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Show WEEKLY f,E r.' MARCH 2, 1978 r a fi-- 1 Storm Brain Plan Still in Talking ta ked with three farmers from the area ca her, but apparently there is still op- By ROSELYN KIRK of the Weber position since members contacted been had Board by one bas.n farmer who expressed his opposition. The decision on whether to transfer the maintenance of the A- storm drain Bountiful located in Woods Cross-Wes- t -l from Weber Basin Water Conservancy District to Davis County remains in the talking stages Mr Nitlsen said he would take the word back to the county commission that the county will have to convince farmers that they will not be inconvenienced. Mr. Vi megar suggested the cities involved be EUGENE NIELSEN, Nielsen, Maxwell and Wangsgard, consulting engineer for the Davis County storm water committee, told the Weber Basin water board that the county would agree to maintain the A 1 drain and subordinate systems if storm water could be emptied into the dram which runs into the lake contacted to persuade the farmers to Uftree on 'he project, which he said would benefit the cities as well as the county. PRELIMINARY agreement drawn up Attorney Nul Olmstead also specified that me county would agree to an inspection of the A 1 canal by Weber Basin and m a termination of the contract by either party With not less than one years notice A by According to Wayne Winegar, water district manager, about three or four farmers in that area who donated 1 JO feet way for the building of the storm drain will have to be convinced that the project is to their benefit before Weber Basin makes a decision The water con right-o- f The agreement would also hinge on the aiteptance of the contract by the federal government The one yeat termination date was questioned by both Mr Winegar and Mr Nielsen who felt this condition would not be acceptable to county commissioners Neither of the three commissioners were present since they were in Si George attending the Utah Association of (( unt.es Convention servancy district maintains the l canal, which was built by the Bureau of Reclamation, (BOR) and s owned by the federal government A-- OW NERSH1P OF the canal could not be transferred, even with the agreement of the water district, but the right to use the present canal to transfer storm water to the lake could be negotiated if farmers agree Mr Winegar said the prime purpose of the canal is to dram the farmland, but if it could be used in addition to take storm water to either the Jordan River or to armington Bay, that projet t would be an asset to the area MR. MEISEN said the cost to the couritv for another diain system would be excessive due to the cost of rigM-o- f ways, the grade of the area and the large p!pe that would be required to take care of the water If the agreement can be reached, the county plan to construct retention basins to hold the water during a cloudburst storm and let it out slowly so that flooding will not occur He said that some flooding could still result in the spring since the system could riot guarantee to control In uvv snow melt 1 IF FARMERS cannot be convinced, Mr Nielsen said the county might be foiced to build another dram parallel to the A drain, which would be costly Mr Nielsen said the county would agree to replace e culverts, which feed into the drains that empty into the A drain The drains are often clogged with debris At this point there is a significant backup in the flow, Mr Nielsen said 1 SERVICE 24-HO- UR By Dr. Billie Allison and nurse Jan Iarst n work with a patient at the Davis North emergency room Sometimes all the beds are occupied Often the morning hours are quiet R05FLYN KIRK Weather conditions, as well as the season of the year and WEBER BASIN engineers said the complaint from farmers that the drams s .mu were plugged was due to slugg.sh flow This would be eliminated bv additional water which would clean and flush out the streams if Davis County were given the okay to use the canal as a storm water system Mr Nielsen agreed to take the problem back to the county commission in addition in asking County Attorney Milton J Hess for an opinion on the proposed contract between the two bodies 1 Since the A 1 dram was built, with the purpose of draining surface and subsurface water in the low area, storm water problems have increased from the con struction further east and present an ad day are factors how many emergencies will arrive at the emergency room (I R ) at the Davis North Medical (enter the time of that influence ditional issue m Layton Stage DAVIS COUNTY Commissioners had DEANNA Hales, LR supervisor, said that on snowy days the staff is prepared for victims of snow blower accidents, as well as heart attack victims who have overexerted from shoveling snow Skiing and snowmobiling accidents are seasonal with the winter Insuring an adequate water supply for future years was again a major item for discussion when the East Layton City Council met Tuesday, Feb 21 She said if the weather is mostly gray and rainy, that the ER has a slow day because