Show the laues BOL lie had pressed uon upon me one of his oan rn bich high priced flours thanks I 1 sald id matcha ll avent yon not got one of your own no come on hurry flurry my sir friend the millionaire looked perturbed for a moment then his bl coun ten cenance since cleared Us V e shall be adwa at waterloo in twenty ae aid said and then we ran can get a ight lit at the refreshment room they never mind your taking a match or of tiro two no food good I 1 said I 1 want ant to now hand iland over your box with great reluctance he be handed me nil his cid with hia his monogram on it in emer aldia a pretty uno unos tents bious little toy or jim abut bo both th i the carriage window windows 90 0 o that no do draught should maressin mar essit ate the use u of mur mor than on one a ft atch etch I 1 opened the box and examined jbf e contenta with care IN it did not like the examination im winced under it 11 he lie grew nervous come come be said light up and give me ins the box back M ila thia this been going on loc i 1 aked asked 1 hat do you mean meant tou you know perfectly well what I 1 mean there are several kinds of wax mitche matches in this bit 12 uell ell there theres nothing in that sometime sometimes abuy 1 buy one kind and sometimes another out but you lots don t buy six alx lx different kinds at once and anil then put some ol 01 each rach in your box I 1 am sorry to aay any that you are a thief a match ti t lot lou ou probably are a liar also for I 1 doubt if it you havo eer ever bought matches I 1 at rul in recent years I 1 repeat repost imy my question has hie this been gol going ng on anit they don t mind you taking 0 one no or two hp be said feebly DUL nut how about five or if six there are ilya katehes here of special quality ion in the hank sank thicker than I 1 4 I 1 usual made of gool good white wax TL re rill will be only four dartly because I 1 am going to light my bigar with one of them where did you get set thear I 1 practically I 1 did buy them I 1 pay my ray club subscription every year and surely I 1 have L right you bare bile no more right to take away the club matches than you bare bays to parket the club spoons and you know it IL what about this match it has been carried loose in a pocket and la Is dirty it lt has a pink bead it Is evidently a very cheap kind I 1 should say it saved the smoker 33 per cent where did rou get lt itt look here I 1 he said irritably 1 I won I 1 submit to thes questions give 01 lie my bo back at it once he lie made a grab at it but I 1 eluded him you 11 II hare have to submit to these questions and to answer them truly unless you want to be shown up ever heard 0 of t the public prosecutor theft Is theft and its it a serious once more where did you get this wrete led little match it looks like some poor mans man a ewe lamb it yon you want to know I 1 cot it arox a railway porter he said sulkily lie cave rave 0 you on the under that you wished to use it at once IOU ou deceived him and sneaked it ita poor mana mans solitary match my word but you to fallen low lov very low 11 IOU ov dont know that it was bis his only match it a probable and you don t know that it wasn gasn t L what about this one the tho very short on one with the mud on it iff 1 I came by it perfectly fairly A small boy in the street dropped it it he ile looked tor for it for some time but ho ba couldn coulden t see where it at had bad zone gone I 1 saw it IL I 1 waited about pretending pretend ng to look in a shop window until the boy had gone and the then a I 1 picked it Z thee small boys ought not to smoke igar ettes its perfectly scandalous acan dalool it so you cheat children as well do tout you do you know what the law is with acard ta property couns la in its tb irett treat chiv hiv yon you oo 00 file relies of a moral senser la in my enthus lawn I 1 bad allowed my clear cigar to to out I 1 relit it with the tb railway porter porters match without raying the hekt attention to the th millionaire j pro tetta and now DOW I 1 mid whai what of thiem the thre three blue headed matthess all right they re refresh mant room matches they jon don I 1 atad your taking one on or how flow do you know they dont wad do you as ask them or do you beak sheal tie be blad the be bun tand stand aid steal therl abu you think nobby la in looking and aid three these two with the tb dark brown brow a beada 1 I bad had to des my solicitors about an Q of mine MIDO I 1 was aa shown into the benlor part partner nees room the bull bust oed wa mere bagatelle bagatelles a S matter of 25 J 1 dut lut you know how partle flir solicitors are lie tot got up to refer to adrae wretched book and in ao so do lot ing turned his hl back till a me the tb ranches were on hta his table in a ribbed kits thing welt well that waa was my chance any other map would have done dorie th the same any other demoralized blackguard might hare here done im not going to lit sit here and its ten to hi ause 11 hat at business hare hive 70 you got with ray my private affairs what doce does it matter to you bow how I 1 get my matches roat chea I 1 gave you a div 1 I 1 am ain not ungrateful and for that rebon I 1 have decided art to give 1 your name and address when I 1 how show you op up but none the la less I 1 am a be hever in truth and honesty hon eity eren even in email small matters aej M oh never mind that give roe me back MY natch box wien I 1 ice see crime I 1 have got to IL 11 I t am sparing you publia disgrace dir grace and our sojourn in a felona felons cell aid aud I 1 that la in sufficient reward for a gir wf ahoi h Is too tol sola ld to 1 t 0 OAI to eo 90 out like this thi 1 milt relit it with the natch match that the little boy had dropped the million air alre bearly nearly creamed screamed hlll anah an rulah to it waa was thi tb third match I 1 bad taken if lit eald that if I 1 behaved in other matters its a I 1 did with recard regard to matchka I 1 should soon be a it mined ruined man I 1 continued out but though I 1 you public ds dl grace tuc the punishment unit must be severe my own awn conscience coue eleice would never be ear easy t f I 1 did not do my duty if I 1 did not gite give you a lesson which you would woul not be likely to forget I 1 am orry sorry for farou ou but it cannot be helped I 1 let the window down with a bang emptied the remaining matche matches out on to the line shut the box and re to turned it to him with many thank thanks ho bild that I 1 waa was mad and made A baah for or the alarm in order to stop the train aa am I 1 held him I 1 pointed out that his view as a to matches waa was not the funeral view and it he topped stopped a I 1 train to recover the few which I 1 had thrown out of the window be he would get himself bIni Belf into trouble he bank back on the cua cuth lons blons al lent sulky and defeated after awhile he laid that fe he waa was lorry he bad had ever given 1 me tie the clear cigar I 1 explained that 1 I on tho the contrary was riad mad nhen han 0 got out at Nater waterloo loo I 1 led bin him to the automatic machine gave him a penny and told him to make up his mind to buy matchel matches tor for himself inith alth a look of diabolical cunning he be lipped the penny into bli his pocket and daili dashed ott oft to the refreshment room roo A bea hen I 1 last saw him he be had ed himself behind the bot zot W water ater ap par atias and was waiting with sparl lint ung eyes for his chance to teal steal a few more matches one once a match thief always tl match thief and when a 11 match thief Is also a millionaire his case ii is peculiarly haydens hoydens ho ILO Velem barry pain |