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Show EF LE x D A V I S NEWS JOURNAL, MARCH 2, 1978 Kaysville By NORMA PREFCE rural A houseguest of Mr and Mrs Roger Thomson is her mother Mrs. Norman Fisher of San Lorenzo, California who arrived to help with the arrival of a new granddaughter born to the Thomson's on Feb. 15. She will spend a few weeks before returning to Calif. Mr. and Mrs. James Purdy and two children of San Jose, Calif, are visiting a week with her mother, Mrs Lois Stephens and will also be visiting with his brother Mr. and Mrs Gerald Purdy and family during their stay Mr and Mrs David Home of Scottsdale, Arizona are in Kaysville to attend the Clover Clubs Foods Company t ' ? 1 I k i fit Vi, f ' V '' Managers Convention for one week They will be guests of 1 4 V c . s. 'A V ? $ his parents. Mr. and Mrs Owen Home and her parents, - Mr. and Mrs Dale Ehson. Roy Simmons is convalescing at his home after undergoing major open heart surgery at the LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City last week. Dr and Mrs George F. Snell and family spent Sunday in Heber City where they attended the mission farewell of their neice Miss Karen who has been called to serve in the Canadian mission They also visited with Mrs Snells mother, Mrs. Joseph 01pm and other relatives Mr and Mrs. Donald Edwards and children of Scottsdale, Arizona, Mr. and Mrs David Lanier and children of Ephraim, Mr. and Mrs. Loren ilde and family of Holladay, Mr and Mrs Philo Edwards, t , ,1 t 'A. - ,1 t i 4 N A 01-pi- Studying the culture of an era of early America is one if only in miniature thing, but to duplicate that culture is something else. But thats what the fifth grade of Miss Aria Westenskow at Kaysville Elementary has done I In Hip Weaver, left, and Cohn Seegmiller proudlv ''how the sthool they constructed of popsicle sinks and t aniUiard The entire class pitched in to make a village, States. Included were a uplna of the Lurch, school, inn, sawmill, country store, blacksmith shop, houses, cabins, wagons and even a fire SCHOOL PROJECT American Fork were guests Don Edwards over the weekend. They came lo attend the wedding and reception of Craig Edwards and Sandy Larsen on Thursday, Feb 16, along with Mr and Mrs Edwards' brother and sisters and partners. Kent Johnson has been to the University of Utah Medical School. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. S hand-pulle- d ngme mm imjmi I Great minds have purposes, others have wishes Grit Layton merchants being reviewed for renewal of beer selling licenses may or may not have been previously charged with a misdemeanor offense, according to City Attorney Bruce Barton. ir 'tv establishments selling beer are asked appear personally before the council. In fact, only a few are asked to personally appear and those only upon the recommendation of an authorized person of to or agency. HE explained that the police chief, city ATTORNEY Barton explained that question The council can suspend a license or as place an establishment under probation-recent done in it has regard to the outcome of any court criminal involving proceedings complaints, he said weeks--witho- in north Library, north branch, 562 1000 E , Clearfield, Davis County. South THIS service is free, provided by the Volunteer Income offices, b5Vkest Assistance (VITA) program. It is especially Tax designed to help the low income, elderly and speaking taxpayers prepare their tax returns. Locations include Layton High School, on Wednesdays from p.m.; Davis County h Tuesdays m Sunset, Tuesdays ; Sunset city lbOO 4-- "w, WHEN you come in, bring your blanks with labels if you have them, all your information for the 1977 year (w-2- etc ) and possibly last years return for reference They will also answer 6-- 'T&v ST n fonM checking account a Say-to-da- y when you account. Inn THESE cases, involving and Ken and Pats Lounge, will be heard before the city council March 16 Suspension of their licenses were for 14 and seven days, respectively, and this suspension time has expired p Save Your Vision Week Set of preserving their gift of sight with proper preventative health care ACCORDING to Mrs Betsy Clouse, president of the au- xiliary, many restaurants across the state will be using specially designed place mats depicting this years theme during Save Your Vision Week Everyone should realize that life is worth seeing and that eye and vision care should not be neglected, Mrs. Clouse said 'This most precious asset should not be taken for granted cost nothing nnt i $300 eieAllcm YES-W- E Good balance in your the personalized checks you need, freej A Check Protection Plus card, All on approve, that guarantees your. lance to over 12,000 busi-- t c Ifwee-statarea. And gives fjs$es in jvyou instant craeck cashing convenience offices. at 135 First Security l i f Check Overdraft protection j f Protection Plu4 for the tirpes when you ! run