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Show WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, MARCH 2, 1978 By VIRGINIA S. BENNETT C The three ladies clots if Syracuse, the Lady Lion', and the Varten Arms, are meeting togethci on Thursday evening at the Syra-Lit- Hat Is a Lions Social Center for their regular monthly meetings Mrs Gave Deamer Hors'ev of Sandy will be the guesi speaker She is the author .t the book Commercial Food-- . Exposed Meeting time A 7 JO p m vour staff, or anyone in any tot acco company can prove to me that tobacco is good for me or you, I will send them Secretary Joseph Califano the Department of Health, Education and Welfare Is what a person is doing when they have the habit of smoking cigarettes Do vou agree with him9 do of $10 replacemem Mr Dwyer did not or can not prove to me that tobacco is good for you And neither has anyone else 1 MANY smokers S3y that 11 wifi not happen to them, it will be the othei person but not me THE tobacco companies spend millions cf dol'ars each year to get people especially young people to use their filthy product The result, a smoker spends his money and joins the forces that are on the mad to "Slow Motion Suicide " If that is your thoughts just wail and see You will learn the hard way Here are some tacts to remember NICOTINE is a worse poison that strychmia Look in Websters dictionary if you do not believe me Davis ( ounty residents are spend ing over four and one half million dollars a year for "Slow Motion Suicide " What a waste of money to ruin your health and make the tobacco companies more money There is not one smoker in Davis County or any place else that can prove to me that smoking cigarettes is good for the body If you can prove to me that cigarettes are good for the body contact me and 1 will pay you for the proof I HAVE been trying for the past 20 years to find someone who can prove to me that tobacco is good for the body I wrote a letter to William F Dwyer of the tobacco insti tute, in Washington DC He is one of the head men in the institute Part of the letter to him said "If you or any one of What is a denturist9 I was very curious, therefore, I decided to visit a denturist located in our area, since I did have need for a denture I do not beheve that you can End another product on the market that can or does cause more cancer than tobacco You might ask if the above is true why does the government allow this product, tobacco to be sold The answer is there is so much big money in the tobacco companies, and they lobby in the congress so much, that our congressmen are afraid to buck them WHAT we need especially m our schools is to teach the young folks the true facts about tobacco and what it really is and what if will do for you Tobacco is a filthy weed the Devil he d.d sow the seed It spends your money and burns your clothes, and makes a stove pipe out of your nose 1 discovered that the favorable comments via a radio program, and some parr pi lets that I had true read, were indt-eI HAD been hear ng through various sources of media, that the practice of denturism was not legal It would seem rtd.culous for anyone to object to the legality of dentunsts since they do fight inflation by not g for their services, and still offering same high quality of work, and guaranteed, at about one half the cost of their competition over-chargin- IT W AS necessary for me to make four office vis.ts, and the job was completed It has not been necessary for me to make a return call for an ad justment I considered it quite a feat in accomplish ment by the denturist experienced many dtfficult.es with dentures that, in my opinion, were made in a den tal lab, and numerous adjust merits were in order I BELIEVE that I am qualified as a patient to recommend m denturist as being highly skilled and ex ceptionaliy competent in this line of work Sim e I am a re uree on a fixed income, 1 was with my overjoyed experience Kirilev F lucker Kaysville, I tan Smith V f I ay ton Kaysville Police Report Kaysville police report from Feb ACCIDENTS - 10, state report A short form 6, injury 2, and hit and run 1, alarms 2, Carrier Foods and Davis -- High School, arrests - 20, forgery, theft and criminal tres- pass, suspension, disorderly person, public intoxication, DUI, and alcohol and tobacco violation 12 Assist other departments suspicious circumstances, UHP - DUI, UHP, traffic control, LPD, DUI, Sunset P D , runaway -- home, entry made and home $25 in money bicycle, bunnies, dog, and pop bottles Tobauo violation Custodial interference, 1, dog, - 2, a bite and running at large Disorderly person - 1, domestic dispute - 2, forgery - - I, arrest; harassment, 3, indecent exposure 2, medical assistance, 3, missing person, 2, cleared, open after hours, 2, Longhorn Bar, open door - 4, Kaysville Flower, Kaysville