Show OTAH republicans electoral state and congressional tickets named W sod liftee 1 4 it nm bj by A As ni far CC Cu nr 4 reflect let lulo lh the ft fr es abul Airl sas ll 11 ai iii tho larl I 1 lal the utah hate rate colvea COO tenet at I 1 ijuro T Tu elay and bombia a complete agate a ticket the great interest lo terl la in the ilia convention ien len i en la in the tile nomination to for r congress conr man lion of Os den lion jame james deflor of salt lake and major V A braul were the I 1 candidates but the tile no lulaa tion wa was given to lloa lion a learre sutherland of bait I 1 ake 0 on a the second ballot against his hl known wishes by th the following tote but sutherlan herlan d J ola glas suzan define devine 10 D firant 31 21 governor bells elli and becie tary of slot were wera ro re nomina J ly filo aution major bi A breeden of ogden was wa nominated over J C iiii hop pre pent incumbent by aeto to for attorney general fe oeral A A C nelion nelson of sanpete wa we named tor to r superintendent of public lostrie lo tion oo 00 the couil ballot william allison of ogden and mr JO VIcker of salt la lake ke bior k or treasurer trea aurer julia juba U D dixon of utah wa wall named bj by 30 to lit 14 1 for 11 U armstrong 1 of summit for tate state audello aud llo 0 S 5 of juab woo over joseph odell of cache and S 0 G clark of bovier the lb vote r re gutting tullio doll clark loi IOS lion hon thomas litch wa w as temporary chairman and ex senator arthur permanent chairman the complete total la in as a follon follows lor for elector electors C looe of obiey K balton alloo of rich jolin john it of heaver deaver I 1 or congressman ceorge sutherland but bu berland of salt lake for supreme judge george IV bartch bartell of bait salt like for governor cleber U bolls ell of salt lae lale for secretary of late state james T hammond naoi moad of cache for I or attorney attori oey general major M 1 I A breeden of I 1 eber A for superintendent of public instruction st A C jisoo nelson of q sn pete lor for treasurer treasur ert john D dixon of utah I 1 or auditor CS C 8 hinfey of juab |