Show UTAH STATE NEWS 8 salt 11 lake city own owns realty and build ing tog valued it 11 among the new features fea tur at the th cm com ing state fair will be a belgian ban bar exhibit many vacy hep he are bolor tx tog shipped fro froni in the southern ou thern part of the ib state teto so tbt ih eastern market bugar hla haa ads adduced la in price to 97 87 to 11 per par pound pounds the be highest price reached la lit year john 11 halogens paymaster 0 clerk la in the tb philippine will shortly aalf bli big home ID in alt like lake the utah posten it new paper la in the tb scandinavian language will III shortly appear ap pearIn in talt left lake OB oa tb the proposed cutoff cut eat off rout route of the central contrat pacific the distance frow ogden to the lake will be fourteen mile miles professor Prof ettor livan leader of the tabernacle choir will arrive home from europe bout about the esth he ba his been tour loi europe acid visiting ts the paris exposition ex governor lest 1 of utah will take ke the stamp in california fur for mckinley and roosevelt Is dof does biot like the silver the be io pill form the census reports af thi th state ba bate a ben been completed and sent t to Va ablog too ton supervisor 81 prata ft he k is I 1 well pleated pleased with the thoroughness thorough neu a ol 01 the work done by the enumerator enumerators john C willey chippi sal n clerk for auerbach ca carmalt Cari 61 alt lake who it Is 14 1 la lined ha has stolen thousands thoua aadi worth of merchandise while employed empl by them wae was given a jail 14 of elx six mouth two far loid of fruit a day are was bia shipped out of provo to eater casters ear mar keta there it 1 an daod desist d mod od ten chloada cr loada as a easily ft two eoula be duplicated in 1 many town towns if it fruit growing was maile made an industry mr mrs X 11 shepherd a prominent 11 IV Q T U women of salt lalie lake lo 10 a anos temperance tempera oce sunday night declared ilce lared women auf frae frage to ba failure because it had la in no way purl ced politic politics or aided la in suppressing evil il professor Pro feor joseph J Daj raes Si cranial at the tabernacle for thirty tb fee years and ad a half lite ha sent ia in bit his real all to snow tie states the increasing 11 demaid for fo corean organ recital recitals to gratify visitors Tit llor interfered with tits hi ingle business the number of filings la to the recorder recorders office of ball bait lake county during the pat past twelve years number probably double that gumbe numbe have been made during the pat past filly year years but butu atil twelve yeara years ago to they were not numbered Dumb ered for the first time lace 1862 it la Is now sible to drive a vehicle from the tile eastern ba Ina loland luland to antelope island 1 in the great halt salt lake the lake ake ha has shrank rapidly this summer and tb the water Is I 1 bot not over hub deep from point near sears salt work to tb th laland island george 0 smith a nell well known and highly respected citizen ot of found dead in bed last week iol ot feeling well ur smith law down at it 11 0 aock shortly before 3 his wife becoming uneasy at his hi long sleep went into the room to arzube bina him and was horri filed to fiod glad him cold to 1 death mrs alm josep i fisher of mill creek was thrown violently to the pavement and rendered unconscious by a collision of ber bar riff rig with it street ear car la in salt lake the rear wt dreels eels of the were crushed 1 be he car men inen were held blameless blanie ice KS its the lady suddenly emerged emer ired from behind a dray and drove directly in front of the car utah has ha the distinction of having the first fall fledged idler Is to the united hoates army this Is I 1 ful dencio romero llor aero who came to fort douglas from manila with company Coin pany 1 I twenty third regiment a month mouth ago lie hel has enlisted eoll sted as a regular and has ha been nade made the bugler of the company capila in T C pa ley formerly department part ment comman 61 of or the 0 A R P a widely known rad pad highly respected resident real deat of bit lake passed away sunday ile had been a sufferer of bright a dinett and for mouth months past bad been confined to hi ill room A bait salt lake bicyclist who got faun funny Y and attempted to ran hi his wheel tx be a nan man and hi bill wife who were walking on an the sidewalk dewalk al succeeded 1 in knocking k both to tb the ground ronel and in to tum turn wa w AS soundly thrashed and aad his wheel kicked to piece pieces belde b elde john 0 woolley Vo olley nominee for p resident on the prohibition ticket ad dressed a self salt lake audience iasi week mr me woolley is I 1 a pleasing pl sg sa effective a lie ile la ls a maa maos f st yen years of lt are m bawl baring at 9 lea bora en on irato austry if 1810 1830 at Col collinsville a 0 jibe moat most destructive fire sao mat him val halted ted ogden illace 1601 1693 destroyed destroy oci the tb sheds bed and stock of the oregon a lumbe complin u jr last week the are fire wa 2 started by a st park fro from a patting passing ermine the to lowall will probably exceed 10 partly covered by insurance iasu rance the tb remain of elder joseph illgas of bountiful arrived la in chare charge ol 01 elder Z 8 derrick the dochod wa on a mission to germany and loat look ilia hi life lite while in 04 be was some tto time albee lie ila wa was 11 tory POP alar star nan ito |