Medical, Lit, Auto, p and Davis Co-o- ASSIST public 5, burglary - 5, Davis High Shops - gas, DHS, attempt, DHS, helmet, Layton Mews James L and Marie Harms are proud to announce the arrival of a new grandchild Their daughter, Carla Harms Woolsey gave birth to a baby girl on Feb 15 The child was born in the Davis North Medical Center She weighed 8 lbs 5 oz She is the second child of Ricky L and Carla Harms Woolsey The family lives tn Clearfield The little girl will be named Trina Paternal Woolsey Kaye grandparents are Mr and Mrs Max Woolsey of Manti Robert Flint and their three children of Mountain View, Wyo spent the Presidents Day vacation in Layton and Kaysville visit mg with their families Mr and Mrs evening, Mr and Ralph Gatherum at Saturday Mrs tended the West High School Jr Prnm The semi formal dance was held in the Lafavette Ball Room of Hotel Utah Mr Gatherum, a teacher at West High School, is the Jr Class faculty spon sor Sunday afternoon. Elder Bart M Kennington, the son of Mr and Mrs A R Ken in ntngton Jr spoke Sacrament meeting prior to his departure for the New York Rochester Mission The family will hold n open house at their home on March 2 Mr and Mrs and their Blair Green family have recently returned home after spending a five day long winter vacation in West Yellowstone While there they enjoyed touring the park on snowmobiles Mr. and Mrs Dennis Harris and their family who resided at 941 W. 100 N , Layton have moved into a new Recently s in Kaysville 12. Traffic - 70, driving on su pension or revocation 1, ex pired safety inspection - 1, improper lookout - 1, improper lane changeimproper passing- PUBLIC recovered address property - - 1, 1, negligent collision 1 over night parking 36, prohibited parking 3, speeding 13 stop sign 2, and traversing a closed road 5, DSCO - 1 1, clothing and wallet, runaway - 1, paper service, summons 3 and subpoena - 1, suspicious circumstance - 4, theft - 6 DHS - wallet, gas skip, UNGOVERNABLE dahsm - 1 np - 1, van holding a meeting once regula-priesthoo- d a month on Sunday morning a the home of Leonard Jensen, one of their members who is unable to attend his meeting at the chapel because of con-vmti- Mrs Muriel Jacobs and daughter Joyce moved this jast weekend to Roy where ihey will be making their home Mr and Mrs Kelly Eves and daughter Natalie, returned to their home in Las eg is, Nev after a visit here at the home of Mrs Eves patents Mr and Mrs Howard Crtddle hev attended the marriage and reception of Mrs Eves 1 orother, Larrv Crtddle and his new bride Cider Clay Barker has teceived an LDS m.sSion call serve in Korea He is the son of Mr and Mrs Allen b irker Kim Tovey has been t eleased Irom the b.shopric in the Syracuse Third Ward Ralph Turnei is new in the position Mis Wanda E Olsen returned home after a weeks visit in Portland, Ore at the nome of Mr and Mrs Frank Watson Mrs Watson is the mere of Mrs Olsen LZsixjsmlBQ Mrs Norma U ard and Mrs Marguerite Nicholls have rt turm d from a vacation trip to the Hawaiian Islands They visited all four islands during their two week trip and spent time sightseeing Bart Hamblm, six year old son of Mi and Mrs LeRoy Hamblin has been seriously ill at Lakeview Hospital in Bountiful suffering from rup tered appendix Mr and Mrs Ray Staples spent a few days in Las Vega-la- st week visiting with their daughter and family Mrs Charles Heywood is staying at the home of her son, Mr. and Mrs George Heywood while convalescing from eye surgery She is from Ogden Monday visitors of Mr and Mrs Meldon Ward and family were his parents Mr and Mrs Ira Ward of Riverside, Utah and his sister Marilvn Ward of Ogden James Morgan returned from Minneapolis, Minnesota where he has attended a Managers School for three weeks Mr Morgan is manager of the Davis Farm (. 2, - 1 had I Previously dinne--dar.e- are at-en- MrXICO The Syracuse Third Want Relief Society members at their husbands as special are planning a gue-t- s on Friday, March 1 i be ht Id at the cultural hall Victor Waite returned t n Saturday evening from a wet k and a half of vacation!! in California and a cruise ' the South Seas He accon panied his son-i- n law ar. daughter, Mr and Mrs Richard Valentine of Rivt side, Calif on the trip Mr and Mrs Robert Thu good spent a few days th s past week in St George, tn joying golfing and resting Fay Child has been in tfi hospital this past week u dergmng tests and treatment The High Priest Quorum ' the Syracuse Second W'au 1 Slow Motion Suicide" bays W Bennett of Fresno, ahf visited here a few days itns past week at the home of ms mother, Mrs Maude Bennett He made the trip to d the funeral of a friend, Alan D Cook, a former Syracuse resident Mr and Mrs Lynn J Wil-loand Mr and Mrs Ferrell Humphries have returned home from a principals in southern Califor-- i ia They also spent a few days at Mozatlan