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Show ) i DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL. MARCH 2,1978 WEEKLY REFLEX SelDate For May Wedding Layton Births The first child of Howard son of Mr. and Mrs Richard L. and Julia M Jackson Peterson was bom Feb 16, 1978 m an CgJen hospital The girl will te named Kirsten Peterson D Grandparents are Mr. and bride and an open house the following evening m Provo. great-grandpare- The bride-to-b- e graduated from Davis High School in 1976 and will receive her degree in nursing in April from Ricks College in Rex-burIdaho still living She Elsie Jackson of is Mrs Roberts, Idaho SYLVIA ADAMS Don and Sherry R Burrows Prufdizer are announcing the birth of their first child The girl, named Shemae Dawn, was bom Feb 15, HT8 in ILAZEN ADAM S 60th Anniversary in the East 4 Layton 3rd W'ard, 2435 E 1530 , East Layton to honor Mr and Mrs Hazen F Adams on their 60th wedding anniversary The event will be held from 36pm There will be a short program at 5pm IT IS requesh-- ihai gifts d po1-tio- secretary Mr Adams also worked the Ogden Aisena! as a si nonary ergmeer bv omitted Hazen F Adams was born Nov 14, 1831 m Fast I avion a son of Andy Ik md Harriet Adams LDS Temple htv have lived in East I ay tm 'hen entire Vows Exchanged In LDS Temple Faking her place among the Feb brides is Miss Tary A Barnes who exchanged wedding vows with Robert Glenn in Hyde impressive ceremonies on I eb 17 in the Salt Lake LDS Temple bride THE NEW of Mis Helen Barnes of 305 West 350 South. Kaysvtlle and the la'e Newell Barnes daughter Parents are of the bridegroom and Mrs Gerald Mr Hyde of 28 San Mateo, Galeta, Calif ELDER Clifford Bell performed the ceremony The couple was honored at a wedding breakfast following the ceremony at the Chuck-Rama Restaurant in Salt Lake City hosted bv the bridegrooms parents THAT they evening received guests at a reception at the Kaysville Seventh Ward Cultural Hail They were furthered honored at an open house on I eb 24 at Goleta, Calif The bride was attractive in r a gown fashioned of chiffon and chantillv H featured a high neckline and long lace tapered sleeves 1 he poly-shee- bodice was accented with delicate lace bands forming a V design with lrridescents Ihe A line skirt lengthened into a chapel train and was accented at the hemline with a lace band above the deep double ruffle The luffle extended up the back of the skirt into a bustle effect A satin bow and streamers limshed the waistline Renie, Miss Carma Fisher and Miss Gail Hamblin were bridesmaids The bride and bridegroom s mothers chose floor length gowns of delicate pink and their corsages were pink roses and carnations BEST man duties were performed by Sandy Storey and Darrel Lamb Ushers were Paul Hyde, David Irujillo John Barnes, Charles Barnes Patty Rose attended the guest book Following a honeymoon tup to San Francisco, Cal.f the young couple will make their home in Salt lake C ltv piece The bridal bouquet consisted of a dozen pink rust to activ Relief Society sec resary of th avion 3rd Ward MR. AND Mrs Adams arc the parents of tht following sons and daughters Mrs A! den (Nora) Burton, Fruit Heights, Mrs David (Rhea) Sedgwu k, Folsom, ( alii , Mis fcugent D (Faye) Purker, Washington Terrace y nn H Adams and Kenneth H Adams, both of Fast Lay ton The couple has 22 giandchildren and 13 great grandchildren dmg FOR 15 years, Mr Adams was employed by the Days County School District as a school bus driver Mr Adams operated a steam threshing machine for many years. He and Dave Green, the owner of the thresher, contracted pregrar 1 tained at numerous socials and dances THEY WORE identical floor length gowns, styled with detachable collars of contrasting material, with empire styling, high cut sleeves and scoop necklines of princess satin in bridesmaids pink They each held a single lorg stemmed pink rose bud 1 thresh interesting talk am presentation of hi Dr Robe it Bischoff whe is head of the Utah State School for the Deaf arid