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Show I I WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, MARCH 2 1978 Celebrate H Week In County 4-- Utah Students In Other States total of 75 Utah students in professional fields in other states this year A through a program which enables them to pay tuition. THEY ARE part of the Student Exchange Programs of the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Salt Lake City, 84102, Education (W1CHE). In the program, exchange students attending 533-5bl- STUDENTS from Layton are Scott M Weaver, dentistry; Gary D Cutler and state tuischools pay only tion while the state sending them pays a fee to the receiving institutions to share the Alan K Morgan, optometry Donald L. Shurtz, dentistry; Clyde Gillespie, vet medicine, from Bountiful cost of the education Students attending private institutions pay a reduced KEVIN L. Hill, medicine, Kaysville rate. that helps our youth 4-- develop skills. is youth education that comes into each county through Utah State Univer4-- sity's Extension Offices. County Agents and Home Economists work with volunteer 4H leaders in providing many opportunities for your youth in leadership, to develop skills and to grow in citizenship Davis County Bankers recognize volunteer 4-- leaders by providing a lovely banquet for leaders and their partners March 16. vet are THERE THIS enables students to study within the 13 western states when the professional programs they desire are not offered in their home state Because of the program, a state does not have to create costly new programs which are already available in the Are executive WICHE Sirotkin, PROFESSIONAL fields available in the exchange are architecture, dental hygiene, dentistry, forestry, graduate administer minister these tests, Dr. Pinero. "With medicine. years ago to improve School District the West FIGURES on the number of students participating from this state were released by Utahs WICHE Commissioners who serve on a board governing the agency. They are Dr. Terrel H. Bell, com- (Meeting Davis County School District will meet in regular session at the boardroom of the school districts administrative offices at 45 East State in Farmington on March 7 at of higher education, Utah Board of Regents, missioner Salt Lake City; Donald B Holbrook, attorney, Walker Salt Lake City, M. Overfelt, 7 30 p m ACCORDING 2 $200,000 Openings At Lagoon : For CHERYL ANN SORENSON Jobs Job openings for 500 to 600 summer jobs mostly for will be availab'e teenagers at Lagoon Amusement Park in Farmington DOUGLAS Larsen of the Utah Job Service Center, 455 West Center, Bountiful, said applications will be taken at Cheryl Ann Sorensen, 12 year old daughter of Mr and Mrs. Lynn Sorensen, 1744 W 1375 North, Layton, is the spelling champ of Vae View Elementary SHE with competed students from the fourth, fifth and sixth grade the amusement park each Wednesday and Friday in March from 2 30 until 6pm Job openings range from ride operators to concession personnel and garden and grounds keepers Her teacher is Mr Wardell She will go on and represent her school m area competition next month. APPLICANTS should apply at the Lagoon Park Office They must be at least 16 years of age and provide their own transportation grb FOR information concernplease call the USU ing Davis County Extension Of- fice, Farmington, 867 2211, 295-239ext 294 or 295 Utah Sen. Hatch Announces ftainees To Acaciem -- 773-780- Tellers EiV3 Presentatlcns At naftshps Two Davis School District teachers and an elementary school made principal presentations at the recent regional workshop of the Utah Council of Teachers of Mathematics held at Mount Jr High School in POSITIVE PARENTING WORKSHOP The Davis County Family and Community Mental Health Center is offering a workshop for parents beginning Wedk nesday, March 15, 1978 Activities are designed to develop specific parental skills Topics include communication, motivation, discipline, and assertion training PLACE: Farmington Mental Health (85 So. 185 E.) TIME: Wednesdays, 7-- Center p.m. 9 COST: $27 per couple $13.50 per Plus $8.50 (or materials adult REGISTRATION LIMITED TO 30 PARTICIPANTS. For information and registration, call: 867-221- 1 Og- BILL HANSEN, elementary supervisor of mathematics and science in the Davis School District, said sjjeakers included E. Maynard fifth grade Whitesides, teacher at Taylor Elementary School, Orvil Nelson, Sunset Jr High teacher; and James Martin, former sixth grade teacher and now principal of South Clearfield Elementary School Mr Whitesides spoke on "Kids, Turtles and Computers, telling how computers aid children in solving mathematical problems MEETING Children's Needs was the topic of Mr. Nelson's talk. His aim was to stimulate children's desires for mathematics, thus stimulating these children to other tasks Mr Martin described how to use number patterns as an effective method of teaching mathematics grb East LaytoD LDS Ext. 290 Senator Ornn G Hatch announced that seven Davis County high school seniors have qualified to compete for a limited number of appointments to the U.S. Service academies. A total of 33 young Utahns have qualified from throughout the state. ROGER Carl Bailey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Bailey, 120 West 870 North, Sunset; David Earl Bay, son of Mr. and Mrs Elvon L. Bay, 2940 S. 450 E., Bountiful; Bradley Evers Dodd, son of Lt. Colonel and Mrs William W. Dodd, 966 Thornfield Day Is Hold Feb 11 was an exciting day for the teenagers of the Lay-ion East Stake They spent the day attending a series of workshops chosen with the interest of the youth in mind in- struction on backpacking, outdoor survival, small engine repair, golf and tennis skills, leather working auto tune-up- , and skateboarding techniques The young women attended classes in floral drying and arranging, self defense, personal hairdressing, refinement, ceramic painting and liquid embroidery, basic photography, modern dance instruction, and an informative class on rock and roll them is superbly qualified, and its an honor to them, to their families, and to every person in Utah that these SfcjrtM and Organfad Guns RWKSnfl RMtfftMN mtjBto, Arts A service academies Senator Hatch said final determination for the limited openings will be