Show school 1 slap 1 la white while comparatively new maps ot of singapore Sinia pore hongtong Hong kone kong tokyo and other oriental cities showing in detail the streets and public work works are hunt hung upon the wall walls the scholar in mindanao MIn lanao philippine islands has to depend upon a large map of the west vrest em hemisphere tor for his information Ictor matlon as tb th the L united states while in many respects the maps are excellent they utterly fall to conver the lightest slightest la in telli gence respect ag is the country whose people are now dow eo so closely related to then them no state lines are shown on the map Ps at all and the following cille cities comprise all of the points giren given bog ton new york washington ashington N chaj les ton 31 montgomery ala new orleana le jackson on miss bliss and san francisco of 01 the whole sisterhood of states but two are re represented florida and michigan chicago does cot lot appear of record no do philadelphia baltimore cincinnati or any of the larger towns have ilace place in the face of this fact it j Is 13 peculiar that jackson and montgomery should be shon shown george thomson fry in chicago record |