Blind in Og den was the guest speakc r at the I avion Rotary ( sib, ednesdav DR. EISA I OF Ik1 1 ' M r L I High School and her Associate Degree in Nursing at Weber State College She fullilled a LDS mission to ihf (otun j k7 i hr bia Bogota Mission M 1le has Gif lied a o! to t h mm, Hi 1 V s I'S mis I v. mi op ( t ( ag 1 ana Mrs C Utdf Bill D B jirfe r 1 and Mrs Olive- West Point girl Mi and Mrs Steve L ) ytrn, gii - hatpe - Fh if r s 10 Mrs Lucile B Sheffield gave a program on her recent trip to the Middle East to members and guests of the lakeview Circle Neighborhood Birthday Club, held at the home of Mrs Lola kVhittaker She narrated slides and told of the many (hanges in that country and Mrs Melpha lyoltlewyn was assisting hos- its people Merla Coulam enter-- l uned the Mountain View Neighborhood Club at her home Thursday evening Mrs Bclva Muir was cohostess The program was given bv students from Davis High School np ; lf y I g j Kaysville La Leolie Meets t . t SPRING THJIV o in N III, ii i ill! Mr t ane Mr C ayton, bo, and Mrs p i ) ( PRICES I 03 t L Wo r 1 2r 1 ) L learf'C'd, run YARN i E L and Ms James 17, 1978 no ; 2 J 7 Kaysville, February 19, 1978 Gardner 883 S C E Ask for hi e ojntnhas i hjipi r not 1 Ith 1alhrn issiir The spinning USftd b'y 76 South Mam, Bountiful 27 2 3 G ; C G, ,, Clinton, boy February 21, 1978 and Mrs Austin Chiles 903 Kaysville g i tomes word of the arma son born Feb 2 19'8 h M and Mrs ( raig Mol m , former Kaysville reside n s Tne 8 lb 3 oz lad wn! tu named Charles Kinsey Moll t and is their fourth child U home are Christopher, ( rev and Amy i'j Mrs Moline was the for u Colleen Kinsey of Kavsvilh The grandparents are M and Mrs Alvin D Kinsi v Kaysville, Jack Mni ini Mrs Mary Lewis, both of den f i (, It's a daughter for Mr an I Mrs Roger H Thomson of Ml North 320 Eact, haysvili The new miss arrived on 1 eb 15, 19TS at the McKay Hospo u and weighed in at 8 lbs Tliey have selected Dc st as her name Brothers and sisters at home are T Brian and Bruit was the forme' Da It Fisher of San I orenzo, ( aid The grandparents art Mr and Mrs Norman F ishi if ar t al if , lames f ta It s now one of V" h McK 1 h ;d W nt Kaysville with tht son on Feb 17, IRS it t e McKay Ho' pital n Ogdt u in at 8 lb and w id o a named Shadd At home sister Kuri Mrs McK n'ght w,i, t former Carol Ho It 0 r ! LaCanada, C alif The grandparent1- ar van-vah'- Mrs Clarentf nii;11 i( Oroville, Calif , M1- and Mi , I at of Fiollen Jack Cahf , and Mr and Ms j a Me Knight of Ogden '' Mr jnd Mo a' e hapj Jep-e- a! Ml dl of a bah Si , c j u Vows Miss daughter C itv weighing 8 lb James Beck of 428 North 3O0 Fast Kaysville, was married to Randy Galvez of Ogden, son of Harvey Galvez and Mrs Yevonne Farnsworth, all of Ogden 13 oz TOE COUPLE was married 13 in Elko, Nev Ttie bride is a graduate of She has four brothers, David, Mark, Eric and Benjamin Mrs Steiner is the former Pali 1a Johnson of Kaysville Mr and Mrs Morris Johnson Kaysville, Mr, and Mrs Arles K Steiner of Fruit Heights are the grandparents The great grandparents are Mrs Pearl Johnson of Salt lake City and Mrs Mary Neeves, Pleasant Groves Feb Davis High School and has been employed with Umvac ( 0 , North Salt Lake i THE bridegroom is a graduate of Ben Lomond High School The newlyweds will make their home in Pleasant Grove np We now nave a new caboose who arrived on Feb. 20 weighing 9 lb 2 oz Get the w Ihe Engineers are Gary Irish Spirit- !