Show A tip for indian fighters right among tho the indiana it pays for a white man to appear to be an idiot if it bo be thinks his life is in danger no indian trill will harm a lunatic because iho the savages think fools are under tho the ospe especial cial care of god among the blackfeet in canada an occcntrlo occentrlo white roan man haa has lived twentyfive twenty five care cars ila speaks blackfoot as well as they and bo he can do anything ho he w its to with the moat most lawless and savak sava roon man in the tribe he ile is eald said to have tolen a lot of finery finer from a roman camalle camolle cain olio bishop biahop 111tshop on one occasion at all eoala he be distributed the bishops proo property erty among tho the indians when it was 7a9 callol for every indian pave gave up what he had we give up tho the ahinga thinga thincm thincy 11 euld tald a chief because wo we never take tahe seriously nnytbinc anytbinr that nan tan does wo we would havo killed him t tftonty only yeara years ago but what la Is the use ha is not responsible 11 N Y sua sun |