Show resolution 1 r a 1 8 I 1 md end 4 rl U at athe SAW if f lilii 1114 LI lii to dat deritt t Ll lailla illa by the I 1 pis da it resolved and ad enacted bribe bythe of t the utah two third ot AtIlt homem elect avach botao boa thereof 1 tl I e ercia r ei a fa r c t loi t that section I 1 of article 6 of tilt tb of the state ot of utah be us amended lo 10 read as follow bee I 1 ill the legislative lower power of odthe the stat stats liall te be relied I 1 ina in 11 oaf nato ami and llou of irm which alu hi 11 ll be designated the legislature at 01 th hatate of L to h S 2 lo 10 the ib pi op 0 ot of tile the stale state ot of utah ai at hereinafter at I 1 like he trust 11 tuter voters or swill traCt Inual pan part thereof t i I 1 the taito of ulab utah as may too pro P aided by la iv uder ach and in celk manlier manner 94 such tans ay be pro vl vi led ty by law way inlall ry rj dei n ercula IM f s cai the tameto n J submitted to a 1 vote of the people for approval or lon of 01 way 1 any law bawd by bir the be hillur Il lur except these law laws pawl uy Y a two third thirds vats elected to each eack hou house ot of tb to be il led ti Us t i the tuter voters ot of the before such ihu take effort effect the I or arh such fraction 1 ikirt rt thereof a way b be provided by aw w 0 of any dy areal lec I ab ion of the male state aud r such conditions andia nd atell manner and ad within ven ro n anay ay be bylaw by mt way initiate my any ee ol 01 ard I 1 i ution aud 94 bauw a the ame same to be b a b mated to t a a vote of of 0 the of 0 aid Ps 11 l a u for approval app ir r bejec lion or y m luire any n lair law or ordinance 11 asawa br by t tk law 1 bald ld legal ta lie a aur kiil hl to ib the voters are before ucb inch iia or bill hill take ea effert t bee sc I 1 A so 0 o atiat t rt section S 2 of 0 article 6 of the con of the bbate of utah be b mended amended to read ft a bolto bf tt U tb the enacting clauice of every last 1 hall shall be IM it enacted by the Lell ture of 0 the sast at L leh except such acl law laws as my 1 ayt T at of the cle clear tr rl vlod t lo 10 abd ib I 1 1 IZsa X cdon I 1 of 01 taj taij 1 and ait such laws hall shall beitia as folio is I 1 11 I 1 ll 11 anac enacted IT b 0 ahe ua it i A t the st afe Is cc t utah N no bill I 1 r 1 I ution b ll be ped passed ex as 4 pt it the abent of 1 I majority mao rity of 11 all II ahr mefter w her to a berj hou boine c of the 1 ture tur abdat alt rm it been rm red 4 three times the vote vow upon be he anal massce of at oil U bill lull be by tea lea tat n I 1 may and nd no lr law bill b bt revised or amended by reference to it gig only but the set ct as rl fell el 4 I 1 or mailen ton aa amended mend td hall shall t bo r I 1 0 anted and published at 1 berth icv I 1 the secretary Ser of ta fie 1 Is beneby ordered to catu cause thi this r to le be pub asbed in it at latt PM newspaper in eberl puary 1 I ahei purer is pub ubel tor fe room u pec aln the be next general election elert loa see 4 tits proposition hall ball be sub ut mitta to the electors elee torr ot of thi this elate atte kl at the rener rol I 1 eloe alon tor for mhd r cpr artl or wt the 0 M is balof b alkol dmd bt a ld 14 election shall bortha for the amendment mend nent to t tetlow tet loD I 1 lad X article 0 et etc te and against the tb amet amendment dment to sf I 1 and ts irti cle IL it the tf ad lurt such of title ittle to may be M provided bylaw ly lw said balk ts shall be received kod end mid said voe TOI shall be b uvin talila minted counted cn eon tuned and ettras made in messing manner abid a all 11 II a to 1 provided pro viled Jed by b ISM la in cast cl of the elect laa of arte ober STATI or UTAH ryot I 1 T R breur ot of freol of abe str slat of 1 I utah do kereky hereby certify ro allty tbt that tha th 1 are r tm true 64 d dixe C cori co ri of tha ali ft i um etla to th lh kt t this hak hi 4 at t th third ajo jon of all die e 12 gs ut at fail bur la to Toti oncey wh beof I 1 have ahra her no tte t my band anit tb 04 all I 1 f lh the kikm of utah U 84 silt salt lab lall lily fr this zim day of aa ali gust lit A 0 D r 10 0 J T secretary ot at state stow Excell tat results are reported t ta have been obtained by the french government from experiments mad mails with wireless telegraphy it 0 w found that could be with comparative easo be alis bore shore and nd a ship at the tits di tance ot of sixty wiles oaly the ot of the mutt mist ot of the scalp preventing a eating I 1 loncer ong er distance elance di being aa attained in of thi this success it bu has been decided to equip the french nan with lah the tb nw essary X |