made by the Military Academy at West Point, NY, the Naval at Annapolis, Academy Maryland, and the Air Force at Colorado Academy Springs, Colo Buena Ventura Oram, 8cinc WtyWit Sand, etc ExfrtKJd, Crtmd Tch REGISTER hVW FOR FALL UHtTED ENROLLMENT 378-S-S7- fr 376-S3I- 0 7 $& Sons Of Pioneers 'A : 'S8&-- - On Feb. 20, the Buena Ven tura Chapter of the Sons of Utah Pioneers met at the home of Mr. and Mrs Marion Allen Their home consists of three floors. The lower floor is OWEN Horne, president, welcomed the group and an nounced that Lrola Prigmore and Carol Duckworth would entertain later Their hus bands also attended Minutes of the last meeting were read by Ray Forbes, secretary and treasurer PRESIDENT Horne then called on Alfred G Woodland, vice president, to read eight propositions prepared by the Civic Affairs Committee of the National Board of the Sons of Utah Pioneers These propositions were discussed and it was agreed that a committee would be appoint ed to work with the national organization on them Time was turned over to Leola Prigmore and Carol Duckworth who entertained with slides, poems and music LUNCHEON was served by Mrs Allen, after which time attendance That evening a dance was held featuring the music of the Vanderdoes Connection Adults and youth alike enjoyed dancing and refreshments was taken up visiting and wandering around looking at antiques The Buena Ventura Chapter now includes members from Layton, East Layton and ADDING to the special atmosphere of the whole day's activities was the cooperation of the young men and women m adhering to the dress and conduct standards set by the church will be chosen to attend military academies," Senator Hatch said. "Each one of yr. olds &srastC&!ton or Keys!!! Overmoe, 3103 East Boulder Drive, Layton; and Carlton Michael Rosengrant, son of Mr. and Mrs Carl S. Rosengrant, 616 S 2000 W , Syracuse, will compete for served to all in LUNCH was TM disappointed that only three or four young Utahns 3-- 5 young people are being con side-refor admittance to the Road, Kaysville, Richard with antique furniture Activity the service academy appointments. E.ini SCHOOL I'kjrx Charles Evans, son of Mr and Mrs Ralph Evans, 424 N 850 E., Layton. Also Steven Garland Mills, son of Mr. and Mrs Ronald P. Mills, 2387 So Main, Clearfield, Bradley John Overmoe, son of Mr. and Mrs Terry H almost entirely furnished THE YOUNG men got Farmington COOKIE SALE given to Assistant sabbatical leave for personnel, federal regulations on the handicapped, and requests for purchase of lots near Clearfield High School for the school building program Other items on the agenda are a request for teacher planning time at the South Weber Elementary School and a reorganization of school athletic activities, rk f taling over away each year by major business companies to recognize 4H achievement Ogden den Superintendent Lawrence Welling, items to be discussed are area vocational center recommendations, It's that time of year again when the Girl Scouts will be ringing your doorbell and selling cookies Selling will Ix'gui Friday afternoon in the Lay aiea, ac Ted chairman cookie to cording Keeling, netghboihood Guls wall he selling five varieties of cookies and a clu ddar tracker for those without a sweet tooth or on a diet Sjieatheading the cookie dme in cential I)ais County aieltor. Lisa Iewts and Kathy Carter, Troop .121, and Laun Lewis, Cadet Troop 207 4-- 1,905 to be a big job She said testing will begin by governors and legislators , said Rocketry to Self Determined proiects. There are many incentives and awards available for who exhibit at the Davis County Fair and keep record books for contests. After county and state competition, many Utah 4Hers compete Club in the National Congress in Chicago, each fall, for $1,000 scholarships. There are scholarships to- students involved, it's going headquartered in Boulder, Colo , was created WICHE, Bank Bldg e THE DISTRICT is asking for volunteers to help ad- therapy, podiatry, public health and veterinary and Jean language-dominanc- Anabel Pinero, district director of bilingual programs therapy, pharmacy, physical m a test, said Dr. library studies, graduate nursing education, law, medicine, occupational higher education Gardens, Aerospace and . IF SO, Davis County School District needs you as a volunteer Monday for aiding the testing and interviewing of more than 1,905 students in the district who have been identified through a survey recently as speaking a total of 50 different languages In the determining students' dominance in these languages, as well as in English, it is necessary to to duplicate programs already available in the West, and it is an example of effective interstate cooperation, according to Dr. Phillip director. Med Do you speak another lan- guage? many projects, or subjects of-fed to young people through the 4H program They are as varied as Art, Child Care, Foods, Clothing, Automotive, Photography, Bicycle Safety, Rocks and Minerals, Horses, Volunteers West. The program is considered to have saved states millions of dollars by their not having 25 4-- 4-- member, Utah State Board of Regents, Salt Lake Cty Persons interested in learning about the Student Exchange Programs can contact the statewide certifying officer who enters students into the program He is Dr. Bell, 807 E. South Temple, are studying Davis County are among the 40,000 boys and Clubs girls in Utah Club Week. celebrating Presentations are being made to local mayors of baked goods, to impress upon the minds of our public officials Kaysville They welcome new members from the surrounding towns to join the chapter All men who would like to keep alive the spirit of the pioneers are wplcome to join regardless of whether or not they had pioneer ancestors before 1869 if'lb a On Large Only i"Ciib a"af2a $200 iffOn'drcffc off. On Large Only or o Get $2 00 off your next Pizza Hut pizza1 Thick n Chewy pizza or Thin n Crispy pizza Any kind you like large size pizza only Just cut out this coupon and take it to a participating Pizza Hut restaurant we II have it hot 'n ready for Phone ahead you' D 0 0 0 Offer good on regular menu prices only through March 18, 1978 At participating Pizza Hut restaurants listed below LAYTON CLEARFIELD ROY WOODS CROSS D D Casuv.iu. t JO Cent $ 4r |