Show A AN N INDIAN WEDDING 11 it hita letter I 1 the cellest uel lest ind indan an wedding weld ln in hie history of 0 the osage 0 indian indians the be rich MI pit ull ot of red people 0 01 in fact amy other clan class of on earth was w celebrated la im gorgeous ir tyle style at paw raw buika ito U osage carlill the other day tall elk the owner of a half hall million dollare dollars and 31 mary ary red eagle 1 the heiress of calif chief fled eagle married pi arriel with all the dignity pomp and glory surrounding their tn in the tribe it wa wits the society event of the four flun flunder ded osage society ruth ite the bride anil and groom are full blooded natt and they their are owners add heirs to over two million dollar dollars their wealth in fit largely invested in oil well tor a number of year years tall attended att coiled the schools in the gait there he ti dressed d in the regulation style tyl of the coll collic so student and went among tie the pretty white tirl to lo adored llo fine form and graceful mannera manners hut but a ar ago he earn came back from the lait east and returned tu to his hi old indian habits the broadcloth watt wax rait rest aid aside for the gaud raiment of the be indian red halle wa WAS A clerk in the government office at paw hulla buska being placed there by h a father to guard the financial inter tsA of tha the lich odige tall kik elk alo also had his own interests Inter Inte cuts tests to look after and the bills favorable faTon bIe to mining f cn n I 1 oil libee ere the samples of h a handiwork lie he van wax successful in n get arg birg a gnat treat many of them through but when lie met the pretty indian nelden alary ailed fagle we b thought thoughts lews which the father ot of bla his tweet sweet bert as holding contrary to the law me I 1 the matter secured eill i abt lelce auff lelent to cure cause the th arrest of tbt man be b wanted for a father in law then be nude made bold to beard the 1100 on la in ita its dro den the evidence wa was pre pro and the girl demanded the old lean man agreed readily to fell tell his daughter lien be b found that be he bad had been trapped A bargain wu was soon agreed upon forty flys ponies being the con the tb engagement enca ement visa aa an bounce eve and the yr ecung ung people we were 0 O allowed to court la in the regular 1 style tyl which must b much more tiresome thin 1 the new this couple at first le I adiede the roune young mail calla calls at tho 0 pet ot of his hi beloved and sits it for the fl A at half hour without opening his hi mouth then he beg IM K ua Us to move closer to he the kirl girl and rait cast 0 0 nal glances at her she doe does not even look at mm im after the young roan man has own been calling for two tao houra hours be he can take the woman upon hia his lap tap if it she he doel does not object even if it the parent parents are in the ame time room the wedding wa wits celebrated in tho public equine tte at pawhuska of India nii ere present at 6 in the morning alx six young men ap feared 1 at the public square to rice fact tor for the bride brides a pony while six squaws appeared and wera were to race fcc for or the bride a robe the roba robe is i to be after the aed ed ding jbv thiv all lined up 20 yarda yards the ped kagle wigwam where dwelt the bride to be A short distano away near the quare was wa the tel tea te a l A A A A 04 04 P 0 ON ON le V 4 V t f 1 t V ra I 1 k N 1 ae JV 4 r A if X 0 CN J TALL I 1 LIC AND ills BRIDE led fled from business cares and he determined ter mined to win her heart it aas as a royal coul co tIng with million millions tor for both t the girls fathe was that nil his dabbler should not wed the th e young clerk who though rich wae was the sou cf of bis his hated enemy bad pile the young clung 7 man had bad to get around this proposition but juit jus bow how he could cot not concel conceive a in the meantime be he lost ost no alme in ait last friends with the girl baom lie he wanted to make mike his own an indian courtship cannot be carried out without a public announcement that the couple are engaged fo 90 anis pair had ta to sneak around behind the trees and wander vander off into lonely paths ie Is the first case known to the indian agent who Is 12 a great student of indian lov loro thaing where tho the young onan oman braad ibe the storm ot of popular abuse if she the had been detected by running away ausy from her fathers father a bouse house to meet her lover thee were lorely time times for these two I 1 indian hearts but they knew it could not riot be carried out much loneer lonter without being discovered which meant disgrace to both the young government clerk determined djou a coup he ile 1 knew of domn epry kalua valuable aole 0 Is min 11 I 1 n g pora rily erected tepee 0 of thi tb t groom 9 ro 0 M shortly miss ked red earle eagle clad in dazzling bobea ot of red and blue appeared appeared from the fold folds of her father a wigwam mounted on a little pony behind her came h r mother when th they hd had advanced to athin ISO yards odthe of the runners the two omen halted the rony was wait turned loose and the six air bucks started after it bride la to the meantime aas as being hastily undressed by her mother the gay gar robes and dainty lin geries was strewn to the windi winds and the very soon to be brida brid stood there clothed in a smile and find a nigh trobe tall elk blushing happy and robust then came running from his tent threw a blanket around the unclad bride and anil carried her away to the lecam then the tho visitors rushed into the square clapped d their brown hands in 1 n delight and the ceremony ft as over ever that Is all but the feast thu this con aisted of dog soup an I 1 all the re red skin skins sat sit on the ground around boll da ing Ilet tIrs of doga and drank the favorite A dish of their people after a while the bride and groom appeared and tie ate from the sam plate thus e ended nde d if the a wed wedding diric |