people arent out doing much The rush season for the ER is during June, July and August when students are out of schools, people are in volved in more activities and the days are longer COUNCILMAN Hohman was asked to prepare a letter to be sent to the Weber Basin Water Conservancy District requesting information about the price of Weber Basin Stock and the availability of their water supply Councilman Hohman stated the city would still need to build a water storage tank tf tha city decided to buy Weber Basin water instead of drilling a city PRIOR to the opening of Davis North Medical Center on Nov l, 1976, it was estimated that ER staff would see about 40 people the first month. Mrs Hales said in stead 400 patients were cared for during that period In December 1977 that number had increased to 900 with the number dipping to 800 m January 1978 Accidents are seasonal In the fall football accidents are common, twisted ankles are abundant during the basket ball season, while golf and tennis injuries can be an ticipated during the summtr The hours from 3 until p m are the busiest during anv season of the year well The council also decided to investigate the feasibility of buying Kays Creek Irrigation Company Class B stock to be later converted into culinary water TWO conditional use permits were issued Mrs Judy Morgan was given a transfer of her conditional use permit from her former residence to her present home She operates a beauty parlor in her home was Glen Ravenburg granted a permit to allow him to operate a land survey office 1 1 THATS when the children are out of school and when people are participating m leisure activities, Mrs Hales said Saturdays the emer gency room is kept busy wi'h children, she said Since the telemetry equ'p ment, which monitors the heartbeat was installed in toe FR about three wet ks ao Conditional use permits are only given when there is adequate off street in hts home parking, when the home AFTERnOOn RUSH the paramedic arrbulanct crews have cared for patients involved in seven car at cidents, three heart ai'uks, several drug overch s s an t one epileptic seizure ar medic s or to pel touch with ot hi r c t on i s sue h cs the poison t mt r at t he niver sity of ( l.d 'f additional i xp t tise is to thi i ( m m 1 c WHEN a signal comi von communication equipmert c the telemetry t enter indu ing that a rescue is in progress one of the registered nurses on d iiv amc Rescue (naming tht numhc r rescue unit) This is tnursc s name) at Dav is N Tih (o' Ahead " The paramc da nects the monitoring dtai.t to the patient so that the tracing of the heartbeat can be recorded on the telemetry equipment at the hospital The recording of the elm then cm trocardtogram is Di it O' 1 s I! , THf yia'fed ours's c mergen y ana is six rfgivnrtd hy two part tone nuiscs and two emergency mod cai technicians who rolate shifts on a 74 hour basis Two registered nurses aro on duty in st of the iirr- - exi c lit a n gl mi t w be ii an hut!) ay moot adjusts a leg ut i r a patient at the i.ot room Dc anna Hales Lon igt in v f the I), ivis Ninth Meciic.il ( o', - isonal R.nm Nil rwsor said a nit n t c I PS or h M T is fj dcfr.bulator, and i f Lti t Halts said that some times all the Nds available in flu four nxims are filled and the nurses are running Other limes all is quiet One cart which is stix ked with all the medication and equipment needed for cardiac arrest or chest or head injuries is kept a.ailable in one of the larger rooms, allowing the nurses mom to manipulate The Ms MRS. HALES nd . ' . j t . emergency room can ode 88 the err ergi get the team im nu but usually this is not sary because the pi' , ( r kind of case from cardiac arrest to sore throats are handled in the emergency When room private physicians are not available, i equipment are k pt i tart in the morn w cardiac arrests arc c.im If . ' t many patients are brought into the hospital i d , s . and ambulant c cnni ahead and the spe , needed are in 'he ! H w the emergent ies c,r i u i p o IN emergency casts, the family of the injured patient is allowed to wait in an ad jacent room where an in house social worker is called, if necessary, to be wish the family business does not increase the How of traffic in the neighborhood and when the business does not alter the residential appearance of the area Forbes MAYOR diiected Ailgood to a send was Marvin letter informing him he was in violation of city ordinance number ten He will have 30 days to comply with the ordinance The East Layton police department was praised for their outstanding service to the community by a private citizen and by the Montessori Schrxil THE Layton Fire City a letter stating East Layton was wav below the national average in the number of fires and in the total loss of property resulting from fire Department sent Another letter from the Layton Fire Department m formed East Layton that the Holbrook Apartments did not have an adequate Ere protection system The fire hydrant located near the apartments does not have enough pressure to service the apartments or the homes in the area Another