Show 4 14 A 4 A A 1 4 d L i I 1 an ocean fast first TWP K the giant lac W greyhound Gray hound W 10 X F S f new york journal cutting the water vater at a clip that would cover a distance equa to that deteen ean wa new 1 loric ork and CleT cleveland eland e ery twenty tour benr the new hamburg american wonder the tile deev ahland raced past satiny hook lightship thursday tore ore noon on her maiden voyage the year years hare have not made many laps since nee seven days to croas the ocean and fix six to span the american continent were considered con eldered express ped speed now the floth day Is well worn ere the traveler by atel trains from new york reaches san francisco tiie the giant Dutsch lanil on this voyage panned spanned a watery waste equal to the distance from new york to san francisco and she did it in exactly five ilya jays days sixteen hours and fifteen I 1 0 minutes from plymouth to thi bluey I 1 hook lightship a distance dU tance to be exact of 3 nautical miles incidentally Incidental lir the Demsch hana won the maiden laurels fro troa her stiv ye rival FITA the north german lioyd racer der grow groan the kal all Y urt v A tr ser er cane carat into this port tor for the first time in Wp 1896 snaking s voysie voyage ot of 3 nautical alles AIX miles more than the la in five flay days twenty two hour hours and thir ty are minutes minu tee the hamburg C american hip ship has sliced six all hour hours ana twenty minute minutes from this time tinse th the deutschland a average lp ped on this trip vaa as IMS knot knots or 1 03 belter than kaisers avenge average on oil her tier trip comilus down to more recent records the deut A cl illand hu has her work cut out to break into the r records so piled plied up by the north cermin lloyd boat since her madan voyage for instance the kaiser I 1 gilds aga an a ar erase speed of 22 65 knots per hour or 11 21 better than cr vit au has done on grits voy tolaf abir but ut the hamburg linen liners on this trip indicate indicates that she has LO a excellent chance to wipe out that free lion tion of a knot lead that Is held by the kalter the daily ron mug W wv ire 08 HS 63 I 1 aga W nan aso cicil alus lt T 1 ats A ts |