Show NEWS FOR WOMEN 1 I VI V I 1 iraln ay A y th tho mai dair vh vurtas az it ax few women hae hate the courage alter after dinner when the day ie is done to wash dishes that Is I 1 brud try it means putting the tb cups and balcers tau bau cra cers plates platters ani and vege vegetate tabe dishes into a big p pan a n of hot suds futi laing them with ith a dish cloth setting them to drain and wiping each piece with a towel oh oah a wife a dishes were cleaned in the th aade way and very probably noahs if ke 1 lamented anted her reddened and arid roughened hands la the wives a of 1 leu caa distinguished men have ver done ever lace living as ebe she did in that menagerie as could hardly be blamed tor for no keeping everything sweet it ars ry of 0 her daughters have bothered their heads heals much either it h has tam a be been en tO tonight might little purges see eg ng that atey have not greatly im proved the pro groces ces men lien that beep hate a though being able to get onia the lowest class ot of help to wish ash lights found that the bill tor for broken china vas as ruinous guests guesta insisted upon being leneil unon fine porcelain and refused tc t eat from slabs of at so 50 arue may ay out had bad to bo be found A maeli lne was invented cap tap able of belts being operated by anybody a and n e that could be trusted to wash thoroughly rocse and arid dry the most alm vare re without chipping 9 or r breakage ai a at the rato ct ale pieces an hoar think wai what at an army of such a ma machine c hine must displace alad hat bat an economy tt it must be for not only Is t the b e h hotelkeeper tel lil rid of 0 the necess y 0 of t g giving boing standing room and subsistence to that army bat of Ilita irs and anil sene general rall for it and of 01 1 maaring b the damage that it must aslet upon friend and foe hike vike after otter the fa billion silon of all amiel 1 the dehes 2 aro ala col lecter and ind scraped and then dl dropped appl ppl d into vin wire with wooden in lit so u arranged that the dish tand stand on edke edge without touching each other pitcher pitchers cups bowl bowls and flit th like go into the center cente r the basket Is 1 lowered into the washing tank where but hot suds mixed with air so a to present of sh charp arp cuttIn cuttino 1 edges are driven against the dishel alth tret rapi rapidity lity and force they are washed nashed in twenty seconds A trolley carrie carries the basket to the tank here to auses take off the soapsuds sud they their drain an and d dry from the be belt beit it they have a or from he rinsing water ater china chin and silverware thui thus treated alway look brighter and newer than if n ax ached ed by band alaskey |