see ot 68 E Mutton Hallow Rd , Kaysvllle R4 7 osk for Jeff R38 Dodge Aspen Wagon tour door white cylinder, automatic, 1000 So Mam, Bountiful 197 white. Maroon vlnv! too, luxury Interior, loaded, low a steal ot S565 miles, $3995 Willey ford WILLEY FORD 1800 So. Main, Bountiful R4 292 4431 Runs Great! 1971 Toyota Corolla Mark sedan with air conditioning, and no rust. Only $1354 00 Call Kelly at Leader office 3769131 R4 Malay Train Hide diesel trains with sleeping cars and diners, in luxurious first-clas- s coaches, or comfortable second and third-clas- s cars, the 1,132 mile trip' takes only 48 hours electricity. TODAY about half the homes in Iceland are heated by hot water piped through an network New 1978 Ford FI 50 custom pku Copper 300 CIO engine gauges 4 sp power steering super buy Stock No 654 $4343 WILLEY FORD 1800 So. Main. Bountiful 292 4431 DSMiri Must sell 1975 Chew, shortbed 4x4 Usss Earths He at elaborate 2 from Custom deluxe, moo wheels, asking $4,000 00 or take over payments Call 3762856 R4 4 speed, new Pickup - 72 clutch, snow tires. $1150 766 0451, 376 9706 R4 1970 'j ton Ford Pickup. Asking $90a Call 7735579. R4 Chev. plckuo, V, ton, V8 350, $1504 3764536 R3 71 geothermal wells. BRAND NEW 1978 Fost Service PRUNING TIME! coil 8250930, 7724550 Jerry Weaver Reotex Reolty Corp R4S Let us Tllm ybur next entire, o, house partv, with sound-colo- r film, 600 toot reels, or, your wedding, graduation, meetings, m or your family loved ones action. We will film almost anything So give us o try, you CaU will be glad you did 761394 after 3 30 p m Jimmy him prortucerP45 Ortho 3 ROCK MUSIC ' agent Bnotung" Rocky Mountain 799 or 79? s4 292 3b19 R 4 Custom dress making, also alterations ond repairs Coll Jess Lundgreen. 772 4435 R15 Attention now is the time to get ready for soring planting "Design Specialties" will design ond draw o landscape plan to fit your specific needs. Blueprinting and house plans also done. Call 3763541 or Clearfield Nursery 8252161. R 24 W.ll core for elderly lady In my home. These people need comgood tood panionship. no Insti- A tution. It Is dangerous to live olsne You'll like my home. Call 724101 R25 Professional tewing done. Weddings, tailoring, alterations for men as well as women A children etc. Coll 376 9947. R29 TV REPAIR All mokes Fost Service House coll $1295 Phone Bill Brlmlev 3768196 R67 is our Printing for the bride-to-b- e napkins, thonk you notes, etc. Reasonable prices. Coll 3760748 evenings. R6-FIDELITY FINANCIAL Services Is now In Clearfield too: 73 So State St. 825 2266 All types of loans available, military welcome. R4 Is your child having reading or math difficulties? We d like to use our experience ond skills to give him Individual help Please coll Nadine 7660207 or Morclo 37688.2 R4 Autw We buy old wrecking unwanted cars ond trucks. Free - A . r Mi kXHYkAjgfT comwfn AsiviL Model pumtm 21-01- 6 Reg. $4.50 48.50 qso pbukisig oeoic FrtiUif ldoi New Ortho tree book mo) ton "The World of 5 Fruit Tr Frtilur Kaysvllle area In my home Fulltime or part-tim- e Ages 35 Coll 7661027 A AMES' -- Plano lessons, cherrywood subdivision So. Kaysvllle, phone 363614 R34 EG Ib. 609 Suntet Prumng Book pruning mfor- - Ti" leg $X9t Kaysvllle Ployroorn, R4-- mmmssmmmrn o Would like to tend your children my home Coll 376 985 R4 babysit In my home while you work dovs Preferably girl, Will age 35 Fruit Heights, 360132 R 5 Construction labor 100 per hr. Transportation requited. Phone 3769150 otter 6 R4 SECRETARY With good typing ability. To worx weekdays 9 o m. 2 p.m. Do lightA bookkeeping ond general office reception work. Apply In person ot Head office, 344 North Main St (Behind Arctic Circle) Friday A Pick-u- I'll Hauler" R39 - Yot Phon, 3 A 4 & GARDEN CENTER loyon, Utoh 1 Phone Open 8,30 a. ir.. to 6 p.m. CioMd Sunday between the hours ot 9 o m. A 12 nodn R 4 No previous Dental Assistant 376-171- experience required. 