Show tho plzorarlt 14 A hew fiew venture atall jtah utall journalism an ami 0 aa a4 a lie nq aq namo HUMIS HUM IS to is dedicated to tile people katcm haistonx katch utah upon whom in main it depends for its support and in whose interests lie ite influence will at nil all time bo be exerted it la is intend Int elid ed to be a papor paper for the people and not mot for AV tinea class or individual nud aud ai all &i will bo be treated allic ftltko allkc FAIULV PAIR Ir wo make un nn pr piowlec omisca omieca 6 s for the rca son ann that wo wei mity net nik uo able to fulfill if V 0 them nud and it Is e wv mr greatest desire to prcrtcno pretieric preti eric tho the reputation for truthful neal which Is characteristic of our profceion pofetl1011 but butwillajucnipt w I 1 11 attempt attelpt attel pt to to gi gio 0 our readers the latest news and par ticularly titularly ticul arly that of tho the counties ut of emery grand and ulntnh IT io estimated that tit tharo thcro ore arc are 0 bcr ocr or Q 500 000 acres of land under culah culth cultivation A in fit chinery kmcry hinery county we mean by this land all under niidcrdiuh adith dith and nall ncll el irrigated and an all ample timple supply of water witter at nil all times water for four ti times mes this amount of land can bo he obtained troin from tho the running streams by building jcescnoire e a cri airis oiris it ati tti which to sti anc snc c it for fu fit auro 4uro tire use when not needed for irrigation thero there being natural sites for them I 1 in 1 I 1 tile uunicroue uunicrous 11113 1.1113 i aii3ons oa u adja a1ja aja lja cent t to 1 the stre stream ants nhen mien the tlic alic cost would be 10 out sill pinill sinill ill in addition it is belibei beliei believed d that an all abundance of liter tor for irrigation may be had by sink ing in e artesian arteslanwel wells 13 it itlsoldentthnt s 0 ident tant thnt artesian naterman natercan nater can bu be had in fit cillo ci llo tic alil 3 from froin the flow ilow obtained ut lit desert switch and green liner at both of which points the tile ilow flow 14 1.4 light a owing oll 011 to totlle811 thuslinlluimium 1110nllessoftfj of alio tlio nelis ell 4 As a it rule if nrtesion nrtedon water ater can con be found in lit any portion it of U aulle vulle valley or riection eectiolt of low country countr y it can call it tit an ana an3 otherpolut other point polut of tho the samo same territory for iii8tucc insttitt c tho tile jim bcr mcr A or basin of south Da dakota koti cri arinea crinea crifies fies this tlcury tlcor3 tl cury seon seen 3 ye e ir IIs 4 ago sigo thera thcrj ther3 were but nit few wells nells in lit that localio localit lo locality calit some of iliew tliein tliew intiig bemg beeg shallow shallon with a liila iiyht liilt e flow and jid others of gretter depth afforded large quantities of water unter at that time it was it ques question picstion questiou pic stion tiou in tile mind 111111 tis of the tile people as to ii whether hether or not water could be found ul tit ill all alices plices pl mes in ill the tilc i alloy now the question ie Is settled bettled battled and 11 all II that is required to Ili insure stim ti good artesian well irell ti Is a little capitel capitnl capilal and nnd d energy ellery alm tlm 8 title thing applies litre hf rc water lias 11119 been beell fortnot foiiiiil foltnot 110 LIII inu be boand foind foand if the people so will it it is proposed iro pod to invorporaw hworporut6 l4111111ft ity IN will ith it capilli acapild capilai stock of 15t 15 001 0110 11114 and sink shik prospect wells m ells at hunt 11 111t inq inniim inqvilli Villi vqtio kllodileyorangemllc D tic orange tile per for r n muddy and price good machinery can enn bu be lind for 110 .110 43000 cir cid ul tm concerning the matter ii will III 111 be ddi1 itiiicrisil dsa to the tile dif lerent towns tons in I 1 a f fc V d days a 3 a ra r4 |