a little If youre jike most people, yku dont need services like notary, cashiers checks, traveleVctfecks, very often. When you dori6tary service is free at First Security and there is a minimal charge on these other services that is easily less than the $12 to $36 you could pay in yearly blanket fees somewhere else. e f . CARPET has-nign- Chtages. Its ms best way you can have services yoy really depend on. Check! .. So why pay a monthly service fee for a bunch of services you really dont need? Compare. Youll find the First Security people can give you all of the advantages. No cost checking and more. DO VELVET PHONE 825-108- 7 FURNITURE Quick Drying Always Prompt Courteous Service Insured Mr. Steam Method Experienced The Gentle Method" All work guaranteed Safe for all types of Carpet ENJOY FRESH CLEAN CARPETS Free estimates BILL LILES - Member F.D.I.C. pecurtty Bank ol Utah N A Security Bank of Idaho N A F Security Bank ol Rock Springs Wyo First Security Stale Bank Sail Lake City Utah First Security Bank of Orem N A First Security Bank ot logan N A North, p m oimofre a ed FOR EXAMPLE, six criminal charges involving four establishments were filed in Layton last year for illegal sale of beer to a minor But of these six, only one was actually importance 4 civil action governing and that their actions to power licensing suspend, place under probation or renew a beer selling license does not have to reflect on any court (criminal) charges. However, two establishments who had their licenses temporarily suspended and were placed on probation have engaged legal counsel and have filed temporary restraining orders, the city attorney not- acts under sa suspension, probation or renewal-icivil matter and has no relation whatsoever with any criminal charges there might be against the establishment in er major surgery recently. HE emphasized that the city council whatever action the city takes regarding it be renewal of a beer license-wheth- er owner-manag- the home of Mrs. Leta Earl for a social evening. Mr. and Mrs. Walker were overnight guests of then daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs J. R. Rowberry and returned home Sunday evening. Dale Elison is convalescing at his home after undergoing several locations SO IT IS with the new city ordinance regarding illegal sale of beer to minors, persons under age 21 In Layton, you no longer have to have the fact criminal intent to prosecute--on!- y that the sale was made That constitutes strict liability,' he added. any-sho- uld CARPET CARE PAYS & SAVE Volunteers are ready to help you with your income tax at liability-- a clause a city ordinance-- as member of the city council may recommend that a certain establishment owner or manager appear and explain certain allegations against him. But that does not mean that the person appearing before the council is guilty of any violation, criminal or civil, said AtIts merely a means of torney Barton. talking with the person so that the council can have a better understanding of any problem and determine what action-- if be taken regarding renewal of a beer selling license. Optometric Association, this is Life is dedicated to Worth Seeing, of the Americans reminding 1 ATTORNEY Barton likened strict included in the new motorist speeding or running a stop sign. He really didnt mean to do it, but he did and that, alone, constitutes guilt, the attorney said attorney, fire chief, health officer or years theme FREE TAX HELP THUS, all establishments within Layton charged with illegal sale of beer to minors have been dismissed under the previous city ordmarn e They were dismissed because we could not prove criminal intent in connection with the sale, the attorney But the new city ordinance, explained now in force, allows for prosecution based criminal intent, be on strict liability-n- ot said of beer selling licenses is mandatory each year by the city council, he said But not ail owners or managers has r n 1 REVIEW Carter attended their dinner club meeting in Logan on Saturday at the Juniper Inn After dinner, club members met at tried in court and that party was found not guilty, said Attorney Barton. "At that time, I asked that all other similar cases be dismissed because felt that under the city ordinance as written at that time I could not prosecute successfully By GARY R. BLODGETT proclaimed the week, March 5 to II, as Save Your Vision Week. According to the auxiliary to the American Leo Walker lifts volunteeis BM! 0(501 President Garth Johnson. Mr and Mrs And Dev re c north Davis Countv under the name of VITA- - Volunteer In come Tax Assistant e. give thin time to assist local residents home of them hi lp ing are, to r, Alice Hemp Can Young and Carohn Weaver of Mr and Mrs mid-Atlant- i Free tax help is available to residents of First Security State Bank ot Kaysville First Security Bank ol Murray. N A First Security State Bank ol Helper |