Show TO 11 commilla aluf call 11 rep r arwed aport ft A ice chairman lalton I and mccre larar of 0 the lat national have issued an adder A appealing ppe aling fr support upper for IV J birran and DJ ilia Indor endorsement of ablat K F stevenson as vice presidential cam aidale rho tb in part says I 1 in lir stevenson Nt Toon for th a vice the Ico party gave a sublime ubil rne elia aple of the tile elation of title did not net belie 1 ID in abolition hi lite election int infant slat the end las fair of human slavery laer on till this conti lent neut in the tile ama same way the election of 1 I ajan meant the tile beginning of a new na eta lu in american politic politics the future tic for humanity maulty hu thai that will crow grow oat out of it DO no man can foree foresee the populist party war was iti it i beginning of ihle this and the tint alse ulse which cord 1 it forward elin iolian grown until our principles hare have permeated the tile inae of another great 11 and thus made thein our allies in thi this catt o 0 sign I 1 lu in be the dame name of humanity ani for the th cause of liberty which I 1 aafred sow dow to it waa was tu in any of the tile greater of inthe the pt past 11 II upon any people to rally to the support of the republic in its it hoar hour of struggle ix bit the world old forces of inon mon raby and freedom there are only eno aide to tho contest there la Is aa no middle of the road lie who doca does not gire tile full to the cause of popular goverd jent la Is its it enemy on the tile one hand Is lathe the army of the people on at thi other tile legions of privilege and plutocracy rolf rule lvery man must take hi lit position un on the one aide or the other |