Show MIS MATHIS HOUSE ROUSE I 1 MRS E MATHIS prop lcadiflg leadinghotelofthecity hotel of the citee citye SPECIAL ACCOMODA TIONS lONS lonstothe TO TOTHE THE TRAVELING TRAV EL PUBLIC magnolia magno I 1 ia hall CHOICE I 1 IMPORTED M P 0 R T 11 1.1 WINES LIQUORS LIQUORSI & OIQARS CIGARS billiards & pool rooms B P F CAFFEY manager 1stlegate STLE GATE UTAH UTA 11 KING LHOYT M aal afl esta estate te & r illing illing 1 agents ir w it will ill sell town lots arms mining claims aims etc we also have special ar ngements nge ments with assayers id d can have any kind of saying done on short noe callon call on or address ba b9 king&hoyt & hoyt ICE UTAH EMERY THE boum coum COUN TY BANK desires to announce to the business fraternity of emery grand and uintah counties that it is now open for business prepared to receive deposits subject to check make exchanges east and west and do any and all business incident to conservative banking YOUR FRIENDLY consideration IS SOLICITED LMOLSON L M OLSON cashier |