problem is the narrow, steep road leading to the upper apartment units GENE Nielsen and Bill luce, representing Davis (ounty, presented the county master storm sewer drainage plan to the council Council members were somewhat critical of the plan They felt a stoi m sewer system should have been developed several years ago before Aspen Heights and other developments were completed The council criticized Davis (ounty for not working consistently and systematically in establish an adequate sys-m of pipe lines, pick up points and detention basins The council stated they would not alter existing streets and storm sewer lines to conform to the master plan u STEPS were taken to rectify an incorrect boundary survey that shows the property line between East Layton City property and land belonging to Mrs Vida Rouche Finally, Justice of the Peace Ray Adams, presented his report to the city East Layton collected a total of $1293 in Dec and $1054 in Jan through fines and other court action dmg Layton Employees Are Also Presidents With the recent election of Layton Fire Chief John H Adams to the head post of the Utah Fire Chiefs' Association, Layton now has four of its employees who are presidents of state organizations they represent named chief three years later a position he held for 22 years He became the city's first full time chief four years ago same serving as a patrolman two veteran years He is a of the military as an Air orte military policeman and intelligence agent OTHERS IN the category are Police Chief LaMar Chard, president of the Utah Police Chiefs' Association, City Attorney Bruce Barton, who heads I he Utah City Attorneys Assoc la lion, and Randall Heaps citv administrator, who is of the Utah president-elec- t Municipal Clerks' Assotia lion Mr Adams is a 25 year veteran with the city fire department joining the force in 1953 as a volunteer and was CHIEF Chard has been at the helm of the Lavton Polite Department years after 12 r 1 Attorney citys first Barton is the city attorney, a position he has held for the past two years full-tim- e MR. HEAPS, city recorder and administrator for the past 12 years, will assume his duties as president of the state assoc lat ion this month grb read immediately and also record ed so that the tapes can be played back later if neces sary ALTHOUGH the telemetry equipment is expensive, cost mg 116,000, Mrs Hales says that several lives have been saved already A red phone near the telemetry com- munications equipment provides another source of contact with the paiamedic vehicle If for some reason the radio is not operational, the red telephone can be used to talk By GARY R. BLODGETT Raymond E Young, na tional director of Job (imps, vivted Clearf.eld Job ( orps Wednesday to dedicate the centers new d.mng hall and cafeteria THIS IS one of the nicest, most luxurious dining halls to be found in anv Job Corps center, said Mr Young at a Wednesday morning press conference 'This had compliments the other fine facilities available here Clearfield Job Corps has a lot to be proud of and the staff and personnel here are doing a hangup job This is one of the finest centers in all of the Job Corps system " modern and appeabng o' in or ( ut of he (orps," said Moso Wa'x director of the (ha'fu i ( orps Center v of its kind b s b "CORPSMEN be gar b- rg in the new c afeiera i n Feb 6, but official ded ca m was postponed until this ' me to allow Mr Young to hr in 1 explained FOR A time while the old facility was being renovated, meals for the job corpsmen and staff were prepared in the tour - served THE NEW fan!,ty accommodates 430 persons at one time There are four large dining rooms each in a different decor and all beau t. fully furnished believe these dtn.rg facilities are among the most MR. WATKINS said it took about a year to get approval to build a new facility "Then it required another six or seven months to construct the facility," he said attendance The center s original dr ng hall and kitchen fain Ps "went up in flames d r ng an arson fire on June 12 'Tfi The old dining facility will be converted into a multipur- pose and conference room, said Mr Watkins MR. YOUNG was given a of the center during his one-dastay and met with the y Clearfield news media immediately following the dedication ceremony however, while the school was out of session, it was The dedication was attended by several city, county and state dignitaries, news media School High cafeteria This occurred only during the summer of 1976, and the Clearfield Job Corps Community Relations Council MR. YOUNG has been na- Breckinridge Job Corps Center He later was responsible for Clearfield and Lincoln (Neb ) Job Corps tional Job Corps director since last November when he was appointed to this post as well as director of the newly created Young Adult Conservation Corps He has served with Job Corps, which is under the administration of Thiokol Corporation, since 1966 when he was assigned for project manager He Did One sweet thing to another: I like men who make things. Like Mr. Potter. He made $50,000 last year. -- Topnotcher |