Show C XE 14 C E AN D 10 ab fm kr I 1 frederick a haq be ot of co 0 lumbia university gave save a talk recent ly IY before the zoological section ot of the tb american association for the we ad TAn cement of on the suspect su spec 41 relation between sugar and muscular fatigue fat leue he lie baa has been trying sum some ex to obtain light on tte tle sub it has been shown that a muscle can be more readily stimulated to con tnt when it Is I 1 fresh than when ben it li is tired A series of tests bay been made to ascertain certain the quickness quick nei and extent ot of the be contract one under thi two eta sets of condition conditions now there is i a ia drug which la Is believed to have base the effect il removing from a mu muscle 10 any sugar that anty be stowed away war there professor 1 lee aid said that it he administered boxes rio ot of thia this drug rani to it R cat chich bad previously bea beta experimented wl with th the muscles become exactly as a it i they were tired they would not so promptly nor ao so heartily to artificial stimulus sti mulu pasting fasting animal ere put under the th influence nt of this drug were theu killel and the contractive power of the mu mus clea cles was then tested and they were found to have a contractile power much les less than normal and la in re hect resembled muscles in a pro bounced pounced state ot of ra fatigue tigue thia this result was probably due to the removal of carbohydrate from the muscles rather than to a mysterious lou specific action ot of the ithe drug thi this conclusion wai was by another experiment exper imAnt nt A fasuna animal wax alvn a anao 1 of 51 kart t boar fed led oa on dex trine a form of sugar and killed eight houra hours later the muscles wen were now stimulated again and responded ded almost aa am quickly as if it they had not been drugged these investigations seem to prove the value value of sugar As food tor for such acl parsons aa as are engaged in physical la IA bor the matter baa ban alio also received ua attention in germany where here tha tb beet best sugar producer produce are trying to find a market fur their surplus it bai has ben shown that a fatigued muscle reCO recover TITS ita its activity more quickly it augar sugar li Is eaten oaten freely than it will with out that aid it Is I 1 proposed to In inta into the german detrain army ration aj as a regular feature pro feasor lee referred to the ending sending ot of candy to the american army im a the and aid said that provably Ably it waa was a good thus th us for men engaged la to active five pursuits pu raulte this eem seem to be equally true of farmers far mera A few lump of augar sugar carried in the pocket would arve some temporarily to strength when a tull full me meil med d and rest were not obtainable ia Is effected by means a of 11 three bree forma forms of matter gaseous oua solid and liquid contained in the three dl di of tho ear the el external mid die dle and internal 14 the external car which include includes the visible portion and the canal lead ug 09 from it collect collects the found sound wavel waves and conduct conducts them to the interior the th middle ear or drum transmits the tb waves impinging upon the drumhead 1 a erica series ol 01 minute bonea bones to A the Int internal ermal ear or labyrinth ben here the la Is imparted to t the he fluid contenta ts of this part and to the th bound wave waves are curried carried to the which are ate spread out to receive them deafness results from any serious detect defect in ona on or more mor a ot of chefe part parts A not uncommon form of deafness de deabi aei U a a 3 ased by the closing ot of the external auditory canal by an accumulation ot of RL R L this buts off the air and either in that way war or by e direct drea pre aure urs in sri tart bertte res with the elasticity of the th drumhead so 0 o that f sound tel are an not per celvid td A bol bull in the canal will interfere with bearing hearing in the me same ro banner onne but th ann pain ia Is ao to intense that little thought ta is given to the deafness and the ams la Is true of ot a foreign body in the ear the ram mot merlou s form ol 01 deatress and fortunately ibe he least common Is that due to inflammation or other disease in the internal ear the usual cause of chronic leirness deif deir nesi ness la is disease in the middle ear by whick the drum membrane la Is destroyed 0 made inelastic or the delicate chain of bonce bones bronea or made rigid MOSQUITO CANOPY FRAME R an a nuisance and a everybody would be glad to let tet rid of them especially in the night time 4 but the different devices hitherto pro tided aa as a protection against the pest av been either a greater nuisance than the or else were too ex pensive tor for general use now an in ta ren vendor r baa has produced a convenient and cheap device for this purpose aa as 11 luat lust rated herewith A tent on the invention has been taked out by hlll J durham of knoxville tonn tenn and a company la Is already formed for its manufacture it will be seen that there are two bruck brackets