Show fifty j bol j 7 j the dowager empress 1 I living la in the amen tamen at TI tat eluan I 1 lu u in a shan 1 I province fifty missionaries bare have been slaughtered la in that yamen under order orders V i s cally la in the pres ue L of f the viceroy 1 three were beheaded ia to I 1 the inner oner court and the other others were lifted in a the outer court yard their bodies were thrown to the doff dogs the empress has ordered a commis a kloner loner to investigate th conduct of the southern tou thern viceroys vice 1 roys who made a compact with the th foreign eon coagula auto and their depredation degradation Is expected no 0 o I 1 of 0 the tile officials opp to foret gaer has ha been ordered |