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Show f WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, MARCH 2, 1978 ,. Layton fiHevjs i! 4 m & 773-47- 1 $ Wf & By DONETA M. GATHERLM jjS-- A 'ti Sfclfe, t N&S & David R Sill spent last week in Spokane, Seattle and Portland on a business trip He was reviewing warehouse 4&A&& 55 x a-&- ii TSfc?V f, 3 V, Z Ssr i - lf rajK Sf v St t' 4 g S O-'- v 8 ' t " 1 t Soil Conservation Service Snow surveys made Friday, Feb 24 show above average snow packs of water for 106 percent of average Last year 25 inches of snow contained only 3 9 FARMINGTON Lower snow water content of the snow at this site for March is m 9 course is 136 percent of average with 71 inches of snow containing 24 8 inches of water. Last year 39 inches of snow contained only 7 1 inches of water Average water content of the snow for March 1 at this site is 18 2 inches Following dirner, The snow in the Farmington canyon area is above average This view shows amount and beauty. ling Set AFTER breakfast there wot be a short business rr et'.r g to hear progress reports from the cumm.ttee cha rn en on protects and promotuns 3 for p aimed or prepu'-e- d 19s Guest speaker will be Senator Fiaven Barlow He w id sptak on rt cei t It tis'a live actions and advise wh- - rt tax d mars are g'Hrh C THERE wii be ihe A; n.tmbei'h p i luncheon tn UcJneX n! nu-e- genera! tie 5 at Restaurant A( r V , g 1, t tMB FLOOR C0VER1K3S - vATtm speaking talent numbers from the members of the (825-900- 0) W i I North Main C0MK.FH SflfCTHMi f SStOMAL best from the wards will follow the ward programs depth r: n erce Kit-- d the program Mrs Ivadtne Samueisoh Bugger of Bountiful d.ed Ftb 15 in a Salt Lose uy hospital of cancer She was the w.fe of J Alrrid Bagger wl o was boin and raised in Lavton Mrs Bugger's s ster, Mrs Donna Rite, lives in Kaysvtile Funeral services for Mrs Bugger were held Sat Feb is in the Bountiful 4Th Ward ward 14 years old and over A stake program featuring the in Den is There Will be a March general membership meturg held at Kens Restaurant on Thursday, March 2 at 7 it) a m , according to Gary bpitknall, president of the Lav tom Chamber of Ccm prov n x .x SNOW GETTING DEEP accounts for the Pillsbury Mr Sill is Company employed at the Pillsbury Freeport warehouse Saturday, Mr and Mrs Duane Tuke and family, Mr and Mrs Kay Nelson and family and Mr and Mrs Victor Hamilton and family at tended the funeral services for Lawrence Nelson who passed away in a Salt Lake City hospital last Tuesday Mr Nelson was the father of Mrs Duane (Marilyn) Tune, Mrs and Nelson Kay Victor (Linda) Hamilton Another brother, Kenneth Nelson, lives in Salt Lake City The funeral was held in Salt Lake City Interment was in the Manti City Cemetery During the early part of March, the wards of the Lay-toStake will be holding a music feast These activities will include music and Mr and Mrs Lewis Thur good and tr.eir family recently trave'ed to the Sand Dunes State Park for a day uf motorcycling Thursday evening, Feb 23 the Cub Scout Pack bb held Gold and Blue" their banquet There are four dens in Pack 8b The Pack is spun sored by the St Pose of Lima Catholic Church Twenty boys and their families enjoyed a covered dish supper at the church recreational hall r: y CONYHHfUT Ljyletfi ARMSNgtrC f Of OCRS INSTALLATION MflfKl - SOi MIAN NO smfh viNn com on X ft.AH A1 FLOORS floor tke FicfiON inches of water Average 1 inches KILFOIL Creek measure ments were 43 inches of snow and 13 6 inches of water for 108 percent of average Last year 20 inches of snow con tained only 3 1 inches of water Average water content of the snow for March at this site is 12.6 inches Sherman Lewis SCS (Soil Conservation Service) technician from Logan made the snow survey via Hosking 1 FARMINGTON upper snow course measured 92 inches of snow containing 30 7 inches of water for 127 percent of average. Last year there was only 45 inches of snow containing 8 8 inches of water Average snow water content is 24 1 Helicopter Two choppers were scheduled to be flying Friday but only one was available inches. ONLY two courses for the Weber River were completed Horse Ridge had 57 inches of snow containing 21 1 inches 27 ON MONDAY, Feb choppers were grounded due to the storm Snow surveys will be completed as soon as weather permits Layton FFA lias Very Busy Week The Layton Chapter Future Farmers of America has been busy this week with FFA Week Activities THE major activity of the week has been the annual and public speaking parliamentary procedure contest Members from each of the vocational agriculture classes prepare speeches and parliamentary teams and compete on a class basis where a winner is chosen to represent that class in the chapter contest THE contest for all the classes was held in the Ag shop with the fourth period landscaping team coming away from the contest vic- torious The team consisted of Brent Clawson, chairman, Kevin Moss, David Sargent, Jim Page and Kevin Day Judges for the contest were Bob Jaques and George Love, both former FFA members Sargent had the speech entitled Increased profits not DAVID winning Judges for the production speech contest were Dennis Draayer and Dean Hill David Sargent also received recognition at the annual Davis County Farm Bureau banquet as the outstanding ag student at Layton High School receiving a plaque and a check for J25 Spring I Full Bolts 45 Wide 5 Blue IMylon 1 bi 90 - 108 Wide Designer Length 36-4- Wide 5 cn i Is R.O.T. 40-4- Wide 5 LomI LI Yd. 1 Borrow to your hearts content HOME LOANS never owned a house Borrow Borrow it you've if you want to own a second home Borrow it you want to build Borrow if you want to buy But do your mortgage business with our loan experts They II extend a helping hand to outline mortgage possibilities for your consideration Also, to otter valuable advice on property and construction before you borrow. You don t think we'd call ourselves the bank with the heart of gold if we didn't want you to have all the house you can afford To be as satisfied as many holders in this community, you gotta have heart HEARTWARMING T , iJHItWSirii n j"1 nfj r j r"i.gf Smocked Double Knit Values to 39 Per Inch 60 Wide Designer Length Dress Weight 60 Wide Designer Length $119 home-mortga- Yd. Hi tite()'?i'fiihti:tllBhnJv' Phone 376-424- 1 SECOND NATIONAL BANK Phone 376-125- 1 Member FDIC Doing the things good neighbors do J OT 05 |