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Show -- WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, MARCH 2. 1978 Dinner Legion The American Legion post is sponsoring their monthly dinner on Saturday, March 4 541 82 of Kaysville OG 0 nQ'G 0 0 Oq 0 A HOT roast beef dinner with all the trimmings will be served beginning at 7 p.m. at the American Legion Hall at G Q A daughter arrived to Mr. and Mrs. Dean D. Briggs at a Logan hospital on Feb. 6. She weighed 6 lbs. and is their first child. She is also the first grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. r - ' ..&, V,v It is open to the public and they ask you to support their dinner project, which is a fund raising project for the Legion. THE Legionnaires sponsor a Lewis R. Briggs, of Syracuse. Other grandparents are Mr. and Mrs, John Baggs of Clearfield. She will be Crisanne. vsb nameo hot dinner once a month, the first Saturday of each month, as a ways and means project to raise funds to support their projects and activities. The dinners have been very successful in the past and they hope you will continue to give them full support, np Perfect Alibi What became of that unpaid bill Dunn and Company sent to us? Wife - Oh, that? I sent it back marked Insufficient Hubby - unds. RCA ColorTrak A table model 0 READY C8I1CERT The Ogden LIJS Institute Mens and Womens Choruses will present a sjxcial Good Vibrations concert at 8 p.tn. in the Weber State Fine Arts Auditorium on Friday and Saturday, March 10 and 11. There will be a variety of numbers performed by the choruses, along with special numbers by some of the ensemble groups. Last South. 4 Wte, .s.V 130 Syracuse Births 1' L,,- West with year the choruses toured the northeastern pvt oi the United States and this year the group is planning a tour of Arizona, Mexico, Nevada and Utah. Iickets lor the concert c,iu be obtained from members of the choruses .mil iU I .x In .. uni Weber State College Fine Arts Center ticket office. It is open to the public, np electronic tuning m S Electrcries 1981 No. Mam . Layton 825-611- 4 Model F8497 Happy RNM ranw VMM Birthday re QSf CHEDDAR t CIIIEII Ip 159 J vA - f JL Sfcfeki -- 4 rn;V (. stl v. JEREMY BEAU TIFFINY NICOLE BLACKNER TRUJILLO These two babies, along with all other babies of north Davis County celebrating their birthday anniversary, are being honored at this time by the Davis County Among those with birthdays are Jeremy Beau Blackner, son of Allen and Pat Blackner, 2454 N. Valley view Drive, Layton, Feb. 26; and Tiffiny Nicole Trujiilo, daughter of Louie and Terry Trujillo, 378 Morgan Street, Apartment No. 10, Layton, March 2. Birthday babies are taken free of charge each Thursday morning from 11 a.m, until 11:30 a.m. at the Layton Office. Parents should call in advance for apReflex-Journa- l, Reflex-Journ- pointment.. VS o - Ue Meeting Plannee! March 4 sr 4 Piottvf Buffer V no c J ftp H I'S A K U , meeting will be held Saturday, March 4 at the home of Mrs. Margaret Brough at 715 E. 200 North, Kaysville at 2 p.m. Cfcedt A THE GUEST speaker will be Ruth Gulbransen, the Utah representative who took the Select IJmt Verbal 65 75 98 Grapefruit I Q Apricot Keetar Luncheon Meats Q Whale Tomatoes B recommendations from the e Rally held in Houston, Tex. back to Washington, D C. to be presented to the United States President at a special meeting there. She was also one of two women who represented Utah at the Ad Hock Hearing in Washington. D C. on 1WY conferences held throughout the United States. d-a- it Sailed Euetysm! Dill Pickles Y(s!S Puddings i White ikelNHN Pinto Bee n 1TA Tomato tfyce.ci J?-5- Fsia! Fwjeit $ f Sliced Breed instant Chocolate Toaster Pastries Uctef Vb$ Tfese Sfinc On Pro-Lif- HOME n OWNERS TRUCKS Green Peas r Golden Corn r Fines Hash Brown Potatoes Bel-ci- Bel-el- tr vr Bel-ei- NuAMfle Pore Vhjctslfe Gil Hoi Cheese Slices L,."!1!, Q Cream Cheese W r 5S1i VflllS 9 Baby Ga-sd- -- , - i bti 89 ri Ifecis! suEWirt ourtt um f.lOTCTl GIL Q Detergent Fabric Softener 49 Dry Bleoch - ' , . SHE WILL discuss the and proposals of the Conventions in which she attended. It is open to the public, np mdty Compound Cheesed". 'i b Town House Assorted s 376-427- 9 197 NORTH MAIN - LAYTON 4 , . 1 1 v' n - M 4 Hi s!i w JkMm fl&l m SOGklED EIAO AUTO GLASS SPECIALISTS loop tmemn mm AY ASSCSLTID SAFEWAY THISmED AK3 TEKCCX, SMSXY ii::rr.D 5Q0 GOOD USED WINDSHIELDS LEAN POTATOES SHAHII li.S. RO. FCitnOH $ HOUSE GLASS ( Storm Doors Picture Windows Thermo Windows Patio Doors Screens FAST INSURANCE CLAIM SERVICE GUARANTEED AGAINST LEAKAGE Quality Glass Dsnols Conned Hams Hsm Center Slices Cress Rib Roasts Sliced Bologna Mixed Fryer Parts Hew York Steaks Beef For Meaty Beef Oxtails w.M7 Cook 8? Testy Deef HeertslSt: Fry Skinless Wieners Stewr r 17' n .1 or Sn ir DEEFUVEH Brand anus Smoky F ranks Wranglers Great Flavor Dungeness Whole Crabs t 4 Met 149 I oka l ib 1M9. t I 49 1 TBIlif j Fresh Beef Tongues Beef Round Roasts Catfish Steaks or Pickle BOH USDA Choce Freshwater Catfish Season wth Lemon ib $129 I b$1M ,.99 Van De Kamps Fish Fillet 4' 3 Snow Crab Legs & Sections, .2 Gourmet Shrimps Large Famad ea 4 Prices Ifkcthr V March 1, 2, 3, 4, 1971 STEAKS COFYAtGHT I960 SAFEWAY STORES INCOlPOtATED 1 llfSSETS |