- md Mary Lynne Sargent of 63 Grand Oaks Drive, Fruit Heights Time delivered to the station was 3 15 She will bi named 1 ori Anne I Melanie Beck, of Mr and Mrs Other children are Steve, dwina, Amy, Mark, Greg, and Brooke A ! Exchange Parents of a daughter are Dr and Mrs John Steiner of fT7 Fast Oak Lane, Kaysville She arrived on Feb 22 at the I DS Hospital in Salt Lake Mr and Mrs Martin of 109 South of wtkome the newcomer are lour brothers and sisters, Steven, Jennifer, Kristina Mr t rhonv-- Kaysville and C Uv and Mrs M P Marsh Sargent of Salt I ake are the grandparents C S From Pocatello, Ida comes word of the arrival of a son bom to Mr. and Mrs Cra'g Moline, former Kaysville residents The 8 1b 3 oz lad 0 ived on Feb 2 and will be named Charles Kinsev , r 1' e . r j. i St cards and partyware Moline They re a bit of old He is their fourth child At In m ' are Christopher, Corey i d Amy Ireland1 j)C4 Moline is the former of Kaysville tirandparents are Mr and Mrs Alvin D Kinsey, Kays v Ht , Mr and Mrs Harold Mrs lolleen Kinsev lewis, Jack Moline, all 1 With colorful Patnck s Day of PRINT Washington Terrace Mrs Mary Pehrson of Og den is the great grandmother 379 S State. Clearfield women en- couraged to attend f or further information about the meeting or for help with breastfeeding problems tall Susan Cole Iynn or Judy Wannberg E : C ri February 24, 1S7E Mr and Mrs Soneti Aiono, 406 Clearfield boy N nder Tb-576- dmg Sale j February 20, 1978 and Mrs Ronald FfamoU 3? 30 A Syracuse girl Mr and Mrs Gary Sarqent 569 Ga Fru.t Heights girl Mt and Mrs James Sroft, 1 D2 N Mr UN both Mt San Antonio College and Citrus College in California md Robert The grandparents are Mr and Mrs Everett N Brown ,ng Ogden and Mr and Mrs Blame R Jensen of Plain ( sty The great grandmother Lora Gunter of is Mrs An mo, Idaho rp GREAT MEXICAN C r . Mr Sale ends March From Pocauli!1, The prospective groom graduated from Edgewood High School and attended They reside at 400 East 600 North Kaysville Mrs Jensen was the former Carol Brown irg of Ogden. At home to Bake February 18, 1978 and Mrs Gan L Roundy 7 7 C o G and Mrs 1 L! Camino College 0 i Glearf.eld, boy Mr I and Mrs W ilham Rerr Mitchell and Ms and M , Don Halls, all id Kavsv it The great grandma' ht r Mrs Fiiza Hal of Murgui THE bride-to-b- e graduated from West High School in Torrance, Calif , and attended interested I Murray boy Mr born Feb. II, 1978 at the McKay Dee Hospital in Ogden She will be named Jacqueline and weighed 7 lb 9 765-010- 2 February Mr Hospital in Bountiful and w '! be named Brandon Brent 1 lit mother will be remembered as the former Lon HalK 0! Kaysville They have ano m son Trent The grandparents an V iand tant mothers an also February 15, 19 78 and Mrs Ncad J Ber eft 713 CHRIS IS the son of Fugene Stoddard of 248 W. Foothill Boulevard, Azusa, Calif The wedding will be held on Saturday, May 20, 1978 at the Enchanttd Evening in Ogden who an in noising their babies are mviti d to attend Babies are welcome Fxpei ALL 3 Provo their following marriage where Delia will be employed at the Utah Valley Hospital while Michael completes his studies at the university np discuss informallv difftrem phases of breasifet ding S enthe Announcing gagement of their daughter Terry to Chris Stoddard, are Mr. and Mrs Edward R Davis, who reside at 93 West 600 North, Kaysville The couple plan to live in Welcoming iheir si s 0 u child and second son are Mi and Mrs H Bient Mitchel f 127 North 4oOWest, Kaysv It Ihe 8 lb 1 oz lad arrived r Ftb 18, 1978at the lakeview San Lorenzo, The group wi'l rpet tht lirst Thursday of t at h month A series of four meetings will 1. Sags rs, Mission Kaysville Births and Mrs TOPIC of dSi Uisiun for the third meeting will be The Babv Arrives The Family and the Beautiful Baby i February 12, 1 9 Mr and Mrs Donald C I'1 F How Road, Kaysv lie ho 7 Mrs Wilma BloxFam was hostess to the Delate Pinochle I lub at Kens Restaurant on Wednesday afternoon at their regular luncheon meeting league will hold its third met ting of a senes on Tnursday, March 2 at the home of Yvonne Bonebreak, 593 Mountain Road, I ruit , i ( March 9 La Let he 3m. G. .a) to Michael I Members of the Mountain Road Neighborin' id Birthday ( tub will meet at the home of Mrs Ruth Ward on Thursday, Ihe Kay'vnle group February 11, 1978 Mr Pioneers at her home Tues day evening Heights 10, 1978 - 1 i, received February Mrs lone Sandail enier-ned the A Lunas Club at it home Tuesday afternoon Mrs Betty Hver will be hostess to the U agon Iv heel ( amp of Daughters of Utah r if e 3 Clubs is r in bait t pi igram