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Show I - i WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL. MARCH 2, 1978 DAVIS COUNTY CUPPER, MARCH I 3, 1978 Is fjLlb By GARY R. BLODGETT a future gold mine i id h northern tip of Antelope BLud , .h!'f'ur of the Males J. i ij.:p urcurditig to Mdl'-dr.ok.and Re Tratiim Department aMrn tom. more so than it to m e Antelope Bland a.-- a iH.ni the as a tourist atve done a lot o mii i, did Mi. lippelis. Ka 'inm. hut it s only the beginning.. hr tdUM'Hdt to il e 'j pointed out that more than $3.3 imUioii liaul he inland and i cereal i .mai farihtirs uit the tab Nate Park I i':0 Stale- t & n t he Umn-- t U.-- I'iOliuUh, - aJo-ud- i pr-j- Bdik hi hkr lo st a .elude road the entire h the imnh with the Nate Park on the vul! JuM imagine what an additional Imiri'l 1 oii anything quite like it anvih r He emphasized that the road wonhfu l i!n I he '1:.- - , -- v . r l Lhr I?- to! r -' .. v" V, N yw 1 x . iV . the - lope dand. said Mr. Iqp-'"And any visitor to saliair Beat h on the south or di ie from o difficult to resist taking that of Ant il 1 ,!d to ..the. l,i o eo onu .e con'd r entphasia! that U rher. Ihivi-.- , Salt l ake ajid oi-a n ;. t. tourists who remain in the area oniv a tew evna Ihuo or a n Ami tbereV no question that Antelope Islands 2i u u a e puik is of and out instate state hoth tourist.s. amunjz Hordon Tennev. inforrnatimi sp ei,dnt Lr the Paf last ear's visits to utelope Island totaled i net an re ord. n and "Hut we should eastlv ex eed h- t'ot off to a 'tui! Mart wt tills eard bdid Mr. lennev. at the island during January, visually a slow month voih the He noted that the "offieiah touri-U 1 i leativ h r- i popular po--.n- - feui hpib lt ( fetivitnh planned at the (,r at nteope h "Many of our winter tourists are area residents w ho ju-- t w and find it easily aeeessahle euin to tlie island. sJirl Mr. hum Anteioje Island lias faeihties for dav tune pi me arid re reai en none New faeilities have Been added to make su,,r stay will Ik1 vi ; ,6iiXA.ev.v-..--- noteti. Two new shower and restroom buddings liuse hern ere liphts, ete. len imiivhlual shelter iiay he u added a well a- - a Lupr sio Hie latter is equipHi witli eh i tri ity and sinks he lare shelter must he reserved at leaM 11 iaN hi advance with mu of the Nate Park rangers. Persns should write for reservations to: luj U ,00 outh. vraeus. I tah IkHH I lie said. Reservation cost is 2t) rents per person and there niuM he a mmnmmi of 20 persons in the irroup to use this fa ilitv. it was explained. I Drinking fountains also have hern installed on the park sit with water for he omit a it and shower furnished hv a 20(h000-galloeulinarv water tank on tin hgg Island Overlook. Mr. Tenney said all of the parks 2 miles of road as well - tin- Tonile eausrwav from Svraetis.' to the island are in good eottdition. Pieni eamping and sw imnimg fa ililies should he in exeellenl shape for the summer season. Washouts of the eausewav from 1972 until late in 197o eaiised tmirisin drip eon when the road was either under m'lnn lion or rlosed to siderahly. During thos vears less than SO.fMJO tourists visittni the island. the puhiie Previously, the island s tourist rate hail averaged nearly 1.70.000 a vear white the past two years, since eomj)letin of the paved road am! additional new facilities at the park, tin 332.202 last w ar. tourist rate has jumped to 227.387 in 1970 ami the record-settinAnd much, much more is planned for development of the island in the next 13 eai. 1 W j m i if A -- I a- ! 277 : y j : 4 ; - u f r yl' 4 '"v 1 ' In i ' ,iv ' - i ... g area to acProjections, subject to available funds, include increasing the commodate 1.2(H) units, costing nearly a million dollars: improving the boat marina ami dikes to accommodate 120 boats. $000,000: improved ami additional utilities (water, power and sewer). $900,000; a visitors center am! two ranger resiliences. $900,000; improved am! extended roads. $830,000; ami the altimate goal, if possible, to purchase ill remaining private property ami plat ing the entire Angelope Island under a Nate Park. Great Salt Lake's south shore (Saltair) also will he developed during the next 13 o ar to include a marina to handle more than 200 Imat. roads, parking lots, rot rooms, concession buildings, and bathing facilities on the beach. Estimated cost of these improvements is (00.000. Mr. Tennev said more and more local residents arc including entire families eausewav bicycling out to the island and hack, a toss the roads on Antelope Island also are popular The Lmile stretch of newtv paved inner-parto cyclists. The I tali Chapter of the National Bicvcle Racing Association held it state championship race on the island course last June. kiinu tourist paradise. said the park director. "I tab is fast becoming a hm is throughout the world ami soon summer picnicing ami swimming in li Great Salt .I,ahe will lx a popular as I tail s w inter skiing. Basking on Great Salt lake's samlv heat lies will In tin- thing of tin lulim dav-us- W :'j$3A M . 100-mil- e vear-annm- well-know- ,v e |