Beach in Rt-e- d m-sas- i p Miss Zena Williams has been confined to the Davis North Medical Center where Leslie FFA SWEETHEART he has been undergoing leatment the past week Mrs Brent Manley and hree sons, Brent laMat, Donnie Wavne and Steven Joseph of Ft Uee, Virginia are staying for several months with her patents, Mr and Mrs William Morrison while her husband is at Fort Sam Houston Base, San An tomo, Texas going to school Mrs Manley will be remem- has been named FFA School Her vine Row lev, 1st, right, Pett, center Sweetheart at attendants ait-- Dav is High and Susan Raymond, 2nd left F A Sc High xwi t the m it Ia s boo! is I t slit Pi tty tin pa ted in lunth time achoises, saddling tivities, Attendants an m Iking cows, I v one K wit y , Hid susan k j mon i, w si1 now st c ond M- i- P. i umptu tot tin tub of i l A Sw- -t tt.c si t i state ( oinpi 1 pliably t ht gols p itaiU i ikf - 1 he HA Sweetheart w x boxen ai a night time spec ial t lion TO dining and lassoing horses first tr i assembly A .mt luded FFA Week t gins were judged on ap-I'dnce, and personality. It v hdked and decorated who h Tin I I IVT RICHARDS, Marlow utgood, and Linda Bark bill directed the activities, L n dwards is the advisor 1 1 bered as ihe former Ruin Morrison Alvin attended Kinsey the baptism and confirmation of their grandson, Morgan M.ller ht Id in the Wesi Boun tiful LDS Chapel on Sundae He is the son of Mi and Mrs Stott Miller Mr and Mrs Don I dwards and son Todd spent Monddv, President s holiday tphraim with Mr and David tamer dnd fannN m Mrs Heather Bizzell has been confined to the Hill Air hospital where she has been undergoing treatment Mie is the twin daughter of Mr and Mrs Robert Bizzell W,ss Delia Bowman who is Force-Bas- attending Ricks College at Rexburg, Idaho spent the holiday weekend with hi r parents Mi and Mrs Du k Bowman dnd fdtntly VI r and It'D an t II Humpbif vs of Kaysulb, Mr and Mt s I nn W in ox ot ( leartield drove io Anaheim, C ilil where they at tc tided the Print lpals Convention lor a It w days he n they flew to Mdatlon, Mexico f ot a four da y stay and retuined bv plane, to C f TFey returned norm Mond ty evening Mr Humphreys is a print ipai ot Kdvsulle Jr H.gh School and Mr Wilcox is pnnupal of Sunset Jr High Mr and Mrs Kt i Bouine tntei tamed at a dinner paty a. then home Saturday even mg tiuests wt re n f ntbfcis ot t ht ba - AnHopers Itaiitr (! ib Those iftt riding were J Mr mil Mis I uMnnti Ncs sen, Mi and Mr - I iw it re t r ' V - , t.di lira r, Mr Tbuf,Ligfut FN A mer W. tb KAYSVILLE THEATRE 21 No Main, Kaysville 37G-52- 72 inward at 21 Completes military Course Private Darwin A Freiker, son of Mrs Ruthann M Amos, 1200 N ( hurt h Street, Layton, recently completed a tracked vehicle mechanic course at the U S Army Ar mor School, Ft Knox, Ky DURING the course, students were trained to repair engines, transmis siors, and the fuel, electrical and hydraulic systems of the Armys tracked vehicles They also learned to perform recovery operations for aban dow-damaged, disabled or d mired vehicles Pvt Frecker entered the Army in August of last year THE PRIVATE is a 1977 graduate of Layton High School Woman Suffers Injuries A Syracuse woman suffered internal injuries and was placed in the Davis North Medical Center Intensive Care unit following a broadside collision between the car she was driving and another auto THE accident happened last Thursday at 300 North and 2000 West m Clinton Janet R Peck, 24. 1839 South 3400 West, Syracuse, was listed in improved condition Her two children, Stacy, aged 2, and Brian, 6 months, were treated for minor injuries and released THE Utah Highway Patrol reported Mrs Peck was southbound on 2000 West when her car collided with one driven by Jose Grule, 53, of 2284 North 175 Uest, Sun set, who was driving east on 300 North Citations were not issued pending further investigation grb Frank carman, Salt L me C Utah, Arisen Esquibel, Salt Lake City, Ut iti, Jarl D. Ottesen, ciew dispatch r, Pro, o Utah, L. M. Ford, engine hoc e foreman, Salt Lake City, Utah, Eugene E. Bauer, carman, Ogden, Utah Daniel E. Young, pipefitter, Salt Lake City, Utah steno-cler- D. McKellar, f k, lnJo ecu Siantts it the Union Pacific railroad people I Hap. March Burley, Idaho on TaesddV, 1 Otntw FSt.ft Evening Show Time 7 30 & 9 00 Sat Mat 1 15 A 2 45 Mr and Mrs Finer K Winward and family attended the funeral service of his F Tp Sf Mrs Jack Schofield entertained at a family birthday dinner Tuesday evening in honor of her husband Guests were Mr and Mrs Robert Burton and children and Mr and Mrs Craig Jacobsen father, ivrr f DeWayne Thorne, Mr and Mrs William Packer, Mr and Mrs Waynurd Bennett, Mr and Mrs Doan Sanders Mr and Mrs Cliff Larkins, Mr and Mrs Frank Butler dll of Kaysville, Mr and Mrs Art Tracy, Mr and Mrs Fverett Gibbons of Ogden f oL |