f Davis i n met at the I bateau C ind tht program was i tht dnec non of Jo an The bride is a graduate ,3 to nl, following the dinner he 28 Rotariar and Kaysville Mrs tr sU I forthcoming marriageK ol their daughter Deha jv Plans Wedding B tess Dr. Robert Bischoff Speaks To Rotary PRENUPTIAL parties were given by Mrs Robert Rena , Miss Curma Fisher and Miss Gail Hamblin THE bridegroom gradu ited from Dos Pueblos High School He a! (ended Sant j Barbara t tv ollegi a id Brigham Y ung t mvers'W ' mam years, she taught the Trait builders bovs in Primary Mrs Adams has also spen j considerable amount of Urn teaching Sunday School and working as a Relief Society visiting teacher She was the They enter- played the piano C THE shoulder length veil of illusion wa silk budal caught to a matching head h She has alwav- - been in the L DS C hurch I or played the yiolin in the Adams tire hestra that consisted ot himself, his father, his sisttis and his cousins This group became well known throughout the Davis County area They played for almost all the dances and church activities Later, Mr Adams played the violin and R w Adams buds and babv breath Mrs David Trujillo, sister of the bride, was matron of honor and Miss S Herat Hyde. Miss Lauri Hyde, Mrs Robert t C Bowman 1, ! supervisoi Mr, Adams a is also the school kmc 1 University Poulson i lunch program at I ayto I lementarv School She wa ding Davis County Schools Mi Adams, at the age of ', traveled to Logan to atle 1 Utah State AFTER atn Thomas The boy arrived Feb 1378 at an Ogden hospital hey have another son, Ryan Ihe grandparents are Mrs Mabel Hale of California, Mrs Lucille Thomas of Ten nessce, and lkeston Poulson of Jen dmg MRS. Sylvia Adams is ou'standing cook gardens and housekeeper She worke lor many years for the scho married lift Mr and Mrs Richard Bowman of Kavsv i!ie announce the engagement and I active mcmfcei ' tne ast Layton LDS b 1 Ward, hoid.ng the office of High Priest The coupb was married March 6, 1918 m the Salt Lake Jeremy Brad Poulson is the name selected for the newest member of the Brad R and ot1en 1 MRS. SYLVIA L lint Adams was bom Oct 1. 1S98 in West Point a daughter of Fredrick and thsa W Flint Fie is an DELLA HAKE BOW MAN family present time, M Ydams owns a farm in Fa1 I avton His sons operate farm 1 Ogden A great grandmother, Mrs Herbert, also lives in Joann AT THE 1 MRS ROBERT GLENN HYDE and Mrs Fred t'mfaizer and Mrs Lou Burrows are the child's grandparents They live in Mr HE served on the origin Fast Layton Town Board F r many years, he held the of a director on the tow board and as the town bur i N TERRY DAVIS THE prospective groom graduated from Provo High School in 1974 and is now studying pre physical therapy at BYU He has fulfilled a LDS mission to the Norway-Osl- o Og-Je- n most of the grain produced Last Layton and in Layton An open house will be held Saturday, March Provo. of THE couple is planning to be married in the Salt Lake LDS Temple on May 4 with a that following reception evening at the home of the Mrs Wesley Jackson of Mcnan, Idaho and Mrs Juba Peterson of Salt Lake City Kristen has one Sagers Ma - See.-- 1 The Rosebuds of Beta Mu Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi will hold a bake sale on Saturday, March 4 ai the Fort Lane Shopping Center m Layton from 10 a m to 3pm THE PUBLIC is invited to iume and purchase goodies made by the girls themselves The Rosebuds are young girls, daughters and grand Bedaughters of members of ta S'gma Phi who have been enrolled in a special legacy program They have their own organization and projects includ.ng service projects in the community which are by other partially funded projects such as thewillbake be sale Your support appreciated FOOD! 101 N. Fort Lane (Across from Albertson's) Thurs., Fri., Sat. - March 2, 3, and 4 j 3 TACOS I j I I I i I I J J (Hard shell) J ! J r COUPON I 5100 For i COUPON L COUPON 2 CASA BURGERS $a1 00 For COUPON accept our competitors Coupons DRIVE UP WINDOW SERVICE We j j 1 I I |