Show AS TO RM the registration of qualified voters will othur ook nr before the coming Novem boor r tbell vital statute statutes of the 4 of utah sec 1316 1 provides that there shall be an entire new now r registration in evitch pirA dental rear year abit law requires that the agent hall pool notion notices of the she location of bb his office anti oil be he is i required it to be in attendance arous 8 a in till 9 p in in the year years of ants election on the fourth dry day fourth wednesday Wel nelay third tuesday ant and findt Wedow lity prior to tho the election clec ilon tha the election thin yolar will be on oil no regi fration will therdore ther eore elore begin on stox 0 r ath and and will be hel I 1 on that day and on october ill 1 b auth and slit five live jays jay between the boon hours of 8 a in and 9 p in anyone not by 9 a m on october slit MAL will not be allowed to tote vote john millburn who ho has been in abo tb Klou klondyke dyke country for two year years or more came in tin shot other day and will remain here a hort short time at beasl 11 II IS NI as yet undecided an to whitt his hi tutu plane plans will A ill b tbt Is whether ise will emain permanently he Is toon coon to make a trip to iowa and land it may be be will return to ill the gold fields ue he has ld iwen been babine shaking sisifo th greater part of a week with old friends and alicas who are legion |