ets attached to the headboard to carry pivot pins on which the main supporting frame tits 0 the rear ends of this frame project beyond the tb pivot finsand pins and are connect ei ad by to the base ot of te de braketa brAk etc from the front portion of tte tte frame a wire yoke extends to vara the footboard when the trams U ia in t tui tas As is spread over fb s ta to and the wire yoke ie to pulled 0 ema bad and aured t tw ti footboard ia tata can be bo utter after the k rebe gone to bd b d 4 and a light 11 if I 1 caf 1 touch on the yoke will release it and allo how w the be springs to pull the tram frame and canopy against the headboard which makes a very conven convenient leat anil and rapi rapidly adly operated arrangement propelling here la is an apparatus which the in antor claims will greatly 11 la in th the propulsion ot of a bicycle tho the device ap alyine the principle or at increased lev ler 1 crag erase by a longer thaw of the crank cranks during the th furi forward tard ad downward movement it la Is en em y to inlet Und that the be longer the cri the renter the fore aliko can b exerted in the propulsion of the wheel bu but with the increase in length of 0 the crank cetres the disadvantage of 0 ComP the tc ic t to travel in a larger cI cerid rId which stretches be and doublas up the lez lex of the rider beirad the point of corn fort fot with the new dew apparatus proves lo loi lok k ir it made for or increased leverage where it ran can he I 1 used to adi advantage and th thi i throw Is I 1 to a mini mint bile traversing that portion ot 0 the cir ji at where ro 49 leverage can be applied kach each crank Is I 1 mounted in a tube attached to the crank haft shaft and at the outer end ot of the cranks are paira ot of wheel wheels which travel around the ring rings attached to the frame thu thus guiding the in and out ot of the tubes tubel it will be seen by a glance at the picture that the pedal pedals are farther tram trum the crank shaft abaft on the downward movement thin during the upward which Is t tho the end sought to be attained by the inventor who in james malone a oi Orar oralou Or ayou sou ky quart Q arta the X dufour gives an account to the academia academie Aca demie dea des ot of a series ot of experiment experiments which be he bai hat made re carding taj use ot of quarts quartz tor for ther monic ten and other A As quarts may WILY be softened in the drogen blowpipe and may then bo irked like glasa glass he aa as able to biake tube tubes ot of quarts quartz and afterward thermometer thermometers mo meter meters of the asme material in these the reservoir is I 1 of quarts quart 2 and the tube of the same material an for the liquid it mutt must be a body wh which ich it la ia easy to obtain in the pure elate slat and which melts at a relatively low tern tam grature pra pera ture hiring giving ob oft no vapor up to a ted red beat moreover it should contract on solidifying X dutour finds that tin in ansden abst ars perfectly thai thes conditions and bo baa has constructed a thermometer using tin aa as a metal which reada reads from 20 to tso ISSO degites C As quart quartz tI only at I 1 IOCO OCO degree degrees to 11 1200 degrees deg reea a thermometer may be made which reads up to degrees it can be graduated by utilizing the boiling point points ot of mercury and sulphur and the layel 11 of the tin la Is well defined in a the two cases to go co b cr or the boiling points of cadmium and sine zinc may bo be taken the thermometer vias aa tilled 1 ith melted tin and As a perfect a va buum as possible was obtained after which the end was closed by b r the blowpipe the last bubbles of 0 air ware taken out by melting the tin which it repeated it the tin baa has traces of oxide this adheres adli ires to the th sides of the reservoir and rema n ai fixed the upper surface Is always brilliant and has the tile same appear suca as mercury wr war alt la in f oath futh uth AMA number of war kites were taken to the front in south africa by major baden eaden por powell ell a brother of th the 6 de ejder feader of mafeking Mafe king and proved pray edi ex useful there was great reluctance luc tance on tin the part of the higher of to permit these kites to go tc it the seat of war and after a direct refusal major baden powell was corn com belled to smuggle them through at a medical comforts the kites one once ta la the tho field were used for taking photographs phito graphs from high altitudes alach proved particularly particular ty valuable it was however to support the ver wires used in the wireless telegraphy that the kite kites were employed most advantageously as neither pole poles nor balloons were vert prep prepared red tor for mr SI assistants when hen they arror el ed at the scene of the war the kites were ere ud used to rale raise the wires aloft wad the messages were transmitted over a distance dia tance of eighty five give miles major baden rowell a effort efforts were ere burti personal and in spite of traditional governmental opposition proved of peat great p eat assistance to the army |