3440 hrs weekly. Send resumes to. Dental Assistant, Payne Circle, Lavton, We AUo Deliver to Reitourenti IBIS W. Gontile 3 Mte Wett on Gentito Utah 64041 R4 SANDALS HAVE ARRIVED Light TV' airy, fresh m feminine, detailed with these perfectly pretty looks. Theyre fashioned for versatility and fabricated BANK FINANCING PURCHASE PLAN AVAILABLE 1573 H. EMI ,CT Ate MAIN LAYTON 25-972- er 1 37S-34S- Now Lay-A-W- ay For Easter 1 VISA Mastercharge the FRAME with a MEMORY Free Parking Created exclusively for eyewear, Optyl is a patented epoxy resin material with a shape Memory. Optyl s special properties permit a longer, maintained adjustment, proper fit and optimum patient comfort. Ophthalmic frames and sunglasses made of Optyl offer the wearer. 1. LIGHTWEIGHT AND COMFORT 2. STYLING WITH DURABILITY 3. CONVENIENCE WITH A MEMORY 4. When comparing fromes of comparable jize Optyl materials rs 20 30 lighter in weight than any other plastic frame material Vacuum sculpturing tn molds, frames of Optyl material ore so strong, detailed ond delicate designs ore possible without loss of strength cost Optyl ts the only frame material with a Memory justment maintaining o good fit Shop Frames hold their proper od Monday Thru Thursday And Saturday Optyl colors ore chemically bonded by on ormor clod process, no fading or color variation in on Optyl frame Optyl does not shrink There is no lens buckling or distortion as often exhibited n frames mode of usual acetate plastics Because NON-FAD- E COLORS 5. FREEDOM FROM LENS DISTORTION & COMPLEXION BLENDING there is 9:30 AM-6.- 00 PM Shop Friday 9:30 AM - 8:00 PM Optyl frames are designed with light refroctmg ability Colors do not dominate the skm os traditional plastics do Each person s complexion tone is blended with the frame shade Dior PLAYBOY Ask to see the many frame and sunglass collections in Optyl. NOTICE- - OF LATE HOURS 99 mLm for fun! LEASE 91 116 home. Naps, Playmates, 3761697 MOBILE HOME a 49 w Loving LDS mother wouid love to tend your child PT, F T In my (2 or 3 Bedroom) FHA 4 R 4 Saturday, March 2950522 L0PPE2 Model 2 3 C3 6 Announcements, specialty. Holler Ortho Wan! o real full till boouie roex n roll bond tor your next stomp or any oc privoe party, concert caston Then ' Laei ' is your band We hove the sound gear A tor lights to bring you the best, o reosonaoie price We are professional musicians A will plav anytime anywnere Call our decorations etc. Call 8255936 londs-coper- Leaving on mission, must sell 1971 C.L. Honda 175cc Scrambler - runs great, low mileage, new battery. Best otter. Call Coupe de Vllle, low Bountiful unHot water from derground sources has been used extensively for many years m Iceland, primarily for heating purposes and to a lesser extent for generating Tigers, New 1978 Ford Fiesta Hatchback orange 4 cyl. 4 sp. HD package Alterations, tailoring, professional high fashion sewing Marie economy, One of the most fascinating train rides in the world today is by international express from Bangkok to Singapore across the entire length of (he Malay Peninsula. On modern 2 - Built Best otter. Call evenings. 376485 R4 9 pcs large dresser desk, chairs, lamps etc. Nice tor student 6 only R4 land tastic WILLEY FORD 1977 $69 00 Hotel Soles, 562 W. 100 N , Quick cosn for your home, lot or 1 runs good. 1974 Dodge Dart Spec Edition Green, 2 door Luxury Interior, air condition, custom, sharp, 100 Rent 21 woter. $1000 per year 2955196 4 R Arctic Cots $125400 376 9706 766 0451 R4 $2195 CLEARFIELD m 4 Yodm. ,,j. , FARM ocres alfalfa with some Tiiw '73 Ford pickup. 42, (JD0 mile, automatic plus, power steering, great condition 3760132 R25 miles 17,000 snpiggwunyTgg .. .. WILLEY FORD So. Main, Bountiful t Knighton Optical will be open late Tuesday nights till 8 p.m. on a trial basis starting the 1st Tuesday in March. They will be open with complete services available. So visit Knighton Tuesday evening and avoid the Saturday rush. LAYTON LOCATION ONLY. LAYTONCLEARFIELD 2179 N. 1700 W. 825-162- 4 Just West of Davis North Medical Center AMDERSEIM SHQ 43 North Utah Mdin Bountiful, (Your feet will love you for it!) |