Show FROM SN PETE the so celith in lleti vo 11 fly 11 illon illion tx th hi of f I 1 soon n pete bolth aurbon m Eltre enrera rr 1 end 1 sn bilan mot alili morning at in aa i I 1 kit k mt tile bendula arise a of 0 die ilia devil ts 01 ratio sant q 4 in vio bill I 1 oil nil ake city this 1 iii uniting biting ailt d lo 10 it order ly I 1 y th tho peu r arny of nit E arelin tiri in I 1 adeol for ir hi th report t f all if te ull mien creo it initial fit late mr lr if el E brally ahn th chel tl I 1 11 ill II golen from all 11 ext ept sin sill gnau almun fit if 1 vi l ich were enrel bessent 4 A bitch rue aroos in the liis ow inato to ali shot E empry arry twin onaney lity il I letnom to ahto he D in fit boots 4 onvil not having loo lo 10 en fleeter me delegates I 1 11 i the j i bei lil I IN thin it seto re pull edtl ft from a 14 rn ratan ling of the ol 01 tho of the dlo brict to 1 collity emery ho understood that tile ali sll like ine ting eting wa to a 1 add urn tion for the no ni biting eting ting of the judicial c ii the th E fiery manly dele int to if upon the ot of appointing them floro 1 tile lubers ot at the convention to tc ct crolee the tu nutter atter hoart ho wrT re wa adjusted oa on motion 0 of 00 0 mount PIri tant so flowing the aery county legation d to take lake part in the such motion molion L IQ be kaufl l at the county which ineat on apt cuber ott alter after the of the committee on permanent taloo and order of busboo ie L it hannon of emny county wn was chairman and U C M 11 W rth of arbou of ML pleasant misu placed ed in nomination for jabr of the seventh district ferdinand Erick vu of mount A motion wic wis to make the a bomin min illon tili aninious which wu was car awl abill mr erickson declared clarel de ant ml ill erickson olm lared A judge erickson brick on who was present insole a neat nest tetch accepting cc epting the comi nation utter after which for 11 brict attorney were c filed for W K reid of mantl WAB was the only c ondi late and on mot I 1 n of L 0 hot I 1 nan man of carbon be wae was declared the ch ioe ice of the convention A buaton in 1 win unil to that lh off ct that the district di strict ft consist of fi DV a of which to IKI bool the chabina ts of ih ill 4 various county tn in the district the two re uin tring ino tu be named from bandet ban pet county 0 B bergland ot of Gu ghoulson nison and L to hecker were wore elected on the 1 after which be the convention conye ution ada urn ed abe state committee met inet at sit headquarters list evening eT nini and made ito it of pf temporary officer officers for be she 1 which us uit etis in coe salt lake theater at I 1 11 I 1 0 clock thia this morning to ex S adwir flick flank J cannon who arrived in utah yesterday fruci an extended euro nn conr waa was riven given abe honor of to riding orr over the ct of taeg convention the mention of the ex x senator 1 I name wa was received with ap and find hi he tiou so ai as by acclamation the tall full lift list of temporary boffl officer Is i ae as follows frank J cannon of a og den vice vict mra A 0 smoot of provo and mr X V F ormsby of L logon logan M cobeo cohen of bait salt luke lake sergeant ber geant at arms A tattle tuttle of E emery on e ry the convention promised prom iset is to be a spirited one onto mud it wilt will be surprising if it the bUt bilt ernests eroe which we engender at andy Tries day evening evenings primerie prim trie does not cro crop oni UL whenever oc canlon offer offers lab abe chief turret ii will teutor boat the contest between moyle thatcher and bebek r while the will claim second moyle name will be by judge H 1 I Is henderson Ben denoo by I 1 C thorma and Neb ekers b by judge 0 W howem ath in |